General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWhat's your estimate of how much longer "shelter at home" will last?
just in general, nationwide
64 votes, 2 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
2 more weeks | |
1 (2%) |
1 more month | |
5 (8%) |
6 more weeks | |
7 (11%) |
2 more months | |
27 (42%) |
3 more months | |
10 (16%) |
4 more months | |
4 (6%) |
remainder of year | |
3 (5%) |
i have no idea | |
7 (11%) |
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Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)Thank goodness I am retired.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,538 posts)I'm not going out until there is a vaccine or at least an effective treatment and a whole lot of herd immunity.
(5,789 posts)I have to ride out the storm until there is a vaccine. So hand washing hands, gloves, mask, glasses are going to be my new normal if I go out in public. It feels weird, but I have to do it for my health.
Maybe it's overkill and I should just except my fate and allow nature to take it's course, but I have a strong will to live longer than 60 years, so I think I will try and see my son graduate college in a couple years.
Stay well.
(34,602 posts)cayugafalls
(5,789 posts)I know others who are my friends will have a hard time and I will do what I can to help, but I am already helping my dad who is 86 and lives in Florida, so money is tight.
There are so many people who will start losing everything if our government does not step in and help we could see some very rough times ahead.
(6,212 posts)I am at high risk and will stay home as long as needed. I want to be around to see trump gone from the White House along with his family.
(25,200 posts)but there will be lulls between peaks that will be time to restock. But you're right, an effective vaccine is the only real answer to this.
(6,991 posts)Wounded Bear
(61,513 posts)and even that is hopeful more than being based on any numbers.
Since the red states have failed to conform, we will need to maintain longer until they flatten their curves or else, why bother? Just let it go like the libertarians want to.
(104,058 posts)But I wouldn't expect things like sports / concert venues and air travel to open back up until there's a vaccine or drugs developed. And that could take a while.
(92,496 posts)unblock
(54,730 posts)The company I work for can function with everyone working from home for quite some time, our clients are global and we communicate by phone and email anyway. So we'll be in no rush to get back to the office.
But other companies like restaurants or nail salons or casinos are more likely to reopen at the first opportunity, if only in some limited way.
End of May before some places reopen I think is pretty much the best case scenario.
Other areas that haven't even started to get hit might closed down later and stay shut until July or August.
(24,457 posts)True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Depends on what happens.
(48,420 posts)
(9,263 posts)the telling part will be testing to show who has anti-bodies to the virus as those people can go back to work and into public safely.
Maru Kitteh
(29,750 posts)Vastly different I am afraid
(35,282 posts)...since that will involve dying sometime this year.
(34,602 posts)a kennedy
(32,960 posts)

(32,341 posts)Too many people would decide to celebrate a long weekend and we'd end up with another wave.
(34,602 posts)
(18,402 posts)Mostly from the late 1930s to late 40s. And it hit me like a ton of bricks in a way it hadn't before, from our sheltered perch on the sixth floor of a building where we have been ensconced for over a month now. In the films, people were walking around on the streets, going into shops and department stores, hosting dinner parties, and going to dances. They were even dancing cheek to cheek, in public places!
I nearly couldn't believe it: I had forgotten already what "normal" life is, and could almost not fathom ever again being able to clink glasses with friends over dinner, or dine at a restaurant, or shop for (other than grocery) items at a store. What was life like before this happened, and what will it be like in the future? I can't imagine it, and can only barely recall. I was shocked to see these people from long ago leading lives that seemed like heaven to me. We have another Zoom cocktail hour this afternoon with friends, but that form of social gathering is starting to wear thin.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,538 posts)and TV shows I've been watching on Netflix. Shows that were produced only last year - with people in restaurants and bars, going to parties, inviting friends for dinner, celebrating holidays and birthdays, going to weddings and funerals, attending concerts, all those things that were normal only a few weeks ago. I was in a concert on Feb. 23 and went to one on Feb. 29. And then it all stopped.
And I wonder when, if ever, we will be able to do those things again.
Laffy Kat
(16,572 posts)PufPuf23
(9,323 posts)When there are new outbreaks, hopefully there will be readily available tests and with time a vaccination.
More tests and understanding the virus may be the means to contain virus breakout loci unlike what has been allowed to occur now.
The time hunkered down varies as well with health risk factors of an individual where herd immunity is meaningless regards their outcome.
(3,339 posts)and in my head I'm pronouncing it re-CRUD-escence, since we're all avoiding getting this crud.....
FYI, it's re-crud-DES-cence. I was a medical transcriptionist for many years.
(34,602 posts)pnwest
(3,339 posts)LizBeth
(11,115 posts)Wednesdays
(20,373 posts)between the time we "should" emerge from "stay at home, " and the time TPTB gives us the okay. Much to our peril.
(26,158 posts)Sienna86
(2,151 posts)Doesnt look good right now
(7,613 posts)The thing is, at my age, I will be mostly following the guidelines for a long time, whether stay at home orders are still in effect or not. Only going to be venturing out when I think it is safe and not just because we have flattened the curve.
(44,198 posts)but I think it'll be longer than that.
Ms. Toad
(36,188 posts)For those of you who don't know:
*Workers who are on the job from now until 4/19 (I thought they extended through 5/1, but I can't find it) earn $3 more per hour.
*No one is required to work - if you choose not to you earn your regular pay x an average of the hours you were working prior to the crisis
*All workers get a free beverage and food item every day (even the ones who are staying at home)
*Even if you are not working, this time counts toward your 3-month period you have to work before you are eligible for benefits (like health insurance - which you have access to as long as you work 25 hours/week)
My daughter started working there March 1, after her prior employer went bankrupt. I have to say I'm pretty impressed by how they are treating their employees through this. When they started cutting back - I could easily have seen a new hire being dumped. But she's working 40 hours this week.
(7,629 posts)DeminPennswoods
(16,605 posts)People just are not going to stay inside or at home when the weather warms up. I think there will be forebearance for those who don't feel safe, or for whom it isn't safe, to continue staying home, but otherwise, I see things starting to re-open the 1st of May.
(54,505 posts)I'm in California, and the projected end here, with zero new cases, is around July 4. But then there's the next wave to hit in the fall.
(24,259 posts)actually STAY the flock at HOME and follow the friggin guidelines put out by WHO (NOT Trump and twits).
If everyone who was not absolutely essential would just sit tight we'd have a shot at being CAUTIOUSLY free in time to enjoy Memorial Day Weekend or at least the Summer. If not I foresee the numbers of those coming down with this slowing down a bit during the Summer, Trump declaring "Mission accomplished" and that everyone should get back to work and spending money to help the economy, and then because of his gross incompetence, lack of empathy and greed the numbers of those coming down with and dying from it will go zooming back up with a vengeance in the Fall.
I'd love nothing more than to be wrong about this but with Trump and his corporate owned soulless enablers in charge, even with some awesome governors like my own in NY, I fear this is a very real possibility.
(13,888 posts)meadowlander
(4,842 posts)Then likely to be a series of regional ones for a month or two each over the next 18 months to two years.
(23,968 posts)hunter
(39,375 posts)For a brief moment in history humans had some sort of world civilization.
Alas, it was unsustainable.
We might build a sustainable world civilization if we choose, but it won't be assholes like Trump or authoritarians of any sort who accomplish it.
Let's start listening to the people who are both kind and intelligent.
(53,345 posts)Business slowly getting back to normal after 4th of July
But places like theme parks, theaters, etc will be even further delayed
(30,812 posts)by the end of May. The conspiracy folks, Wall Street, conservative business owners and some liberal business owners etc. will be ready to cause violence by then.
(3,424 posts)At the end of the day people that cannot pay their bills or buy food aren't going to sit for months and months.