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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsAre we witnessing the beginning of the end of the United States?
And if so, what should we be doing right now?
I don't know what to make of the 18 states asking the Supreme Court to invalidate my vote and millions of others.
Then we have the death threats and incitement to violence coming from the very top.
What exactly are we observing right now?
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33 (48%) |
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23 (33%) |
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13 (19%) |
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Response to ecstatic (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,807 posts)So the rest of them would straighten up.
Response to Saboburns (Reply #5)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(12,286 posts)They wont stop until blood is shed
Better to accept that fact now.
Response to SoonerPride (Reply #8)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(34,569 posts)Sympthsical
(10,411 posts)But it is the internet, so people need to ramp up that drama.
We just read someone saying we can only manage right-wingers by shooting them in the head. And that post is still sitting there.
The country has been through far worse and survived just fine. We'll weather this too, even if it's unpleasant.
People, especially on the internet, suffer from recentism. "Now is the worst time ever!" It's not. More difficult than usual? Absolutely. Look at 1918-20. They had a pandemic that killed far, far more people, a World War, and a President who stroked out to the point that his wife was more or less running the country.
Herd panic is made worse by social media and bubble communities. It only takes a few to bring everyone with them.
Things don't get better until people resist the impulse.
Progressive Jones
(6,011 posts)Response to Sympthsical (Reply #51)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,323 posts)canetoad
(18,389 posts)Yes - many died in battle
Yes - a small number were summarily executed by Russian, Allied troops and survivors
Yes - several hundred were executed after carefully thought out Human Rights trials
(2,807 posts)Encyclopædia Britannica, article World Wars (2010) Military-killed, died of wounds or in prison 3,500,000; wounded 5,000,000; prisoners or missing 3,400,000; civilian deaths due to war 780,000. Estimated total deaths 4,200,000. (Military deaths include men conscripted outside of Germany, in addition perhaps 250,000 died of natural causes, suicide or were executed. Civilian deaths do not include Austria or 2,384,000 deaths in the Flight and expulsion of Germans (194450)[78]
Oxford Companion to World War II (2005) Military losses Germany 4,500,000, Austria 230,000 Civilian losses Germany 2,000,000, Austria 144,000. Total losses for Germany and Austria 6,874,000.[77]
(18,389 posts)I'm challenging your 'shot in the head' fantasy.
(2,807 posts)Interestingly enough, 75 years before that happened we had to shoot 300,000 Confederates in the head over 4 years time before they straightened up.
(18,389 posts)We just speak differenct languages.
Crunchy Frog
(27,179 posts)You do understand that the war dead included babies, children, elderly, other civilians. This was not the result of a deliberate campaign of extermination.
If you're actually advocating the systematic extermination of our political opponents, then you may be on the wrong site.
(2,807 posts)But I will ask this: Nearly 300,000 dead Americans so far during this pandemic. How many do reckon are the direct result of Republicans refusing to obey simple social distancing? How many dead Americans do reckon are due to Republican politicians refusing to act because it hurts them politically.
How many dead Americans are coming in the next 3 months due to Republicans?
I would submit that they are already killing us.
Algernon Moncrieff
(5,960 posts)I'd be willing to wager more Germans died after the war in Siberia than in Nuremburg. Many more.
(38,713 posts)In the Far East, the fire bombing of Tokyo and the dropping of atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed mostly men, women and children.
We did the same to the Native American nations. Many non-combatant Native Americans were either killed or starved to death.
cry baby
(6,786 posts)edhopper
(35,114 posts)And half the country is voting for it that way.
(7,012 posts)ready to burn it down, I don't see a clear path forward. I feel sorry for Biden (and us and the USA) because you know it's gonna be a continued shit show.
(4,978 posts)What if the state governments of the 18 states refuse to recognize Biden on January 20 and anoint Trump as their King?
Good riddance. But super scary, too. Wed descend into deeper, possibly violent chaos.
(31 posts)davekriss
(4,978 posts)I deleted a remark rhetorically asking the same question, given that those states are net takers, taking in more in federal money then they pay out. One reason I said good riddance.
(34,569 posts)and lindsey with regard to which votes should be kept and which should be tossed? They seem to be willing to do WHATEVER trump wants. Anything! So why should I trust their results, at this point?
(4,978 posts)Why shouldnt MI sue Texas, given they supplied only 1 drop box for 1.2 million mostly black voters?
Progressive Jones
(6,011 posts)marylandblue
(12,344 posts)And Biden holds all the keys. If he can get us to unite again and settle some of the issues dividing us, there is hope. I am not certain he can do it, but he is probably the best person for the job.
(66,852 posts)but not for stupidity, lies, false information, bullying, intimidation and fear.
(55,035 posts)We are well into it. Trump was a symptom of an America in decline.
