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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI am pro-abortion, not just pro-choice
Please, for the love of God, stop saying and no one is pro-abortion.
Abortion is a legal, moral and positive choice that liberates women, saves lives, and protects families.
It's not shameful. Abortion is not a "necessary evil".
I believe that abortion care is a positive social good -- and I think its time people said so ~VALERIE TARICO
Recently, the Daily Kos published an article titled I Am Pro-Choice, Not Pro-Abortion. Has anyone ever truly been pro-abortion? one commenter asked.
Uh. Yes. Me. That would be me.
I am pro-abortion like Im pro-knee-replacement and pro-chemotherapy and pro-cataract surgery. As the last protection against ill-conceived childbearing when all else fails, abortion is part of a set of tools that help women and men to form the families of their choosing. I believe that abortion care is a positive social good. I suspect that a lot of other people secretly believe the same thing. And I think its time we said so.
As an aside, Im also pro-choice. Choice is about who gets to make the decision. The question of whether and when we bring a new life into the world is, to my mind, one of the most important decisions a person can make. It is too big a decision for us to make for each other, and especially for perfect strangers.
But independent of who owns the decision, Im pro on the procedure, and Ive decided that its time, for once and for all, to count it out on my 10 fingers.
1. Im pro-abortion because being able to delay and limit childbearing is fundamental to female empowerment and equality. A woman who lacks the means to manage her fertility lacks the means to manage her life. Any plans, dreams, aspirations, responsibilities or commitmentsno matter how importanthave a great big contingency clause built: until or unless I get pregnant, in which case all bets are off.
2. Im pro-abortion because well-timed pregnancies give children a healthier start in life. We now have ample evidence that babies do best when women are able to space their pregnancies and get both pre-natal and pre-conception care. The specific nutrients we ingest in the weeks before we get pregnant can have a lifelong effect on the wellbeing of our offspring. Rapid repeat pregnancies increase the risk of low birthweight babies and other complications. Wanted babies are more likely to get their toes kissed, to be welcomed into families that are financially and emotionally ready to receive them, to get preventive medical care during childhood and the kinds of loving engagement that helps young brains to develop.
Much more that has me applauding in agreement here:
Here's what you can do today to fight back:
1. Donate to @abortionfunds:
2. Support @EmergeAmerica, @EMILYSList, @runforsomething, and @TheDLCC, who work to elect pro-choice candidates
3. Join @supermajority to organize for the future
Link to tweet

Solly Mack
(93,943 posts)WhiskeyGrinder
(24,347 posts)they don't want to be pregnant. I think it should be free, safe and on-demand. People also should stop framing it as a "last resort" or something that always requires lots of long, difficult thought. People have all sorts of feelings when they get abortions, and they're all valid, and pretending they're always hard, sad or something that shouldn't be celebrated doesn't help people.
The other thing I want to say is that abortion doesn't demand painful, tragic circumstances to be valid. The articles about people, sometimes children, who have been raped and wish they could have gotten abortions are harrowing and heartbreaking. But the married mother of two, the assembly-line worker, the college student, the grandmother, the abused addict and the addict in a loving relationship who is holding it together, all had their own circumstances of getting pregnant and their own context and inner lives all have valid reasons to get abortions too.
As I say, free, safe and on demand.
(6,797 posts)Her doctor wanted her to have an abortion because change of life babies alot of times have lots of medical issues. She didn't and luckily my sister was born healthy but I can say if it would have been me I would have had the abortion. Aging is hard enough without chasing a toddler around.
(14,964 posts)Teenagers are difficult enough and they are fairly self sufficient.
(15,231 posts)cynatnite
(31,011 posts)I'm not anti-abortion.
I'm "it's a medical procedure" abortion.
That is all.
(63,221 posts)
Buzz cook
(2,677 posts)Said too many supposedly pro choice talking heads. Its all part of catering to the anti-life pro-birth movement. "Please don't be mean and we'll say bad things about abortion".
People have tried to find a middle ground with the pro-dead woman brigade for years. I think there was this belief that if the pro-choice side just gave a little some grand bargain would be struck and people could stop worrying their beautiful minds about abortion.
But of course the pro-birth anti-child side is never going to concede an inch. And once in power they will act in a completely draconian manner.
So being pro-choice and anti-abortion has done nothing except empower the anti-women right.
So yes I am pro-abortion and all the good things that come from making it available.
(27,985 posts)It's damn well time we stand up and fight for autonomy.
