and since I have been extremely busy I wanted to bring this up again; seems like several in my area are trying to recover from the "whuppin" we gave them in Nov. election!
you see I really haven't had the time to post much as my wife and I took a week to celebrate our aniv. and when we got back have been out straight xmas shopping!
I just looked back at the article that I got my info from that I posted in maine majority;
a friend picked up on it in facebook. and just now I looked at some of the replies in the original article. I think this one pretty much sums up my feelings on the players.
"fblaze wrote:
12/4/2012 5:42 PM EST
Its all about the money, Armey never came cheap. I never read about the 4 mil contract before, but I always assumed he was getting well paid. my assumption is that the big money is drying up. this was no grass roots organization. This is well financed politics. a lot of average Joes got duped, a lot of money was invested. the congress is a mess... we can blame a handful of very rich conservatives, I assume they regret their investment because Obama got the 2nd term."
and I say right on fbaze!