A message from one of the resident military veterans of DU. [View all]
As someone who enlisted due to being in a rock and a hard place economically, then a few years later winding up in one of Bush Jr. profiteering wars based on lies. I have a special message in light of this upcoming dictatorship!
If you know someone who is planning to enlist or re-enlist, I have some advice for them: Get the hell out of there!
--You'll also be dragged into another useless war
--Be exposed to toxic substance which the DoD/VA will deny you were ever exposed to.
--Watch your tax dollars be funneled to overpaid mercenaries who get away with war crimes.
--Have to deal with superior ranks who think they are religious missionaries and don't know they're ass from a hole in the ground.
--Wonder if you'll die from stupid BS the command came up with, as opposed to the usual hazards.
--Be forced to commit illegal acts of cruelty on people residing in this country.
I could go on and on, so I'll close out with some anti-war music. PEACE!