(15,329 posts)implies that you think every pregnant woman should have an abortion, which of course is ridiculous. You never hear anyone insist they should not be called "pro-whatever" about any other issue. Can you just imagine anyone saying, "Don't say I'm pro-same sex marriage. That implies I'm in favor of it in every circumstance. Well, I'm not in favor of forcing people to marry someone of the same sex, therefore I'm no pro-same sex marriage. I'm pro-choice about same sex marriage." No, this bullshit only happens when talking about abortion.
You are absolutely correct.
(43,923 posts)Lunabell
(7,309 posts)I've worked in clinics where abortions were performed. So many women who were happy after their abortions. I credit legal abortion with saving women's lives.
Red Mountain
(1,996 posts)'I'm pro-abortion'. Probably due to the relentless baby-killing rhetoric from the theocrats.
But I am. No woman should be forced to bear a child under any circumstances.
If the theocrats view the behavior as sinful.....that's between the mother and their conscience/faith.
Not my business.
(27,985 posts)cynatnite
(31,011 posts)to silence the with horrific rhetoric.
But once you get into the minutia, the details of the difference between a zygote, an embryo and a fetus, they don't know how to react other than "life begins at conception" and blah, blah, blah...more horrific rhetoric.
They don't know how to argue the science, the biology or the facts. The rhetoric is all they know.
(65,637 posts)with was safe, available birth control methods. Abortion is a medical procedure and has its risks, tho they are minimal and not as risky as childbirth.
I think counselors were wise, However, there were some women who thought having counseling was inappropriate for them. They already knew the risks and were very knowledgable about the procedure. Why should they be required to have counseling before having an abortion?
This was over ten years ago and I don't know what the process at the health center is now. Perhaps they skip the counseling part if a patients objects.
(891 posts)It's not like I'm rallying for women to have abortions... I just don't believe the government should decide what women do with their own bodies.
(27,985 posts)PatrickforO
(15,162 posts)Every American woman needs access to abortion services.
In addition, this access should be free from anti-abortion picketers shouting derision.
Every woman should have full access to information on all her choices.
The decision to abort is between she and her medical professional.
No old liver-spotted white male bible thumper should EVER have ANY say in the decision.
(44,925 posts)sounds -- probably not intentionally -- a little judgmental about women who choose not to have abortions. So I'm sticking with pro-choice.
(27,985 posts)WhiskeyGrinder
(24,347 posts)
(6,625 posts)Why the fuck should someone like me, a sixty-something white man, make decisions about women I DO NOT KNOW??
If women can't have autonomy over their own bodies, then they are nothing more than slaves. It's DISGUSTING.
If I were a billionaire, I would make sure there were MORE Planned Parenthood's in America than there were Starbucks.
A fucking PP on every fucking street corner. And one across the street from every church in this country.
(42,568 posts)The anti-science quackery about abortion is one thing, the sheer hateful misogyny of the anti-choice mindset is another, but framing is important. HELL yes Im pro-abortion. The emotionalizing of fetuses is simply ugly misdirection. Those against abortion arent caring about lives. They have made an immoral moral stand, not caring who it effects, who it hurts, who it kills. It is, at its base, about personal ego.
There was a recent study on pregnancy that indicated pregnancy makes profound and permanent changes in the body. Some might be good, some might be bad. But they are always there. And they want to deny choice. As in no choice. Even abstaining from sex isnt a guarantee, because rape is always possible.
This horrifies me.
(34,207 posts)More rare because men stop raping women and girls.
More rare because women and men have access to birth control
More rare because women and men make better choices with their bodies
I get it that even if all of the above happens there will still be a need for abortions, but they would be much less frequent.
I don't think being pregnant is like a blown out knee or cancer.
I can't really say I'm pro-abortion, but I support a woman's right to choose and have access to abortions.
(24,347 posts)aikoaiko
(34,207 posts)"I am pro-abortion like Im pro-knee-replacement and pro-chemotherapy and pro-cataract surgery. "
(24,347 posts)same thing. I'm pro-abortion the way I'm pro-appendectomy.
(27,985 posts)AlexSFCA
(6,288 posts)It is one of humanitys most humane medical procedures that literally saves lives. It is extremely irresponsible for anyone to continue pregnancy after fetal terminal illness diagnosis or down syndrome diagnosis. As of now, most doctors recommend termination but I guess not in Alabama.
Not only there is nothing to be ashamed of, women should be proud of making wise decisions. We let the right shape the issue of abortion.
(7,739 posts)BarbD
(1,257 posts)How about pro-women? It's unfortunate that "Pro-life" came to be interpreted as not really being about life at all but a mis-guided rule to subjugate women.
