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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsJust have to stop and laugh out loud in awe at the magnitude of his legacy
As president;
1) You directly and indirectly caused HALF A MILLION Americans to die
2) You broke records for job loss and national debt
3) You were impeached twice, first time in history.
4) You tried to bribe a foreign government for personal gain.
5) You encouraged violent followers to invade the halls of Congress to stop the vote finalization. Five died
6). You lost the House for your party.
7). You lost the Senate for your party
8). You lost the WH for your party.

(30,613 posts)
(65,540 posts)Magoo48
(6,035 posts)but stupid is what it is and is easily manipulated and most often to the right.
(65,540 posts)Dorian Gray
(13,782 posts)but I also think that it's lessening. Without daily twitter nonsense and constant news coverage, people are forgetting.....
(12,282 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)to communicate out. He surely took advantage of the platform. Probably, as a narcissist, infuriates him the most.
(29,941 posts)You spearheaded an insurrection.
You deregulated the EPA.
You practice treasons, chaos, tribalism, philandering, sexual assault.
You pushed climate disasters by making oil leases, and targeted alternate energy sources.
You practice nepotism.
You are not a real Republican.
You desecrated the American flag.
And lets face it, you are one ugly mothereffer. Inside and out.
Oh stupid too.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)total disregard for any norms.
Lots points back to his total and utter shut down of answering to the press/the people. The day he stopped normal, accessible press conferences. The day he pulled press passes for the best questioners. In the past, presidents felt obligated to answer for their behaviors.
(49,929 posts)Unfortunately the list is endless.
(29,941 posts)PatSeg
(49,929 posts)that we don't even know yet. I think we will be uncovering scandals for a long time to come. It is amazing how much damage one person can cause in just four years.
(29,941 posts)PatSeg
(49,929 posts)and he had 24 hours a day to wreak havoc. I think he might even see it as some kind of perverse challenge, like a cartoon villain. "What can I do today to cause chaos and pain to as many people as possible?" Such a hateful human being.
(29,941 posts)Just have to put my foot down. Sorry PatSeg. Usually right there with you.
(49,929 posts)He does seem to be another species entirely.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Returned to their rightful place now.
Hmmm? Wonder if Biden refused Trump portrait?
(49,929 posts)we've ever had. He not only holds grudges, he does it in childish and often destructive ways. If someone rubs him the wrong way, he doesn't just ridicule them, he tries to destroy them. I think he may even look for an excuse to do so, because he enjoys the destruction part so much. I can picture him waking up and looking for someone to attack and destroy. He thrives on the hate and drama, its like a drug for him.
(28,705 posts)Seriously? That wasn't his to take. It belongs to all of us.
He took other items, as well?
I don't mean to sound surprised, because I'm not, but really, when stealing, you're suppose to do it quietly. No one's suppose to know.
I wonder what else he, and his clan of thieves took. Geeezzz ....
(29,941 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)Sounds like downright theft to me. I would think that a bronze Lincoln bust would be worth many thousands of dollars. Arrest the MFs, both of them.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)bearssoapbox
(1,408 posts)"Yes, President Lincoln gave this to me in appreciation for my idea of shutting down and destroying the airports and bases in The Civil War.
(7,794 posts)In every language derisive laughter sounds about the same.
(49,929 posts)We are an important force in the world and if we fall, it destabilizes the entire planet.
(36,510 posts)Good list. At least he was consistent. He's run every business he's ever had into the ground. How the heck do you bankrupt a casino?!? The tragedy is that so many people actually lost their lives instead of just money this time.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)accomplished which you usually can even for politicians you dislike, there is nothing there! Only thing I heard a republican say was "he moved the Jewish capitol."
(4,880 posts)You promised a great new health coverage plan every year but never once presented it.
You promised a huge infrastructure plan, yet never presented it.
Your rally slogan was "Promises Made, Promises kept."
You ran for President twice and lost the popular vote by 3 Million in 2016 and 7 Million in 2020.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)I remember clearly that the press seemed to ignore. He took credit for big tax cut. BUT HE never actually produced a plan. Like you said, no healthcare or infrastructure plan. He said he had a super duper tax plan. He never produced that either. Rep's kept asking. They ended up creating the plan. ( Or going to the file cabinet under "tax plans that help the rich" ).
(29,941 posts)RainCaster
(12,282 posts)Such a whiny little loser.
should definitely be in the list!
Baitball Blogger
(49,477 posts)Most extraordinary con-man in American history.
(29,941 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)way back when he first started. Said he was the best self-promoter that they had ever known!
His first foray into Manhattan to renovate an old hotel. He talked the city council into giving him a 40 year tax abatement!!
(9,048 posts)kairos12
(13,365 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)Botany
(73,522 posts)Was installed into the White House by Russia
An active agent for Russia
In debt by at least 1 billion $s to Russia, China, & Russia
Had his son in law, Jared Kushner, help set up the murder of journalist Khashoggi by Saudi Arabia
Helped in covering up the murder of Khashoggi and in doing so became compromised to Turkey's
Erdogan so he let Erdogan slaughter our allies the Kurds
Fired the leadership for US cyber security 2xs after which Russia hacked our cyber networks
Tried to make money off of the C-19 Pandemic by investing in Huydroxycholoroquine and his own brand
of C-19 test kits
Tried to rig the 2020 Presidential election but still lost
Pardoned a bunch of crooks
Wears adult diapers, lifts in his shoes, and spray on tan
Cheats @ golf
I have to stop.
(6,645 posts)Cost how many American spies THEIR LIVES??????
(73,522 posts)
(6,645 posts)I know stuff!! I'm the presnit!! I'm REALLY REALLY IMPORTANT!!
