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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsSo, what's the DU consensus re: Mask, no-mask?
Haven't heard what the review by CDC has concluded, am aware of the arguments that they're not effective for general use & will deprive health care workers. However, construction workers and others use them for their jobs and some of us-randoms happened to buy a packet of a hundred paper ones back when (I forget why) and never used them so they're here (with some dust).
What does DU say? (I need to go to the grocery/pharmacy tomorrow.)
70 votes, 2 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
Mask at the grocery store | |
65 (93%) |
No mask | |
5 (7%) |
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(70,573 posts)UTUSN
(73,222 posts)some with printer paper or something if I have to but would have to staple them or use duct tape?!1
(13,790 posts)Plus, cheeze, its just a genius idea, too!
(73,222 posts)I get an odd satisfaction, however, from using up stuff on hand, like, not letting things go to waste.
(70,573 posts)mask instructions online including some made with a cloth or bandana rolled up and using rubber bands so no sewing needed.
(73,222 posts)shanti
(21,723 posts)Gloves, mask, social distancing and STAY HOME unless really, really important.
(56,050 posts)but then I am not really in a risk group, for catching or spreading it so...
(73,222 posts)***********On second thought, WHAT? You're not old and decrepit like me?!1
(56,050 posts)just not THAT old and decrepit.
(73,222 posts)lagomorph777
(30,613 posts)greenjar_01
(6,477 posts)
(56,050 posts)rural town grocery less than once per week, hardware store less than that, feed store even less (and husband usually makes that run). the only "social visit" is to an older gentleman family friend and that is to drop a few groceries for him less than weekly. he would likely be the canary for my household. I have been a lifelong hand washer, in good health. dry climate, only 4 cases in county so far and they are associated with travel/military base 40 or 50 miles away in a different town.
biggest risk to me are assholes from Tucson/Pima County traveling to hoard TP - I haven't even been down that aisle in well over a month. we have always bought larger quantities of paper products when on sale, still have two 12 packs of mega rolls. that will likely last at least another month or two unless somebody gets the runs.
(30,674 posts)I get it made I'll use a scarf and I'm wearing gloves when I out to the market.
(73,222 posts)ProfessorGAC
(71,470 posts)I have been assiduously careful about avoiding close contact with anybody, other than my wife. Not perfect, but super careful.
If I'm going somewhere where I think I might not be able to avoid contact ( unlikely) I might do a scarf.
Haven't so far, though.
I will definitely NOT wear surgical or dust masks when front line folks are still short on supply.
By the time the supply issues is resolved, none of us may need them anymore.
The time it's taking to refill the supply chain is ridiculous.
(6,309 posts).... And all well and good until you're standing in line and do not notice the person walk up behind you who spontaneously coughs or sneezes straight at you. Again, your choice.
(71,470 posts)quickesst
(6,309 posts).... I call the reality we live in right now. My intent was definitely not to scare. It was only to suggest a possibility you might not have thought of. Given the many posts of yours that I have read, and for the most part, appreciated, it never entered my mind that you would be susceptible to any type of scare tactic.
(60,094 posts)I have not sewn anything for decades and don't have a sewing machine, but I have now made 6 masks from some old aprons that I was not using.
(9,817 posts)First time I have seen people using them in our area.
(73,222 posts)UTUSN
(73,222 posts)quickesst
(6,309 posts).... Is that you would be a fool not to wear one. My personal opinion.
(73,222 posts)womanofthehills
(9,460 posts)Why take a chance when a simple cloth mask you can make in a few minutes (instructions all over the web) can block at least 60% of a virus entering your nose where you have ACE 2 receptors just waiting to grab that virus and pull it into your body. Dr Zeneca Emmanuel was on Lawrences show last night saying we all need to be wearing masks to keep droplets in and droplets from going out. He also said when you are wearing a mask you are reminding people around you that this is a very dangerous virus and that you are conscientious.
(306,945 posts)quickesst
(6,309 posts)Also, when I see someone else wearing a mask in the store, I am reminded that they are protecting others from them, since it has been known to everyone, except apparently the governor of Georgia, that the virus can be spread by someone showing no symptoms of the virus.
(30,613 posts)You could be asymptomatic for a couple of weeks and spread it to many many people.
