radical noodle
radical noodle's JournalHere's the thing
We have an idiot in the White House who is dismantling the country piece by piece by piece. Every time he does something horrible, we remember what could have been and wasn't because.... <whatever is in our heads>... whether it's Sanders, Sarandon, Russians, Comey, or others. Then we become furious all over again as we consider how this hurts so many people. People are dying because of those who helped, in whatever way, to elect trump. We aren't blind, we saw the glee that trump's election gave the BoB's. They still think Trump is better, and they totally disregard Russian interference. We also have a pretty good idea that some of them hang/lurk around here. Are we angry? Hell yes. Do we know what they did? Yes again. Will we ever forgive or forget? No.
And that, dear DUers, is why you see so many venomous posts yelling about people not supporting Hillary. It isn't aimed at those who voted for Bernie in the primaries but voted for Hillary in the general. We know there are others who did not vote for Hillary and we're mad as hell at them and that isn't going to change. EVER.
The Trauma of Facing Deportation
(aka The Apathetic) published in The New Yorker
By 2005, more than four hundred children, most between the ages of eight and fifteen, had fallen into the condition. In the medical journal Acta Pædiatrica, Bodegård described the typical patient as totally passive, immobile, lacks tonus, withdrawn, mute, unable to eat and drink, incontinent and not reacting to physical stimuli or pain. Nearly all the children had emigrated from former Soviet and Yugoslav states, and a disproportionate number were Roma or Uyghur. Sweden has been a haven for refugees since the seventies, accepting more asylum seekers per capita than any other European nation, but the countrys definition of political refugees had recently narrowed. Families fleeing countries that were not at war were often denied asylum.
I wonder if we'll start seeing this syndrome here?
From the Urban Dictionary
Sounds familiar....
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Member since: Wed Nov 11, 2009, 07:22 PM
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