Timewas's JournalI think I know now
About how a person who has been on trial and is waiting for the verdict feels...Gonna be a rough week.
BS for sure
They want to gut Oregon and become part of Idaho............ Lots of stupidity out there...
In a Koontz book I am reading a truth
Among the nations of Earth in all its history, ours is one of the precious few that has not brought forth its Hitler, its Stalin, its Pol Pot, its Mao Tse-tung, its Vlad the Impaler, the one who is never satisfied to have every knee bend to him but wants also to be the architect of a new world by destroying the existing one. But something is afoot. Atrocities like this, once rare but ever more frequent, would have at one time shocked the country but now seem to titillate as many people as the shock.
ABout t-rump and active shooters
He claims he would rush in, I say GO for it PLEASE and take mcconnel,pence and ryan with you
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