(6,709 posts)
way past time we stopped buying into conservative framing...and trying to make ourselves acceptable to those troglodytes.
(39,585 posts)Brainstormy
(2,451 posts)who took high school biology that the organism that inhabits a "host" body is called a parasite.
(5,055 posts)moriah
(8,312 posts)Last edited Fri May 17, 2019, 01:00 PM - Edit history (1)
... I believe our country has engaged in economic coercion of abortion procedures -- by making it harder for people who want to have and raise the child they unintentionally conceived have any choice at all besides abortion (or adoption, feeding the baby mill).
1) The three months unpaid leave under FMLA does NOT always cover the full length of time a woman may need to be off work in a complicated pregnancy, and only is effective if the woman doesn't get fired for some other made-up excuse before they've been at their current job a year. And because most employer plans for "short term disability" do not say that complications of pregnancy are a "disability", and even if they do the "short term disability" timeframe is counted as part of the FMLA timeframe instead of aside from it. So there's one reason women may feel they have no other choice but to have an abortion or find a family that will essentially pay them to have the baby so they can get back to work immediately -- that their job and their ability to be self-supporting are at risk if they carry an unplanned pregnancy to term as no one knows what complications might happen.
2) Because of the stereotype that women in poverty (particularly WOC) were deliberately conceiving children just to get welfare benefits, we have imposed severe curtailments to higher benefits for larger families, or if a child is conceived while on public assistance. "Family benefits" if a parent is disabled do not go up at all if more children come into the family. Yet another law that might make a woman feel there is no choice at all but to have an unwanted medical procedure.
3) Most public assistance is not designed with upward mobility in mind, meaning that people know if they do have an unintended pregnancy and try to get public assistance to carry it to term, they are likely to be trapped on said assistance. A friend working overtime to try to show herself worthy of a promotion ended up losing ALL of her childcare assistance because their monthly income went up to $20 over the cutoff -- for about 10 hours of overtime worked that month, just a little time over to make sure shift changes went through properly. She was hoping for assistant manager. Instead of making her have to pay $20, or putting her to a copay vs free, it was a net loss of over $300 she suffered for attempting to succeed.
How many of our mothers *intended* to conceive us, vs had an assault, an accident, or were just not particularly trying NOT to have us? My mother was one of those women who felt too connected to the two pregnancies she had as soon as she became pregnant to consider abortion as anything other than an intrusion of her bodily integrity, but neither of her children were planned.
Unlike me -- I saw the one time I was pregnant as if the embryo itself was the intrusion of my bodily integrity the moment I knew I was pregnant.
That is a VISCERAL reaction I believe that is individual to the woman and the pregnancy, and shouldn't be judged either way -- either by people who think that feeling so connected to a rapidly growing set of cells before it can have the possibility of sentience is a little loopy, or by people who think that the immediate knowledge that "this isn't what is to happen, get this thing out of me now before it grows any more" is sick.
I believe the "pro-choice" movement should encompass policies that allow women to exercise that right over their own bodies either way, whether they are rich or poor. That is more comprehensive than simply the "pro-abortion" side of it, the right to exercise that part of our bodily autonomy in a safe manner with an affordable and local doctor without being shamed or asked to justify her visceral response.
ALL sides of this issue are being attacked by the anti-woman lobby. Access to contraception is being restricted, and the answer from the anti-woman side is "don't have sex if you don't want to get pregnant." Abortion rights are under attack, and their answer is "use contraception or don't have sex". And the right to raise a child you happen to get pregnant with vs abort it or give it up for adoption is under attack because "If you are too poor to have kids without help you should give your kid to someone richer."
All of which supports the view of women and our wombs as objects to be exploited, and all of which must be addressed. Not just one aspect, even if it is under the heaviest current attack. They got most of the attacks against the poor being parents done legislatively in the 90s, but it is still something we need to fix as well.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,618 posts)... with doctor determination that it would help, not on a whim, ... and in a medical clinic or hospital.
Being pro-choice but wishing to reduce the need for abortions is not being against abortion or pro-abortion.
Abortion is not a lark or a choice made for fun. It is a right but not something to be wished for.
Being pro-education means wishing to see more people get educations.
Being pro-abortion means wishing to see more people get abortions.
I do not wish for more abortions. I wish there were better education, better availability of contraceptives, and more respect for women so that there would be need for fewer abortions. All the same, and as a bottom line, if a woman would like to have an abortion I believe she has the right to one.