Cities need to get dense to survive, says Alex Steffen [View all]
via Grist:
Cities need to get dense to survive, says Alex Steffen
By Susie Cagle
As cities become more attractive places for middle- and upper-class Americans to move and housing prices continue to climb, the poorer among us are forced into the suburbs away from public transportation and toward car-dependence. Cities are growing in every way, except in terms of their social good and attainability.
Alex Steffen, responding to a quote in a piece by Grists Claire Thompson, slaps down the anti-urbanist myth that density makes this problem worse.
(W)e have to go back to supply and demand. As long as there is more demand than supply, prices rise. There is no way around that fundamental fact of capitalism. That means, if we wish to moderate housing prices to limit displacement of lower-income citizens, we have two options: reduce demand, or increase supply
This drives NIMBYs up the wall, because the simple truth is that if you want home prices to drop, or even just level off, the only way to do this is to build more housing. Every known policy aimed at limiting housing costs from rent control to tenants rights to development moratoria has failed to stop the rise in housing costs
Desirable cities in growing regions either add housing rapidly or become unaffordable to most and social(ly) inequitable. Its that simple. Limiting housing supply is what drives out the poor.
Steffen then launches into a critique on San Francisco, a city I might venture to say contains the most NIMBYs per capita (even though there arent that many backyards!), and where rents are rising faster than anywhere else in the country. ............(more)
The complete piece is at: