The conceit of anti-nukes is that it is perfectly appropriate for 7 million people to die each year from air pollution because they're overly active and mindless imaginations are fixated on disaster movie scenarios.
The survey of causes of mortality on this planet, which includes data from the half a century of commercial nuclear operations does not include deaths from nuclear power plants.
A comparative risk assessment of burden of disease and injury attributable to 67 risk factors and risk factor clusters in 21 regions, 19902010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 ( Lancet 2012, 380, 222460: For air pollution mortality figures see Table 3, page 2238 and the text on page 2240.)
Nowhere in that paper is any issue related to nuclear energy listed as a major cause of death, but nonetheless, we have all kinds of very, very, very, very, very dangerous fools running around claiming that nuclear energy is "unsafe."
Unsafe compared to what? 50 million deaths every 7 years?
The problem with anti-nukes is that they insist that everything else can kill at will unless nuclear energy is perfect. Nuclear energy need not be perfect, it need not be without risk, to be vastly safer than everything else. It only needs to be vastly superior to everything else, which it is.
The hatred of the technology developed by the finest minds of the 20th century, nuclear energy, is as stupid as creationism, except that belief in creationism probably kills far fewer people than anti-nuke fear and ignorance.
Have a nice weekend.