k55f5r's JournalA Day Without A Mexican
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So when does Trump go for the guns?
You can't have a fascist government if all the people are armed. 4 to 6 years of his b*******, and the people that voted for him will have come to their senses.
So when does Trump go for the guns?
You can't have a fascist government if all the people are armed. 4 to 6 years of his b*******, and the people that voted for him will have come to their senses.
Has anyone suggested that the school shootings
are a plus for the people who are advocating vouchers and home schooling?
It's pretty clear that certain political parties have, and are trying to tear down the Dept of Education and public schools.
Is this why tots and pears are all they offer when tradjudies such as today's in Georgia? Are they waiting for the day when no parent will willingly send their children to school?
Russia backed widespread election interference scheme, DOJ says
Source: Axios.com
Court documents allege that RT, a Russian state media network previously called Russia Today, deployed nearly $10 million to finance and direct a Tennessee-based online content creation company that has posted nearly 2,000 videos in English focused on key domestic and foreign issues to "amplify divisions in the United States."
Read more: https://www.axios.com/2024/09/04/justice-department-charges-russian-state-media-election-interference
Blaze media, Glen Beck, and lots more are implicated in this-knowingly.
This is too good to pass up.
Mashup of One flew over the cuckoo's nest with Donald tRump.
You know what assuming things does?
"allows us to proceed despite insufficient information."
I just read this line in a book called Lyssa'ss Rise by M.D.Cooper and it surprised me that it wasn't the ol "makes an ass of you and me"
I found this on the patio this morning.
I think it's a horned worm but I'm not sure. [https://photos.app.goo.gl/KxCDTHdoeVEN1KH48]
It's about four to four and a half inches long.
Here to introduce myself.
Hi there. Long time lurker, finally signed up.
I live in southern Arizona near the Sonoran desert, one of the most beautiful places on the earth.
Retired from construction in 2017 and now I read and smoke cigars
Profile Information
Gender: Do not displayHometown: Southern Arizona
Home country: USA
Member since: Wed Oct 18, 2023, 03:51 PM
Number of posts: 465