LogDog75's JournalFor those needing a smile
This is one of my favorite YouTube videos and although it's from 15 years ago it always brings a smile to my face. This is when a flash mob descends in a train station in Antwerp, Belgium and the "Do, Re, Mi" song from The Sound of Music starts playing and in less than three minutes there are 200 people dancing.
What do you think? Did it bring a smile on your face?
Any lucid dreamers out there?
I'm a lucid dreamer. For those who don't know what a lucid dream is it is where the person knows they are dreaming and often can change or influence their dream. I first notice this type of dreaming about 40 years ago when I woke up from an intense dream and realized I had made decisions in the dream. As I continued having these types of dreams I described it as "interacting dreams" meaning I was aware I was dreaming and I was directing the story line of the dream. Since then, I've learned the term for my "interacting dreaming" is called lucid dreaming.
There are four types of lucid dreams:
Knowing that you are dreaming.
Being able to control your own dream actions in a wake-like fashion.
Being able to manipulate your dream surroundings.
Being able to manipulate the dream actions of other people in your dreams.
I experience all four types of lucid dreams. A couple of nights ago, I dreamed I was in England (I was stationed there twice) visiting a small shop. The lighting was dim and as I was looking I saw some David Winter Cottages (which I collected) in a display cabinet. I looked under the shelf and saw an actual David Winter label and the details on label and the cottages was amazing. I then went upstairs where there was a supermarket. Again, many aspects of the dream seemed real including the shoppers, the fruits and vegetables, signs.
So, do any DUers do lucid dreaming? If so. what's your experience.
Maps Mapped: The Top Import Partner of Every U.S. State
Source: Visual Capitalist
This map illustrates the top import partner of every U.S. state as of November 2024. The data is sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Mexico, Canada, and China are the top trade partners for 42 states.
Canada is the top import partner for 23 U.S. states. As expected, the northern U.S. is dominated by Canada, which is the largest supplier of grain, livestock, meat, and poultry to the U.S.
Read more: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/mapped-top-import-partner-every-u-s-state/
The Orange Turd's tariffs are going to affect a lot of states. There are 23 states, mainly in the middle of the country, that are Canada's largest trading partners, 8 states, mainly in the South, that import the most from Mexico, and 10 states from China.
No doubt, prices for a lot of food and goods is going to increase causing inflation to rise and the Orange Turd will try and fail to blame it on Biden.
One recommendation of produce is if you have a local farmer's market buy there. The big grocery stores will be the main buyers of produce from Canada and Mexico so their price will increase. republicans will start screaming about the increased prices so please point out their hypocrisy when they've been shouting and supporting "free trade" and "let the marketplace set the price" BS.
What's the best joke or gag you pulled on someone.
Mine was back in the late 70s at my first base. I was living in the hospital squadron dorm as was one of the junior airmen (Brook) who worked with me. Brook was a fresh off the farm and was always talking (exaggerating) about what he'd done. Ken was my roommate and George was Brook's roommate and all four of us played on the squadron football team with Brook getting very little playing time.
I had taken leave and drove to North Carolina. When I got back I was talking with our office secretary, who was from North Carolina, about my trip and I remarked I could have bought apple cider there for $1.50 a gallon whereas the commissary sold it for $1.50 for a half-gallon. I said that's okay because I can't drink more than a glass a day. Brook heard this, laughed, and piped-in that he could drink it all day. I challenged him and told him I have a half-gallon in my dorm refrigerator and could he drink it that night. He agreed. I also got Ken and George to help goad him into actually doing it.
Well, he did and after he triumphantly told us and I said "You know what too much apple cider does to you? It gives you the runs." Brook said it's never done that to him. It wasn't too long before Brook started "living" in the bathroom. The three of us were laughing our asses off. Later that night as Ken and I were getting ready for bed I told him I know what position Brook can play on the football team. RUNNING BACK!. We were laughing hard and decided to tell this to George. We knocked on George's door and he said to come in. When we entered George said "Thanks, I forgot I was his roommate!" George was in his bed when I told him of Brook's new football position. George laughed so hard he literally fell out of his bed laughing. Brook came out of his bathroom and heard what I said and a distressed look came across his face and then he turned around and went back into the bathroom.
