Yesterday I posted a version of this that was misunderstood. I STRONGLY DISAGREED with author Winifred Rule about her comments exonerating Donald Trump from charges that he is a psychopath and with her comments regarding a certain Democratic politician.
So here is my edited version:
I recently saw author Winifred Rule speak at the local library. She wrote a book, Born To Destroy, about her mother and sister who she said were both psychopaths. She claims to be an expert on the subject although the literature she passed out failed to mention even a college degree.
During the question-and-answer session, someone asked if Donald Trump is a psychopath. She said no, offering as evidence the argument that Trump has been involved in many businesses and that such people are bound to make some enemies.
She did say, however, that psychopathy is very common among politicians.
The test that Winifred Rule and others use to determine the degree to which a person is a psychopath is a checklist known as Dr. Robert D. Hare's PCL-R. It consists of twenty items.
Test takers are scored 0 or 1 or 2 for each item, depending on how well the item applies.
A score of at least twenty-five is a psychopath in Great Britain. In the United States the cutoff is thirty.
Here are the twenty items on a spreadsheet.
Does Trump qualify as a psychopath in America or Great Britain?