General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region Forums'Greyhound' on Apple is the best film I've seen. In 63 years.
OMG. Tom Hanks, tight action, amazing film. Brilliant.
It expresses my deep regard for the Mighty Democratic Underground. And my love of this nation.
Every Oscar, period. A Powerhouse.
Good night, my brave comrades.

(124,918 posts)in Bedford Basin. Halifax is the most protected harbour h in the world. I have not seen Greyhound but will some day. I was trying to get the movie to watch with my dad but he passed away in October this year. I'll search for a photo of Bedford basin.
The narrows are above in the picture and lead out to the Ocean. They had submarine nets that they would string across the Atlantic Ocean opening to keep the growing convoy in the basin safe.
One of these slides is a map of the whole harbour.;_ylt=AwrFaDG1XcdkMzUInb5x.9w4;_ylc=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?ei=UTF-8&pvid=YrOLnzEwLjIGplAhYWDLKASDNzAuMgAAAAAVoaDH&gprid=&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Aw%2Cm%3Asa%2Csa_mk%3A13&p=halifax+harbour+map
(55,019 posts)It was filmed for the big screen. But the pandemic changed all that, so Sony cut its losses and sold it to Apple TV rather than sit on it. I guess Sony thought it was too risky to hold on to it since there was no date certain for theaters to be reopened.
(28,019 posts)Written by one of the top naval fiction authors of all time.
(7,904 posts)Lasher
(28,678 posts)They are excellent.
Tommy Carcetti
(43,784 posts)
its probably going to be at least a decent movie worth watching.
Maybe a couple of exceptions (those DaVinci Code movies are meh) but in most circumstances I wouldnt bet against most of Tom Hanks movies being worth a watch.
And Ive even found that a couple of movies of his that some people thought were misfires actually are some of my favorite movies of his of all. (Cloud Atlas, Joe Versus the Volcano).
He sometimes gets unfairly written off as Mr. Nice Guy Popcorn Movie, but he legitimately has some serious talent.
Like in Castaway, where he has to carry the movie literally all by himself for 80% of the film (and does so magnificently).
Or check out the final scene of Captain Phillips.
(13,513 posts)in Elvis.
Tommy Carcetti
(43,784 posts)Although even his weird portrayal in that was still interesting, if flawed.
(13,513 posts)before I saw the film.
(7,904 posts)Tommy Carcetti
(43,784 posts)...but can he *do* the job?
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)It does give a claustrophobic feeling to the weight of the decisions Hanks character is called to make.
Best film in 63 years?
You need to watch more movies.
For war movies alone, start with Hanks in Saving Private Ryan. The first 20 minutes alone will floor you.
Have you seen Godfather 1 & 2?
Taxi Driver?
Budapest Hotel?
Everything Everywhere All At Once?
(7,688 posts)I watched it while preparing for open heart surgery.
So theres that.
(35,586 posts)It was not your usual story stelling, and it was fine.
(18,912 posts)Of course this being DU at least one person has to crap all over your enthusiasm.
(31,315 posts)???
(7,688 posts)My wife and I watched it and loved it.