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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsNewsweek editorial floats the idea of Biden pardoning Trump and then announcing that he will not
seek re-election. You can read the Newsweek piece, and then determine what you think of this idea.
So let's see how this idea floats....
84 votes, 0 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
yes, Biden should pardon Trump, announce he is not seeking a second term and make Trump agree to the same to avoid violence | |
0 (0%) |
no, Trump gets no pardon, gets indicted, tried and if convicted, imprisoned in spite of potential violence | |
84 (100%) |
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Thomas Hurt
(13,931 posts)Ocelot II
(123,555 posts)If miscreant presidents feel like they can count on pardons we’ll get more Trumps.
(79,913 posts)it's been shown time and time again you can't trust Trump to keep his word.
(20,237 posts)Pelosi Pepperment
(12 posts)I won’t link the trash but today they had an op-Ed from a guy saying Garland should be impeached and As president Trump could take anything he wanted. Shame on them for disinformation like that.
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)They allowed John Eastman to write an article in Fall 2020 outlining how VP Harris wasn’t legally eligible to be VP because her parent were foreign born.
Ocelot II
(123,555 posts)it sucks hard enough to bend light.
(35,363 posts)Cuthbert Allgood
(5,213 posts)Newsweek has a middle bias. They are BY NO MEANS a right-wing rag.
(20,237 posts)Cuthbert Allgood
(5,213 posts)They do a nice job.
(20,237 posts)I think there were some that should have been moved rightward; so I don't agree with where some entities were placed.
But I like the presentation.
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)Any magazine that permits John Eastman to author a BS piece about how VP Harris is not eligible to be VP because her parents were foreign born, is a Right Wing extremist publication, no better than Gateway Pundit or Breitbart, just a little more sophisticated perhaps.
Cuthbert Allgood
(5,213 posts)Read through their methodology and get back to me on how they are wrong.
And they let someone write an editorial that is conservative. Just like they let liberals write editorials. Which is why they are in the middle.
We don't need to be like the RWers and just say any media outlet that prints anything we don't agree with is trash.
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)Would the WSJ publish that?
Your source actually rates Newsweek as, laughably, left-of-Center, not “middle” (according to their bias chart showing ratings for numerous media outlets).
It also rates Forbes, CNBC, Politico and The Economist FFS, as being left of Center.
It also rates Newsweek as below average (median? They don’t really explain) in reliability, at about the same level as clickbait site Vice.
Edit to add:
Better, more transparent evaluations of Newsweek:
While rated as “Center”, the site adds these qualifiers:
And this:
Perhaps I should refine and revise my criticism to assert that Newsweek is an unreliable source that often prints biased misinformation (one of the articles your source used to rate Newsweek was about the underreporting of Black racism and its connection to the BLM movement).
Cuthbert Allgood
(5,213 posts)It's not a right wing rag.
(35,558 posts)And that is saying something.
I can't figure out who is dumber, Creel for writing this poo, or Newsweek for publishing it.
Captain Zero
(7,716 posts)Trump would take the pardon and then run again. In .a .New. York. minute.
(71,046 posts)win. And he won't pardon Trump either. Newsweek is full of shit as usual.
(108,333 posts)telling us that those millions of deaths were "done" and we needed to "come together to heal now."
No respect for such claptrap. Zero
Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)Sheesh, I can't believe this has been floated.
(7,181 posts)

(3,907 posts)FalloutShelter
(13,135 posts)
(43,145 posts)They should have given up, too
(26,891 posts)May as well pardon Jerry Sandusky along with Trump. What a stupid idea.
(1,194 posts)dweller
(25,961 posts)Joe stays out of it.
Let the system do its thing
Let the DOJ do its job
(177,384 posts)
(5,915 posts)Presidents should not be able to do whatever they want with the idea that they’ll be pardoned at the end. This is brainworms level of nonsense.
And, also, Trump will never admit guilt. He and his followers will laugh at how weak we are. Pathetic.
(20,703 posts)And ends with 'off'.
marble falls
(63,643 posts)Skittles
Mike Nelson
(10,499 posts)... Newsweek needs some new story ideas.
(3,907 posts)Thtwudbeme
(7,737 posts)Hard to say- a pardon might help calm the MAGATs
(10,593 posts)The US is a nation governed by the rule of law. No man is above the law.
