Thoughtful NYT article on Kerry as SoS [View all]
Obviously, if I am not complaining it is a pretty positive article. One interesting tidbit is that they say that JK was promised he would be consulted on all major foreign policy issues.
Here is an interesting account of Kerry interacting with the PM of Turkey:
Mr. Kerrys hands-on approach was evident during a March visit to Turkey. After Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan appeared to undermine the prospects for an Israeli-Turkish entente by casting Zionism as a crime against humanity at a United Nations meeting, Mr. Kerry sought to defuse the controversy.
To make the point that Zionism was a valid nationalist movement and avoid turning the dispute into a test of wills, Mr. Kerry, who has known Mr. Erdogan since he was the mayor of Istanbul in the 1990s, took out an iPad and ran a Web search on the term.
For several minutes the two sides pored over the definition in Turkish and English, and the minicrisis was smoothed over.