(6,309 posts)Unless you are the governor of Georgia, everyone already knows that asymptomatic people can spread the virus.
For whatever the reason they cite, this anti-mask rhetoric is also foolish, and possibly dangerous.
Totally Tunsie
(10,885 posts)It's time to don the mask to be both protected and protective.
(9,988 posts)Mom is a wiz on the sewing machine, thankfully. She's made a bunch for donation. Definitely not medical grade but better than nothing. You've got nothing to lose by using them when you have to go out in public.
Progressive Law
(617 posts)lunatica
(53,410 posts)my daily life hasnt changed very much at all. I was pretty much a shut-in hermit before so almost nothing has changed. But if I do go out Ill take it along and use it. I will also use some rubber gloves. Mostly to remind myself not to touch my face. The supermarket I go to says they have set up hand sanitizing stations all around the store so that will be available.
I say its wiser to err on the side of caution.
(24,631 posts)It helps to protect others from you when you wear it.
(37,344 posts)It helps us keep our bugs to ourselves.
(15,120 posts)If youre going to get infected, its probably better to minimize the initial viral load as much as possible.
Does a high viral load or infectious dose make covid-19 worse?
It is early days, but if the infectious dose doesnt correlate with the severity of disease symptoms, this would mark covid-19 out as different from influenza, MERS and SARS.
For influenza, a higher infectious dose has been associated with worse symptoms. It has been tested by exposing volunteers to escalating doses of influenza virus in a controlled setting and carefully monitoring them over several weeks. This hasnt been done with covid-19, and is unlikely to happen, given its severity.
(52,557 posts)die in two weeks, so rotate using your masks and recycle them. Keep them in the direct sun and the UV rays will kill them even faster. Same goes with the glove. Even cloth gloves are better than nothing. Always wash your hands before and after you put them on (both your mask or gloves). I have a few masks and can reuse them for months if I have to since I am staying home 99% of the time.
(34,775 posts)Made with style, care and love. They are beautiful and functional. Pocket to put filter in, cloth ties as I don't care for elastic and choice of cool patterns. She has given them to friends, family and a local UU group. I couldn't love her anymore than I do. Did I mention, she is a RN too.
(11,885 posts)Why would you not protect yourself AND from others, knowing you could have it, or anyone else could have it. Wear a mask and reduce the spread, period.
(246 posts)It's an N95 I had lying around before the pandemic. There was quite a number of others wearing masks, too.
(9,786 posts)The consensus from FB is that dust masks are way better than nothing. I havent been out of the house in 2.5 weeks but when I finally do I will wear one.
(14,964 posts)be better than nothing.
(14,964 posts)two weeks now.
(30,613 posts)Igel
(36,538 posts)It's not quantified. Is it a 0.5% percent reduction in risk? Much less? Considerably more?
You have them and it doesn't bother you, go for it.
Note that everybody says, "The mask reminds you not to touch your face." It's a nice thought, but the (scant) evidence says otherwise. You put the mask on, it's not familiar, it's not comfortable, and you wind up touching your face more often. Less wiping your nose, more adjusting the mask.
That also assumes it's a snug fit, which is a really big deal. Yes, you breathe in and some of the air you get will go through the mask. But some will come in around the edges, where there's less resistance to air flow.
Jersey Devil
(10,373 posts)The only time I go out is to get groceries, gas or to Lowes for fixit supplies and wear a mask (N-95, of which I have 6). Then I let it sit in the garage for at least 3 days (after spraying it with Lysol) and then reuse it. Is that OK?
(5,042 posts)I dont know if inhaling Lysol is great though. I fear some of the cleaners we might as well be bathing in at this point will come back to haunt us.
(37,344 posts)Or leave them in the the sun. The UV kills all the bugs.
University of Nebraska rigged up a UV sterilization system so they can reuse them.
(12,051 posts)people mainly distanced themselves, too, but there are always one or two jerks, right? So, today I'm making a few cloth masks to use from now on when out in public.
(11,903 posts)cloth mask recommendation for all people going out in public.
(34,207 posts)
(73,222 posts)(Since this got Kicked up, am posting.)
