Glen Beck, "Obama Made Me a Better Man,,Talking Points Memo: [View all]
Even a busted clock is right twice a day............please read the last line...
ByCaitlin MacNeal Published November 7, 2016, 12:40 PM EDT
It seems Glenn Beck likes to catch everyone off guard every once in a while with a
compassionate revelation or opposition to the conservative mainstream.
The pundit has been outspoken about his dislike for Donald Trump, has criticized Republicans for refusing to consider President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, and he has even urged "empathy" for the Black Lives Matter movement.
And now, Beck who once said that Obama has a "a deep-seated hatred for white people" says that the President has made him a better person.
"I did a lot of freaking out about Barack Obama," the conservative pundit told the New Yorker in a recent interview. Obama made me a better man. Beck said that he regrets calling Obama a racist and recognizes that it's hard to relate to the experiences of African Americans.
There are things unique to the African-American experience that I cannot relate to, he told the New Yorker. I had to listen to them.
(in talking about Trump...brackets are mine)
This guy is dangerously unhinged, Beck told the New Yorker. And, for all the things people have said about me over the years, I should be able to spot Dangerously Unhinged.
(further down ............)
Beck praised Michelle Obama's campaign speeches warning of the dangers of Donald Trump, specifically the first lady's speech in New Hampshire blasting Trump over his vulgar comments on a now-notorious 2005 tape.
She didnt say, The government should do X, Y, or Z. She said, We, Uswithout a political party. We are better. We need to stop this, he told the New Yorker. It had to do with Who are you as a human being? How do you view women? Brilliant speech."
That was a moment that transcended all political thought," he added.............