(37,250 posts)If the compact is broken, then all options are on the table for the aggrieved, including SECESSION.
(10,452 posts)Trump alternative could gain control in 2025.
(2,980 posts)Even during what seemed to be stable times, things have been unstable and undergoing change since the beginning.
To answer the poll question, one needs to identify the definition of "the end".
To some, it might have ended in 1960, or 1969, or 1976 or 1980.
Reagan and Citizens United marked significant declines. Trump is a new crazy.
(7,510 posts)The US is currently way bigger geographically and has a lot more population than most.
In area we are 4th behind Russia, Canada, and China, but only China is comparable in geography, since both Russia and Canada have huge arctic areas that are very inhospitable.
In population we are 3rd behind China and India.
During the 20th Century many countries split up, such as the USSR and Yugoslavia most recently. But previously the Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Belgian, Ottoman, Japanese and British empires broke up.
The UN started with 51 members and now has 193 with the latest entry of South Sudan. A rearrangement of North America could easily add another dozen.
Crunchy Frog
(27,179 posts)there will be a four year respite my family can move out of the country.
I don't want us to be here for what I believe is coming.
(34,569 posts)many times but now--it's all so real. I'm worried. This is my home. I don't want to leave. I don't have anywhere else to go.
(37,250 posts)NY, CA, New England, WA, OR, MI, MN...
Crunchy Frog
(27,179 posts)Azathoth
(4,677 posts)Outside of the Civil War, I'm not familiar with any time in American history where a major party openly and uniformly refused to accept the results of a democratic election because they lost.
The damage being done now will not be undone. Starting with Fox and talk radio, and then extending throughout the conservative complex, this will be the new norm every election cycle. The next generation of Federalist Society judges will be trained and appointed specifically to overturn elections that the GOP lose.
(91,029 posts)we have always had that problem .
(5,225 posts)A fundamental flaw in our democracy that could likely spell its downfall.
(9,163 posts)Thekaspervote
(34,940 posts)Stop acting like they hold all the power.. THEY DONT
(34,569 posts)Everyone assumes they'll do the right thing, but we're still at their mercy right now. There's no doubt in my mind that if the SCOTUS went rogue and overturned the election, not one GOP senator would say shit about it. Even romney still adds the bullshit disclaimer, "trump has a right to legal recourse..." yada yada
(10,411 posts)They'll vote to retain their own constitutional power.
Didn't we already go through this in 2008? "Bush will fake a terrorist attack, declare martial law, cancel the elections, etc. etc. etc!!!!!!!!111111!!!1"
Whenever Republicans get froggy, so many Democrats panic and despair. How can we claim strength when so many of us wilt so very easily? And furthermore, how absolutely undermining to our own cause this is. This panic and despair is basically declaring a total lack of faith in our recently elected President Biden to be effective in any way.
So was electing him just for show, to make us feel better for a week or two before plunging into the abyss?
Eesh, I seem to have more respect for the man's abilities than others, and he was one of my bottom choices in the primaries.
(36,738 posts)There's a multi-billion dollar right wing, integrated media empire that pumps lies into the heads of Americans every day, all day. That empire is funded by the Mercers, the Kochs, the Murdochs, the Smiths (Sinclair Broadcasting), et al. They use this empire to propagandize Americans to vote for protecting capital above all else.
We're at the point where democracy itself can been seen as an enemy to capital. Voter suppression, gerrymandering, weakening of the Voter Rights act, manipulation of the electoral college, and now suing in court to over turn an election are all the result of protecting capital from democracy.
(4,715 posts)canetoad
(18,389 posts)And have no idea what you can do about it.
Deep down I believe you have allowed the fundies, the wingnuts, the militias, the contrarians to flourish and *believe that they have Freedoms that do not exist in the minds of more normal citizens.
I often ponder the genesis of our two countries; The USA, born from conflict with Britain over money; Australia - acknowledging our British roots but with a convict's disregard of authority.
It is inescapable that countries that adhered to the Parliamentary System are far more politically stable and equitable than the US.
I'm sorry, but in gaining your independence, you threw the baby out with the bathwater.
(18,272 posts)He has his cult now, and they do whatever he says. But I don't think Jr or anyone else will be able to lead the cult after Don assumes room temperature. Things may begin to return to normal after that.
(20,567 posts)Today I wondered if a lot of Republicans have concluded that demographics are not on their side and a lot of younger Americans are waking up to the fact that the Republican Party couldn't care less about "The People." They'd like to be unchallenged royalty who sit back and decide how everything goes based on their own interests. It's possible many of them have decided that wannabe dictator Trump is their last best chance to become permanent royalty and they are going for it.
(30,447 posts)They would have to change their strategy and start courting minorities. If they do that they lose their crazy base. I think it's going to be a difficult time for the GOP when it comes to the Presidency for awhile but they still have an advantage with the Senate.
