ScratchCat's JournalJust "throwing my hands in the air" over my little buddy
This is difficult. I've never posted about pets in this forum. I doubt anyone has any solution, but here goes...
About four years ago, my little grey tortie kitten that I had rescued from outdoors got pregnant before I could get her spayed(she was indoor/outdoor). She had four kittens and because I didn't want more stray cats and I planned on keeping her, I let her have the kittens indoors. She had three solid black(one male, two females) and one traditional calico. I was able to adopt out two, which were the black females(a friend of mine who owns rentals agreed to let one of her tenants take two cats and because she doesn't typically allow pets I gave the tenant the females). I have kept the calico and black male.
I had the calico spayed at six months to solve the "immediate problem" with her brother becoming mature. Because I had already been to the vet three times that calendar year(euthanized elderly cat, spayed mother, spayed kitten), I didn't get the black male neutered. You probably know where this is going.
About a year ago(when he was 3), the male started urinating outside the box and spraying. Its ramped up over the past six months or so. It seems "vindictive" because he does it every time I am doing anything that doesn't involve him and the couch. He will go to his box, walk right out and urinate in one of a growing number of places to. Nothing I do discourages him. When I clean it up, he then wants the rag and the hand I used to clean with. He has followed me to the pantry and tried to grab my hand with the rag several times now. He has a complete obsession with his sister's back side even though she is spayed. Wont leave her alone. Constantly sniffing and licking her backside, especially when she come's out of the litter box. Stands over her and bites her neck(she's bigger and can handle herself) in the traditional mating/dominance ritual.
I love this cat so much even though he is doing this. He has ruined my house. Almost all my furniture is garbage now. I can't afford to re-sheet rock a house. I can't take him to a shelter; I'd never be able to live with myself. I can't put him outside because I live in a townhome neighborhood and there are stray cats. I'm afraid that even if I get him neutered, it wont help. To make it worse, he has never been out of the house and is deathly afraid of anyone that's not me. Voices on the stoop send him upstairs to hide. I can't have him euthanized just because of this.
I am so distraught, I just don't know what to do. My entire life at my house revolves around chasing this cat and trying to stop him from urinating on walls, doors and furniture. His sister is tired of him, but still loves him too.
Like I said, I doubt anyone has a solution, but I just had to vent.
So the RNC is calling people nationwide
Asking for money to help out in Pennsylvania. No kidding. They have no funds apparently. The guy on the call even claimed "Democrats are in court trying to disqualify votes" when I am pretty sure its the other way around. These folks are shameless grifters.
(Business partner took call on speaker phone is how I know this)
I'm sure this is a coincidence...
Just returned from the grocery store and the cat food I buy is three cents cheaper this week and prices change on Thursday. It had been raised to $0.88 back during the pandemic and has been that price for nearly four years(Wal-Mart and Publix).
Even though much of the price increases were not warranted, most people don't believe the companies will lower them significantly(if at all) because people didn't stop buying sodas and chips at those prices. The demand is still there so there would be no motivation for lowering prices. Others have opined that you'd see price drops the second a (R) won given that the increases were "spiteful" in the first place and meant to affect working folks' voting habits.
Check the prices when you go to the store this week. This is going to be interesting.
All I keep hearing ' "I'm a Republican and I voted for Harris"
All last week, all weekend and it continues today. All over the country, every chat forum, in person stories ... its all I am hearing.
I don't get it. Are these folks lying? How could polls be close if this many Republicans aren't voting for him? I'm scratching my head. I feel like all rational evidence points to Harris winning "big", but I've got this weird feeling in my gut that I can't explain.
This really burns me(Re: Florida Ballot Measure on Abortion)
Here in Florida, as many know, we have a ballot measure to restore women's reproductive rights. It's known as Amendment 4. Here is the text of the amendment:
Very basic; nothing radical at all. Its polling around 65-70%, depending upon what polls you trust(polling against it is under 25%).
But just a few days ago, what do I start seeing? Damn signs which read "Vote No on 4!". They've got another blinking billboard type ad on a major highway that reads something like "Vote against anti-baby laws" with pictures of babies and whatnot. The second one is ridiculous on multiple levels, one of which trying to liken a ballot measure passed by the people to laws passed by partisans.
I have rarely - like never - seen a political party campaign against a ballot measure, especially a popular, non-controversial one like this(when over 70% of the population support something, its not controversial). It just enrages and disgusts me to no end, and I am a male. To further give context, they didn't even try to "campaign against" the ballot measure that was to restore the right to vote to felons. This is the first time I ever remember an administration actively campaigning against a ballot initiative(they are doing on legal marijuana too).
Has this occurred in other States with pro-choice ballot initiatives? Have the anti-women conservatives had the gall to actually campaign against the initiatives? I'm just at a loss with people in general. The Orwellian double speak that Republicans have begun to engage in is mind boggling(a ballot initiative supported by 70% of citizens is now a "bad law", but a Statute passed by 51% of congress, 100% along parry lines, is "the will of the people". Its insanity).
Anyway, this will pass easily, it just angers me to see money spent trying to stop the restoration of women's rights.
Apparently, God protected Trump
But failed to protect the two others that were injured and killed. That's at least what I learned from Fox News this morning while at my mother's house. They and the whole right wing are being particularly disgusting this morning with the allusions to "Gods protection" nonsense. One talking head did it and then in the next sentence noted how sorry they were for the dead and injured. My stay was literally 30 minutes of listening to Fox News talking heads expressing their gratitude to The Almighty.
Remember when Trump was rushed to the VA?
Its almost like this has disappeared down the memory hole. There was all sorts of speculation from a stroke, heart attack or he thought he had been poisoned by Putin.
I've wondered why the story hasn't been at least leaked over the past 3.5 years.
Isn't it about time America knows why the former POTUS was rushed to the VA with his personal doctor with him? You know, while we are so concerned about the health of the POTUS an everything, right?
The documents Trump wouldn't give back
Are things he personally ordered to be classified hoping it would prevent DOJ from having access to. It's all stuff like the Ukrainian phone call where it would show him involved in a likely crime. This explains why he keeps insisting the documents"belong to him" and why he has claimed they must go straight to the National Archive and stay out of the hands of DOJ This also explains why he hasn't been arrested yet as the classification levels may not actually be appropriate and the documents likely have no current sensitive nature.
There may be a few other things, but it will turn out to be mostly things he was personally up to and not actual "top secret" data and whatnot. We already know he put a bogus classification on the Ukraine phone call so it would make sense that he did that other times.
The indictment is coming, no doubt and we'll know soon. DOJ has to make the case to the American People as well as a grand jury, so they have to be able to spell this out as so egregious that it must be prosecuted.
Good God, they are pivoting back to "the country is over"
My office mate couldn't get a word out before starting into "it's sad and it's going to get worse. You won't be able to afford to eat, buy gas.. blah blah.. and I hate to have to say it but it will be an l told you so .."
I laughed. They got a case of the sad this morning. Back to the Qanon nonsense for them I guess.
Anyone else getting this yet?
So now Biden "supports abortion to the moment of birth"
I almost couldn't believe I heard that on a commercial on my radio. That and Biden wants to "rig the Supreme Court" to take away your rights.
Their internal polling clearly shows the religious not voting for Trump at such high numbers this time and they are throwing out all the stops. This add was all about invoking "God" and whatnot.
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