Brook said the next day everyone in the hospital squadron were either laughing or smiling at him when he went to their section because the word had spread about what happened. It was funny and it took him down a notch with his exaggerating.
Are Generation Z workers as bad as some news stories make them out to be?
I've been retired for 21 years so I'm not around Generation Z workers to know if they have a good work ethic. I've read stories about how employers are firing Z's because they are lazy, don't come in on time, can't follow instructions, etc...
My adult life was spent in the AF and one of the things my fellow Senior NCOs would say is the new generation airmen don't have the work ethic we had. I dissented from this opinion because that's what our supervisors were saying about us and their supervisors said the same thing about them.
So, what's your experience with Generation Z workers? Good, bad, indifferent?
Is anyone else tired of seeing
Okay, don't hate me for posting this, but I'm tired of seeing ads on TV for St. Jude's, Wounded Warrior, ASPCA, etc.. I don't mind seeing them occasionally but seems they're on like 10 or 15 times an hour on any channel. Don't get me wrong, they're probably worthy charities but I think people would be getting tired of being asked over and over to donate much the same way people get tired of politicians continuously sending us letters and email asking for more money.
So, do you agree or disagree?
Recovering deleted files on iPhone or iPad
I accidentally deleted an Excel file form my iPad and I had to redo it from scratch. It's a spreadsheet I use for my bowling leagues to record scores and figure out how many win/losses points to assign each team. The bowling center shows the scores at the end of the session on the TV screen but one league figures win/losses differently. Instead of which team has the highest score what we do is compare which team bowled more pins above average. The spreadsheet my teammate and myself developed totaled, compared, and assigned points which makes it easier than using the calculator and spending five minutes figuring everything out. I reconstructed the file and all of the formulas from memory and once I did that I saved it. I then looked up how to recover deleted files on an iPad and found out how to do it.
To recover deleted files on an iPhone or iPad, follow these steps:
1. Open the files App
2. Tap on the Recently Deleted
3. Tap on the file you wish to recover
4. Tap and hold until you a window opens
5. Tap Recover. The file is now back in your active files.
I hope this will help anyone else who has an iPhone or iPad that needs to recover a deleted file.
How does a shirt get turned inside out in the washer
This happens often with some of my polo-style shirts. I take it off and it's right side out. I put it in the washer and when it's time to put it in the dryer the shirt, including the sleeves, has magically turned itself inside out. How does this happen? I can understand a missing sock now and then in the dryer but how does a shirt turn itself inside out?
What sport do you still play?
I'm a bowler and I've been bowling for over 50 years. It's one sport in which you can compete against others when you're in your 70s (like I am) and older.It provides both competition and social interaction with others.
I bowl in two evening leagues, sometimes sub in Monday and Wednesday morning leagues, and bowl six practice games a week so I bowl between 12 and 18 games a week. I've actually gotten better bowling as I've gotten older and after 16 weeks in one league I have a 207 average as opposed to a 192 average last year.
So, what sport(s) do you still play?
My socialized medicine story
Being retired from the Air Force and living in the San Diego area, I get my medical care from the Navy. Military healthcare is provided by the government so therefore it is socialized medicine.
I went in for my annual physical on Tuesday at the Navy Clinic. My doctor is a retired Navy doctor and he's the best one I've had since I retired 20 years ago. We discussed my health, my lab results (everything fine), and he explained everything in simple language. He recommended I get a bone density scan as a preventative measure since I'm 74 and it would tell him if I needed something to prevent future breaks in my bones as I got older. He made me a referral and I'll followup on Monday to see if it's been processed with the local company that handle bone density scans. He also renewed two of my medications and changed my blood pressure medicine to another brand to get my BP number lower. I picked up all three, 90-day prescriptions at the Navy pharmacy at no charge.
So, am I happy with socialized medicine? 1000% happy
Profile Information
Gender: MaleHometown: Coronado, Ca
Member since: Mon Mar 27, 2023, 10:46 PM
Number of posts: 284