(2,788 posts)Others would argue, rightly, that intellect and art will always go on.
America begat the '50's and '60's. We had just whupped the bad guys with aplomb.
We boomer's have experienced the fight for ideological freedom. Haven't lived up so well to that ideal. Progress, is slow. But we did have the best music. Might be the height of America's legacy. We did get to the Moon on that ideal, but Title IX took some more time.
We still haven't figured out how to deal with the others. Too many of us can't deal with the others. We have had ample time to figure out that we are others.
I'm not sure we can handle the climate change since we are doing so poorly with masks.
If we don't shrink our perspective to our understanding that we all need each other to survive what's happening, then solutions will continue to be evasive.
Democracy has been tested mightily this go round.
There is a lot of money that want's to grow. Control of the water to moisten the soil is where the money will be spent. Freedom, the plant, needs a lot of attention to the weeds sucking the moisture.
(7,615 posts)The dead horse is just being kicked now
There will be a USA but it will be very different
(9,650 posts)Without truth how can the United States stand?
(19,313 posts)Its no longer a democracy
(102,796 posts)GusBob
(7,615 posts)I think this is the closest poll results I've ever seen on DU. A bad omen
Let the lawsuits begin
(7,615 posts)What a horserace of a poll
The courts might have to intervene
(10,411 posts)inwiththenew
(990 posts)Obviously for different reasons but that adds up to bad news.
(47,145 posts)as the Interstate Voter Compact will never have enough states join it to go into effect, and even if it did, it will be found to be unconstitutional by the hardcore RW SCOTUS), plus add DC and Puerto Rico as states (to start to sort the Senate, which also, at that point, needs to have the filibuster quashed once and for all) and also greatly expand the lower federal Judiciary and the SCOTUS (as we will quite likely never see a Democratic POTUS-nominated SCOTUS justice every approved of again by a Rethug-controlled Senate) to roll back the insane RW posture of it all now, post-Trump and McTurtle.
Fail on all those (or most) and eventually the giant Blue states will come under so much threat that they will start to try and secede. It could get incredibly nasty, as the taker Red states know the giver Blue states carry their white power arses.
(22,453 posts)SoFlaBro
(3,366 posts)The repukes REALLY don't want that.
(22,453 posts)Maven
(10,533 posts)Bidens election bought us a few years but the U.S. will not last much longer as one nation.
(4,776 posts)It's primary purpose is to preserve a status quo that just doesn't work anymore. The US has been left behind for the last forty years because it's being sold off for parts by short-sighted plutocrats.
(10,414 posts)We'll do it again if we must. I don't fear these fat wannabe men toting their small penis toys in public to show off their so called toughness.
We own guns too. We just don't flaunt them to show off our fake badassry
(4,776 posts)Reagan was the beginning of the end.
You can get rid of Trump a lot easier than you can deal with what's fucked in the head of the 70 million people who voted for him after the total shit show that the last four years has been.
(6,849 posts)We got Damn close
(4,715 posts)They were actually very open minded and liberal and Saadi was completely against combining religion and politics. Iran became theocracy in 1979. I think similar populist desires are coming to the fore in US too. But I can't believe this kind of fascism will be able to win in the US.
(27,350 posts)At least in the next few decades. Republicans ruined that.
(3,050 posts)Yes, Republican politicians are signing letters and joining lawsuits they know have no chance of winning. But when it has come time for them to actually exert power, the Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and Arizona Republican legislators, secretary of states, governors, etc have done their job in certifying the election, often while making meaningless statements to placate their moronic base.
The Republican federal judiciary has done even better- they've not only rejected Trump's lawsuits, but they've ridiculed them as well.
This stuff playing out in SCOTUS is just the final stages of a sad farce for the benefit of the Hannity crowd- the actual result is in no doubt.
(9,915 posts)Its the worlds first democracy, ya gotta expect a coup attempt every 230 years or so..
(47,145 posts)The very fact the word is from ancient Greek should be enough.
(9,915 posts)Pendantic much?
(47,145 posts)pedantic would be pointing out the misspelling of said word
(6,479 posts)We are watching the breakdown of the government. In my mind, it started in 2015 with a fascist and long time mentally unstable criminal con artist who was inciting violence being allowed to run for the highest office and an election that was interfered with by a hostile foreign power who the supposed leader and the traitorous party, still supporting him even at this point, were beholden to. Now after the murder, intentional I believe, of hundreds of thousands and who knows how many more due to covid, they are helping him try to overturn a valid election. I never thought I would witness in this country the lunacy that has happened these past 4-5 years, and what is happening now. These people and the bulk of their supporters are fascists and lunatics. I dont know what will happen. Even if things go well, Biden is sworn in and things go more smoothly it will never be the same. This cannot be swept under the rug. He and his enablers must be held accountable.