In spite of protests, we went down this road with Nixon.
We're still paying for that now to some extent.
(38,621 posts)The right wing doesn’t understand. We’re not afraid he will run and win, we’re afraid he will lose again and cause even further damage. In fact he shouldn’t be walking around free, God knows how much classified material he still has squirreled away in his other properties
(16,579 posts)867-5309.
(1,189 posts)remo ymor
(1,034 posts)That is all. They are just trying to get it considered and talked about.
(6,291 posts)Glad to see Democrats still believe in the rule of law.
(2,807 posts)Who thought this up, Sidney Powell.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)Overlooking for a moment the absurd premise of the article, let's look at this excerpt, shall we?
As someone who made a living teaching people to communicate in written English, I am aghast at the sloppy writing here. The subject of the main clause is "President Joe Biden." Therefore, Mr. Biden would be the presumed target of the criminal prosecution referenced in the introductory infinitive clause. Say what? Is this what the writer meant to say?
It appears that professors of business law are no longer expected to be proficient writers. Ick ...
(35,823 posts)The loss of basic human rights, equality, and a democratic voice.
Why would we give all of these things to tame a fit from an overgrown man child?
I can’t even comprehend the craven minds at Newsweek who would put forward such a stupid and ill advised idea in print.
Oh, and Trump should face the consequences any other Federal employee would endure for mishandling secrets of the type he has been shown to have exposed.
Alice Kramden
(2,536 posts)ZonkerHarris
(25,577 posts)dalton99a
(87,173 posts)Mad_Machine76
(24,838 posts)kairos12
(13,365 posts)Wounded Bear
(61,515 posts)
(55,334 posts)in favor of America and the rule of law. You have to represent "both sides" to be fair, both those loyal to American values and those who want to replace democracy with authoritarian kleptocrats.
(8,785 posts)What purpose do you think it serves?
(6,291 posts)and they need to know, along with the MAGAts and other Republicans that this is intolerable, that this side isn't at all thinking like they are saying we are, and maybe the awareness will motivate enough people to hit this head on, fight back and make sure that the orange headed buffoon never runs for public office and pays for his multiple crimes. Democrats never seem to hit this stuff head on and it's time to get out of that rut and inflict some damn pain.
(8,785 posts)Most people know -- or should know -- that Newsweek isn't really a reputable news organization anymore. They may have some good scoops every now and then, but the amount of absolute bullshit they push is reason enough to simply find better news organizations to get your news from.
If you wanted to point out what bullshit they were peddling, you could have explained it in your words rather than saying very little and just linking the story for them to get clicks, which I am sure they thank you for. I think you could have accomplished your intention without basically advertising what is obviously a terrible story from them and I hope this causes you to rethink in the future whether you are calling out a crap message or inadvertently boosting it.
(6,291 posts)publication is reputable. One of the problems our party has with messaging is that it doesn't ever seem to get a grasp of the idiocy and ridiculousness that is perpetuated by the other side, and we talk like they haven't said anything. It's easy to get caught up in your own bubble and then it's a shock when it gets popped.
This movement that has captured a good share of the GOP and a good share of conservative Christianity is fascist and must be defeated. It's possible to take apart those ideas and cause them to loose support by showing their fallacy. The full effect of their ridiculousness and impossibility comes from their words, not an explanation of them. And I was always taught that everything I write that's not my own opinion should have documentation and attribution.
(8,785 posts)If you think our party has a problem with messaging, maybe look in the mirror as you happily repost rightwing bullshit.
And, no, I'm pretty sure most around here are well aware of the "idiocy and ridiculousness that is perpetrated by the other side," which is exactly why we don't need to come here to read such bullshit. Most of us are here ended up here, at some time or another, because of said bullshit.
If you think posting what you did furthered the cause that you claim to support, sadly, you are VERY mistaken.
(6,291 posts)DFW
(57,417 posts)Organize a mass manned mission to Jupiter, sending the population of Merrimack, New Hampshire as the crew.
(17,921 posts)What a steaming pile of shit.
Seriously, so, Biden should say he won't run after declaring that criminal and seditious activity is cool and totally acceptable, that selling secrets to whoever pays for them, leaving that orange thing able to run again, while disarming Democrats by giving away the advantages of incumbency?
Why would anyone do that?
