Thunderbeast's JournalWatched Guillermo del Toro's "Pinocchio" on Netflix last night
This was an animation masterpiece!
This IS NOT a remake of the Disney story. It deals with grief, loss, war, fascism, and greed. Mussolini makes an appearance! Plenty of light moments though.
He is using the "tipping point" model
that focuses on the blue states that are most competitive, but are likely to put Biden over 270. If Biden holds the "blue wall" states (that do not have GOP Trifecta status), he wins. If Trump pulls off a win in Pennsylvania or Wisconsin, the Florida EV play may be attempted. Current polling shows Biden further ahead in the industrial midwest than in Florida.
Article on EV.COM Debunks plan to bypass voters.
While voter suppression and challenges to vote counting are real threats, an article on unpacks the threat of going to state legislatures to appoint "loyal electors". There are no swing states where that move is possible. State laws would need to be changed, and none of the states needed to "swing" have a Republican trifecta likely to pull off such a move.
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