(18,461 posts)What we (our country) Does with this warning should be our BIGGEST challenge!!! Joe, and Kamala have four years to STOP the RETHUGS dead in their tracks!! Voting has to be our BIGGEST future concern! WE beat them THIS year, and we need to continue even in a BIGGER way to get the vote out! WE KNOW VOTING works!! Gonna be a very tough four years for us ALL!! BUT WE CAN DO IT!!!
(9,650 posts)Algernon Moncrieff
(5,960 posts)Algernon Moncrieff
(5,960 posts)Objectively, we were far closer to the end of the US in 1861-1865 than now.
We are ~225 years old. Keep in mind that that is still relatively young. look what France has gone through in the same timeframe - end of monarchy/a bloody revolution; Napoleon; more monarchy; I think they are on - what? the 5th Republic right now? Plus, they were occupied by the Nazis. Don't even get started on the UK.
We have a lot of factors at play right now:
- Whites are going from a majority to a plurality and don't want to give up power. Travel around the US. Get outside the big cities - especially north of I-80 and west of M/SP or Omaha. You don't see a lot of non-white faces. In AFB towns - sure. In towns with packing houses, like Sioux Falls or Sioux City, you might see Africans and Latinx that work in the packing houses. But it's pretty white until you get to the West Coast. Those folks are not happy when they see BLM protesters because it's an issue that doesn't impact them.
- We have a generational shift as the boomers die off, and the last time we had a fractious generational shift was - you guessed it - when the boomers started coming of age in the 60s.
- The living memory of WWII is leaving us
- The world is becoming increasingly complex, and the change of pace is rapid. People like simple solutions, but often the simple solutions/answers to complex problems are wrong.
- A lot of what you see is crafted political theater because one thing the GOP has gotten really good at is spite and payback. Did Trump really lose? Wasn't there massive voter fraud? You Dems sure thought there was fraud in 2016 and impeached our guy over it. Joe Biden can enjoy Karma. -or- Oh, so you don't like the ide of voter ID and having a clear and auditable vote count, but boy did you Dems whine about vote security after Bush won in 2000.
- We've always disagreed about the relative importance of areas of the constitution. Conservatives tend to see freedom of firearms ownership and faith as the most important aspects, while progressives see the protections of press and speech, and the protection of undue search & seizure and cruel/unusual punishment as important. But we all read stuff in as implied - progressives strongly believe in a right to privacy; conservatives believe that the freedom to start and run a business is in there. We've also always disagreed over the need for the Electoral College. But this has led us to where we are now, and it is really a symptom of a larger issue. Some large populated states (Texas, Florida, Ohio) voted for Trump. However, a lot of states with relatively small populations (< 1M in some cases) like Wyoming, NoDak, SoDak, Alaska, Montana - voted for Trump. To be sure, there are some Biden states in this group - Vermont, New Hampshire, Delaware. Conservatives in these small states, as well as conservatives in deeply divided states, like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania - don't view the idea of thwarting the will of the voters (even voters in their own states) as undemocratic because they see it as protection from coastal elites with whom they have nothing in common.
It clearly can't continue like this.
What to do?
One possible solution is divorce. Bust up the country into separate countries or some kind of confederation. Maybe we just have to accept that there is about 1/3 of this nation that wants to live in a faith-based apartheid state and give them what they want. But where would that be? And would the new nations just end up warring with one another.
One possible solution is to bust up states. I think this idea actually appeals to conservatives as well. Florida should probably be 4 states. Texas and California at least 5 - 6 each. New York and Illinois (probably Pennsylvania as well) should each be 2 - 3. Ultimately, that might make the Senate more representative.
After the various fiascos of 21st century elections, it is probably time for the various state houses and governors to have a Constitutional Convention. Obviously, there would be some vastly different agendas going in. I think there might be broad agreement that the time has come for congressional term limits, limits on SCOTUS terms, putting limits on presidential pardon power, possibly working some roles in longer terms and requiring a higher approval bar to make them "non-political" in the manner of the Fed - AG, FBI head, CIA head, possibly Sec Def. Possibly requiring the House and Senate to approve SCOTUS picks; possibly requiring a 3/5 or 2/3 majority on SCOTUS picks. I doubt consensus could be reached on choice/abortion, corporate personhood, LGBTQ rights - maybe the ERA could finally be incorporated.
Right now, I think the forecast is one-term presidencies and wild every-four year policy swings for a decade or more.
(34,569 posts)I've been thinking more along the lines of a one country, 2+ systems/governments approach. We still live side by side, but every household chooses the system they want to be a part of (red, blue, or purple). You can choose which system you'll belong to at age 18, but you can only switch systems once per 5 to 10 year period.
Oh, and physically attacking someone from an opposing system would be a capital crime.
I'm not sure how policing would be handled.