The store wasn't crowded, about 50-50 of masks vs no-masks. Plexiglass uprights going up at cashiers' sites, but if the thing is airborne it can fly right around the plexi?
Significant #s of masks were bandanas and such. I felt quite natural, though at first some mouth breathing puffed the mask in and out and steamed up my glasses. I got a few odd looks from non-maskers, but I went along not gawking or feeling odd.

(25,586 posts)It makes as much sense as taking off your shoes at the airport.
(3,501 posts)The pooled case‐control studies, which focused on the SARS coronavirus (SARS CoV), suggest that implementing barriers to transmission, isolation and hygienic measures are effective with the use of relatively cheap interventions to contain respiratory virus epidemics. We found limited evidence of the superior effectiveness of devices such as the N95 respirator over simple surgical masks. This evidence is supported by a high quality hospital‐based trial (Loeb 2009) which reports non‐inferiority between face barriers. Overall masks were the best performing intervention across populations, settings and threats. More expensive and uncomfortable (especially if worn for long periods) than simple surgical masks, N95 respirators may be useful in very high‐risk situations but additional studies are required to define these situations.
(25,586 posts)They are rarely used correctly.
(12,546 posts)awesomerwb1
(4,660 posts)If masks were available - YES. We should all be wearing masks and gloves.
(33,141 posts)making masks for the neighbors. Never leave home without one, or two, or three.
(2,260 posts)Do you have an effective mask? Do you follow actual PPE protocols rigorously? Will you still act like neither you nor anyone else is wearing a mask?
If so, suit yourself. If the answer to any of those is no, you and those around you are likely better off following CDC and WHO guidelines and NOT wearing one.
* An ineffective mask is window dressing that gives false security to the wearer and those around them. That causes them to skimp on other important social distancing measures.
* if youre doing it wrong - and most people do - you have a higher risk of getting germs where theyre no supposed to go on you and others.
Common stupid things people in masks do:
* lax social distancing.
* pulling the mask down, scratching under it, readjusting it - every one of those is touching their face more with contaminated hands, than if they werent wearing a mask
* reusing a mask that has been taken off, or putting it on a surface where it will contaminate other things
* taking a mask off without appropriate PPE protocol, getting the masks germs all over themselves.
Theres a good reason CDC and WHO say no, and it aint just about the shortage.
(25,586 posts)in her nice filtered mask lift the mask, lick her thumb and forefinger, and peel a produce bag off the roll. Just painful to see.
(56,050 posts)if it doesn't really hurt anybody else it doesn't matter, but how long before we start hearing "I wore a mask and gloves 24/7 everywhere, ate pounds of raw garlic and have a whole garage full of toilet paper, but I caught the virus anyway"
(2,260 posts)It's a real tossup. If people can be trusted to BEHAVE THEMSELVES while wearing masks, it can't hurt. However, people have that stupid tendency to treat wearing PPE (usually wrong... badly wrong...) as an invincible shield, and abandon all the other important measures.
Some cases in point that I've seen or been hearing about here locally (on a countywide page) in just the past couple days:
* Two groups at the store (why are you in the grocery store in *groups*?) stopping to talk, taking masks down, and chattering at very close distance to each other. About the only thing that didn't happen was hugs.
* In the local HD bathroom, some nitwit with a mask and gloves went to the bathroom, took them all off, laid them on the shared bathroom counter, did their business, washed hands (pretty minimally), and then put all that gear back on.
* Another lady at the grocery store meat counter, who was short, wasn't being heard well by the deli guy. She pulled the mask down and put her hands and chin right up on the top of the deli counter to talk to him.
(56,050 posts)I have been battling the stupidity of livetrap and release of rodents for years. relocating VERMIN to become someone else's problem, (or for the animals to die anyway, at best) so you can feel virtuous is my usual face palm issue.
it is really hard to change behavior, especially when it is motivated by "good intentions."
(15,249 posts)I made a mask from one of those patterns on the Internet and cant see when I wear it.
Response to UTUSN (Original post)
elocs This message was self-deleted by its author.
And at least one glove to push cart or to pick up stuff.
(11,996 posts)Skipping the gloves for now - don't have any, so keep wipes constantly handy, to wipe me and any stuff down i handle.