Red Crap and Spam (my version of Dr. Seuss responding to the Ted Cruz non-filibuster) [View all]
He said, Cruz.
I said, Lose!
That Cruz-you-lose, that Cruz-you-lose.
I do not like that Cruz-you-lose.
Do you like my phony ruse?
I do not like your phony ruse.
I do not like it, Cruz-you-lose.
Would you like it as a bore?
Like it on the Senate floor?
I would not like you, crashing bore,
I hate you on the Senate floor.
I do not like your big fat head.
I do not like it, Ted-so-red.
Would you like it bit by bit?
Would you like it full of shit?
Not with shit, not one bit,
Not as a bore, not on the floor
I do not like your big swelled head
I do not want it, live or dead.
I dont care for your phony ruse.
I do not like it, Cruz-you-lose.
Would you try it blowing smoke?
Would you try it served by Koch?
Not with smoke, not by Koch
Not with shit, not one bit
Not as a bore, not on the floor
I do not like your right wing blues
I do not like it Cruz-you-lose.
You dont like it, so you say.
But listen one time, and you may.
Listen, and you may I say!
Ted, if you will let me be,
I will listen and youll see.
SAY! You really ARE quite full shit!
I like your drivel not one bit!
You really are a crashing bore!
You dont deserve the Senate floor!
And I wont listen in the dark.
I cannot stand your slimy snark.
And I would put you in a box
Cause you are stupid as an ox
And you deserve to wheeze and choke
Since you are only blowing smoke
All financed by the Brothers Koch,
All your future prospects dead,
Go put THAT in your big fat head!
We dont fall for your phony ruse.
We do not like you, Cruz-you-lose.