...climate change gas free energy.
It does this with 30 year technology, despite endless attacks by dumb people who are only notable for having never opened a science books in their long pathetic lives.
Nuclear energy needs no "renaissance" to out produce the useless junk we just spent two trillion bucks on, the useless, so called "renewable energy" failure.
For the record, more people have clearly been killed by the coal and gas related air pollution devoted to running computers so dumb people can run off at the mouth about Fukushima, than have been killed by radiation at the event.
Actually, the largest killer in that event, was the roughly 15 to 20 thousand people who died from drowning and collapsing buildings, but we never hear stupid anti-nukes advocating the end of coastal cities because they're "too dangerous." (For the record, in the last 15 years, destruction in coastal areas from tsunamis is approximately a quarter of a million people.)
But in terms of loss of life, the energy form that anti-nukes couldn't care less about, dwarfs drownings from tsunamis.
Seven million people die every year from air pollution.
Seven million.
I have met zero anti-nukes who give a shit about those seven million deaths each year, 50 million every seven years.
That takes place not just in Japan, not just in the Ukraine, but every where. Every living thing on the face of this planet is contaminated with dangerous fossil fuel waste, and yet, and yet and yet...
...we still have assholes muttering about "Japan."
Nuclear energy saves lives. The most credible estimate that it saved 1.8 million in its half a century of commercial practice.
It might have saved tens of millions more if instead of crying over Fukushima, Chernobyl and the like - which combined did not kill as many people as will die in the next 24 hours from air pollution - the dumbass anti-nuke community had focused on stuff more their speed: Seances and bad disaster movies.
Have a nice evening.