Fucking imbecile didn't know the rest of the planet was laughing at him.....cost people their lives.
(47,227 posts)patricia92243
(12,909 posts)mahannah
(893 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)Gutteral sound you make at something so immensely ludicrous and insane and unbelievable ( that he would even consider running again)
(12,950 posts)Fake news.
Melanie likes me.
(49,929 posts)Maybe in his dreams. No one actually "likes" Donald Trump. What's to like?
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)monkeyman1
(5,109 posts)BobTheSubgenius
(11,895 posts)Made even some close allies suspicious and managed to sow some ill will among them. Of course, governments in that category couldn't afford to indulge their sentiments publicly...and all of them have more class than to do that, anyway. Unlike some pResidents I could name.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)
(29,941 posts)The Peacock and a Queen.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)bucolic_frolic
(49,131 posts)if anyone ever told you this could happen you wouldn't believe it. He's still not being tied to the inverse reality he created for his own gain, selling out America for personal gain while telling you it would improve the country.
It's a very business like concept, that. You know, they "IMPROVE" products all the time, but that almost always means making it better for them, meaning more profitable - cheaper ingredients. Consumers have no choice. Many are fooled. It's all a con game.
MAGA was Business School boilerplate.
(47,227 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)any other human being! Jeez, did Howard not run again for saying HeeeeHawww!?
Just talking about his unmitigated gall to even consider running again. How it demonstrates how grossly mentally ill he is.
(9,831 posts)lose 2 elections by popular vote.
(778 posts)To amass and lead a cult.
(1,934 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)ariadne0614
(1,934 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)ariadne0614
(1,934 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)czarjak
(12,676 posts)LiberalLovinLug
(14,395 posts)IF Donald Trump had acted early and competently and listened to health experts.
So instead of saying Trump directly or indirectly, caused half a million deaths, which makes it vague, and invites Trumpsters to come back with...It was the virus that killed them not Trump!!!
I usually put it as .....Trump is personally responsible for over 200,000 of those American deaths in one year due to his incompetence and ambition.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)Still think all deaths point back to him
The first group who got it and died ( my dad) were completely in the blind. Trump, on Woodward tape, admitted he kept the fact that it was deadly and airborne.
Then, there's the ones who believed him that it was a hoax and sissy to wear a mask.
Then, later as it spread more, families in tight quarters who had to go out and work got it and many died because if trump's lack of preparedness and assistance.
Who's left?
(14,395 posts)The US could have averted 40% of the deaths from Covid-19, had the countrys death rates corresponded with the rates in other high-income G7 countries, according to a Lancet commission tasked with assessing Donald Trumps health policy record.
Because I imagine that even if Hillary were in charge, and even if she was as diligent as other western nations, like in Canada, who have had roughly half as many deaths per capita, there would still have been a lot of deaths. (And the GOP would be making a stink about it no matter how much work she did on it)
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)as conscientious as say Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Australia, New Zealand, no matter who was president.
(5,619 posts)1. put 3 new Justices on the Supreme Court
2. put 234 judges on various courts in the Federal system
3. teach people that putting on your own makeup in TV roles is not smart
4. have the worst male hairdo on tv 1,461 days in a row.
In all seriousness, the judges and Supreme Court thing cannot be overlooked. They are going to dominate our politics for the next 50 years. All because Hillary Clinton had a private email server.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)be considered an accomplishment. But to him, likely more about how he can be allowed to expand wealth and power not caring a flip about religion or abortion laws.
(5,619 posts)They passed the tax cuts via reconciliation, and there's nothing to stop us from undoing them in the same manner. The judges and justices though, they will be there until they die or retire.
(4,619 posts)And then some.
(29,941 posts)Hamlette
(15,554 posts)the only thing he succeeded in his whole life is playing a clown on reality TV.
Not a legacy worth leaving.
(281,661 posts)Effin' loser! - should change the name from Apprentice to Biggest Loser EVER
(25,124 posts)DeSmet
(257 posts)the Republican Party. OK well there is that.
(10,754 posts)Lindsay Graham was speaking of.
(17,509 posts)Martin Eden
(13,958 posts)Trump didn't try to bribe a foreign government, it was EXTORTION.
Congress had already authorized the aid to Ukraine, which they desperately needed in their ongoing struggle against Russian agression.
Trump withheld that money to coerce Ukraine into launching an investigation into his political rival.
(278 posts)he's out of the former President's club
he's the only prez who loves white supremacists and they love him - all in public
only modern prez that never released his tax returns
only prez that did not have prior public service nor military experience
Blue Owl
(55,553 posts)
(1,000 posts)Many people tell me.
(475 posts)taking the place of Casey, in "Casey at the Bat". At the end of the story, 'the Mighty Casey has struck out!'. For all his hype and posturing, that would add to his really shitty experience in the public eye!
Or Quint, in "Jaws", eaten by the shark when he thinks he's gonna defeat the beast. That would be nice.
Or he can s.l.o.w.l.y slip into raving dementia and soil his undies! Oh done that.
(41,553 posts)The "legacy" is WAY bad!
(6,069 posts)But, gotta say, it all doesn't make me feel like laughing.
(20,999 posts)
(57,414 posts)With apologies to Paul Simon (though he might agree with the sentiment)
marble falls
(63,641 posts)Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)is that he had the gall to run in 2020! And we and press treated him like he was legitimate.
marble falls
(63,641 posts)... spot for mask wearing, he just sent a little message. He didn't want to be in the same room. Too many real Presidents.
He gets the same laugh I give to a mosquito it took a couple of hours to smack late on a hot summer's night while trying to sleep.
(34,662 posts)It's infuriating and mind boggling. I guess they want all of us to die as the country succumbs to corruption and fascism?