AltairIV's JournalThank you!
Just want to say thank you to whomever gave me these hearts the past few days. I have met some very fine people on this site, and whether the discussion is political, or about entertainment ( yeah for my weekly dose of lol cats!), or general postings about cats or those always great videos, the kindness and intelligence on display is always a treat. Again Thank You!
Lee Sun-kyun
South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun has passed away last night. While I am not not sure of the complete circumstances, it appears that certain events became overwhelming and set him on a course of dire actions. I will not judge him, but will mourn his passing and miss this man of tremendous talent and be grateful for him sharing that with us. In particular, for me, his roles in My Mister and Parasite, where he shared his vision of compassionate insightful character. May he finally find the peace life did not afford him.
Thanks for the additional info and hope this has little impact on what I'd hope to be a bright and promising future.
Profile Information
Gender: MaleHometown: New York
Home country: United States
Member since: Sat Oct 1, 2022, 08:17 PM
Number of posts: 716