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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsNow the DNC can PRIMARY Kyrsten Sinema...
... in her next election cycle.

(25,061 posts)CaliforniaHoustonian
(74 posts)...?.
(108,317 posts)I assume Sinema could theoretically do the same in AZ to run for Senate if she so chose. AZ voters seem less wedded to the party (1/3 are unaffiliated) so that clearly is why she feels free to do that. Switching party affiliation is apparently quite easy to do in AZ and their primaries are only semi-closed, which allows for previously unaffiliated cross-over voters.
Or, she can just run as an Independent in the General election, seeking to weaken Gallegos or whoever does win the Dem primary while siphoning off quite a few R votes as well.
(59,161 posts)It complicates the '24 race as will she take more votes from us Democrats or from republicans?
IMO, if she runs, she won't get elected either way. Dems won't vote for her and republicans will vote for real republican instead of a repub lite.
(108,317 posts)At least a third of AZ voters are non-affiliated.
(59,161 posts)Last edited Fri Dec 9, 2022, 09:37 AM - Edit history (1)
as a Democrat so IMO she will lose in '24 as Dems won't vote for her and republs will vote for a real republican rather than a repub lite or an Indy.
IMO she just miscalculated with this attention whore move that seems timed to spite Democrats just when we are racking up victories.
She's another Tulsi Gabbard and we know what happened to her.

allegorical oracle
(4,282 posts)hlthe2b
(108,317 posts)and, yes, splitting the Dem vote could hurt us in AZ
(59,161 posts)Running as an Independent she'll take votes from us and republicans as repubs will rather vote for a real republican rather than a repub lite or an Indy.
It complicates the '24 AZ Senate race, it'll depend on who she takes more votes from, us of the repubs.
(108,317 posts)of the electorate. So, yeah, she CAN split the vote. Maybe less Dems than R's, but it is still a risk. Right now, the R's are so are so damned extreme in AZ that we benefit but Gallegos is pretty far left, so time will tell...
And in truth, the thought that this is just prelude to her not running but becoming a well padded lobbyist seems a reasonable possibility.
(59,161 posts)And Hobbs beating Kari Lake? There were obviously cross-over votes in those races/
(108,317 posts)Colorado likewise has a very large percentage of unaffiliated voters (35%). They too have allowed us to turn the state blue. Having been involved in this effort for nearly two decades, I can assure you that the Dems reach out intensely to the unaffiliated as well.
If John Hickenlooper decided to go Indie (as a very unlikely example), he'd surely split the vote for us as well, no matter who we put forward as the Democratic candidate and even if that candidate was unopposed in a primary.
(59,161 posts)Kelly and Hobbs to win in AZ, right?
(108,317 posts)But there was not an incumbent Senatorial candidate running as an Indie in that case against the Democrat (and the Republican).
(59,161 posts)both Dems and repubs as repubs would rather vote for a real repub and not a repub lite of Indy,
And Democrats are so pissed at her she won't get Dem votes. It'll be which party gets out their votes best, and it's been Dems winning big in, senate, sec'y of state.
It's no longer a red state in the big counties, which is where the votes are (see Lari Lake fail in Maricopa and Pima).
(108,317 posts)But, somedays communication is like that...
(38,613 posts)Bucky
(55,334 posts)Raven123
(6,445 posts)hlthe2b
(108,317 posts)Emile
(33,036 posts)hlthe2b
(108,317 posts)don't you? See Bernie in 2016 and 2020. I doubt she would do so, but it is conceivable given AZ's system--if for no other reason than to prevent a 3-way in the general. See my post upstream #5 and #7.
(33,036 posts)hlthe2b
(108,317 posts)DFW
(57,414 posts)She has two years to prove that she is still one of us in all but name. In that time, she can either solidify support for another term, or give a pretty clear clue that she isn't interested in one.
If she decides to go for another term, I wonder on what platform? "I'm not one of either of them?" I don't think that will be enough. Everybody knows what she is against. What is she FOR?? She has been there on a few social issues, not there on economic issues, and a ghost on party unity.
"Vote for me just because I'm independent!" is a rather weak slogan.
(108,317 posts)not to back a Dem in the race. Something they'd do for a Bernie Sanders or an Angus King, but I highly doubt that would be the case for her--even if she voted 100% with Dems in the meantime. And, even if the party didn't fully $$$ support a candidate, that doesn't mean there won't be those who decide to run.
So, unless her ultimate intent is merely to hedge her bets-- eliminating a direct primary challenge while considering NOT running (beyond a direct sprint to K-Street), I think she is sunk.
(14,559 posts)I like him a lot, but I'd he too progressive for AZ and won't be able to get votes from independents?
I'd like to think we're building our ground game, especially among AZ repubs, but it's going to take work, money, and a great campaign operation
(12,448 posts)Thrill
(19,322 posts)dem4decades
(12,448 posts)Polybius
(19,371 posts)Not sure if AZ is one of them.
(6,751 posts)
(74 posts)!
(96,882 posts)However, there will now be a likely three-way General Election.
(12,046 posts)They were already going to primary her, she saw the writing on the wall. This way she can stand as an incumbent in the general election without winning a Democratic primary (which she wasn't going to win anyway given her actions of the past two years.)
(71,046 posts)mcar
(44,139 posts)She seems to be doing this to avoid just that.
(4,557 posts)Had she stayed and run again as a Dem, she could be attacked in the primary from the left.
Now if she runs she can split the vote on the left and possibly grab independents and moderate Republicans.
It's not a high % move, but it makes sense given her current position.
(21,594 posts)