Just so you know, I'm not a civil rights expert. I mean I don't know what the law officially defines racism or inequality as.
And I disagree with how you think inequality can become racism. If you want to know the start of it all, I think it all starts with bad character... like, people just decide to be jerks. Doing things unequal(inequality) is not fair. I think the better word to use... is justice. That it is not just or right to do things unfairly. (inequality) So, this is a matter of doing things unfair or injust. Why? Because people decide to evil for social status (pride), greed, (money) for revenge, (hate) etc etc ... because we men and women fall into these low passions. That's why inequality and racism has happened. I think people easily realize that racism specifically happened because of pride. The slave owners had power over the slaves and they indulged in that power and their status. Pride was and I imagine still can/is the cause for racism.
This isn't to say that it's not the only way it could've happened. But, I think its definitely a piece of the puzzle.
Another possibility could've been because of greed. Maybe southerns from the past we're just passionate about money and they had it with slaves. With this wealth they gained status and this greed led to pride and pride led to racism. It might've started with greed. So, I think greed (and who know maybe other things) can be an indirect cause and pride is a direct cause to racism.
I guess it can be a bit complicated but it doesn't have to be. The solution is people taking responsibility for themselves. Nomatter how secure our policies are, people can find a loophole around them and in the end all we have is our individual selves to blame. Everyone, individually needs to make the right and fair decisions and I honestly think starts with God/Jesus.