(96,882 posts)An Editorial implies agreement by the Editorial Board. This is an opinion piece by one author. Unless you believe that we should only read opinions we agree with, nothing wrong with it.
(11,767 posts)Several factors made it inevitable that we would find ourselves in this position as a country. The accumulation of power and wealth in to a small group of people, agreeing that money is speech, and pardoning or generally not holding people, even the President accountable.
Richard Nixon went behind Lyndon Johnson's back and scuttled the Paris Peace Talks to end the Vietnam War in 1968 so that he would maintain an advantage over Hubert Humphrey. Johnson found out about it but he failed to refer the matter to the DOJ because he thought it would tear the already fractured country apart. We got Nixon and at least 5 more years of bloodshed in Vietnam.
Ronald Reagan went behind Jimmy Carter's back and made a deal with the Iranian government, already classified as a state sponsor of terrorism to hold the hostages until after the 1980 election. The deal was that the US would sell weapons to Iran, who was engaged in the beginnings of war with Iraq. Reagan sold weapons illegally to Iran, then used the proceeds again, illegally, to give weapons to right wing death squads in Central America.
Neither were ever held accountable for their crimes.
Trump needs to be the example of how we do the hard thing and hold, even the most powerful people in our country accountable. Trump should be the poster boy for that process. He is EASILY the most corrupt person ever to hold that office. What Nixon and Reagan did was inexcusable, but Trump is corrupt to his core and will not stop until he is stopped.
(71,046 posts)First incumbents win...only 4 have lost in 90 years. Nothing Newsweek writes is worth reading mostly.
(24,838 posts)No, seriously
I don't even think that I could stomach reading this but I'm curious who wrote it and how many drugs were in their system when they did.
Carlitos Brigante
(26,790 posts)cowardly drivel.
(7,576 posts)How terribly disappointing.
I think that this op-ed is nothing more than fodder to rile people up. Why in the world would Biden pardon Trump then clear the way for him to run again? What gain would that be for the Dems? Newsweek is advocating for Trump, that's all this is.
And, the main reason I am commenting, is the remark that the writer said about most of the people or Dems don't want Biden to run again. The idea is floated here to put pressure on the Dem voters to not select an obviously highly qualified, successful incumbent President.
Whether Biden runs again is up to him. If he is physically capable, which is age-related but not a given, because people are individual in their capabilities, he should not be thrown away just because some jerk on Newsweek is age biased or Party biased. We seem to have a habit of throwing away the most capable politicians with wisdom, experience and skill in order to make way for someone who has shiny teeth and a full head of hair, but no real brains.
The only real concern I have is whether long Covid could rear its ugly head. But, so far we don't see that.
The other thing that this op-ed brings up is the opinion that violence should be avoided by having Biden resign so, apparently, Trump can take over. People who plan to riot in the streets because the Orange Turd got caught with classified docs in his basement are going to be unpleasantly surprised when the Army shows up and unceremoniously dumps them on their asses. Yes, we have posse comitatus, but no, it is not 100% off the table. There is also the private citizen aspect of support for the Government. Those dumbass militias apparently assume that none of the opposition has weapons of their own.
This op-ed is just silly. It really does inspire you to see if it's from The Onion. Why Newsweek would allow such transparent folderol grace their pages in such a prominent position is puzzling. Could they not have allowed such an opposition opinion, in the interest of fairness, in some other spot?
Donald's going down, period. Biden is not going to resign in order to avoid armed conflict with death-seeking cult followers. He may have a General or two on speed dial, but that's it.
(11,848 posts)Do it today!
(43,628 posts)Mad_Machine76
(24,838 posts)want to get Biden out of the way because they know that he will be harder for their candidate to win in 2024. This is precisely why Trump tried to intimidate/coerce Zelensky into launching a damaging investigation into Burisma prior to the 2020 election- it's because they're scared of having to face him again. And as for the Democrats whom don't want him to run again, it doesn't mean that they won't vote for him over Trump or Desatan and they certainly don't want to see Trump be pardoned.
(7,904 posts)
(71,046 posts)on the record anonymous sources saying he will do it. He will never pardon Trump. So stand strong, this is about cutting into our margins on the midterm by convincing Democrats or independents who hate Trump that Biden will pardon him. Don't let the Trumper divide us.
(18,497 posts)FUCK No!