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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI say again: Dear media, it's not news that 70% of Republicans believe something insane
CNN has been breathlessly touting their new poll all day which shows, "Percentage of Republicans who think Bidens 2020 win was illegitimate ticks back up near 70%." Apparently this number was as low as 63% (gosh) at one point, and now it's back up to 70%. CNN is shocked, shocked I tell ya!
This reminded me of a thread I posted way back in January 2022, titled "Dear media, it's not news that roughly 70% of Republicans believe something insane."
In that thread, I noted:
- In January 2022, CNN reported that 72% of Republicans believe Trump bears no responsibility for the insurrection.
- In May 2021, CNN reported that 70% of Republicans think Biden stole the election.
- Also in May 2021, a McLaughlin and Associates poll found that 73% of Republicans want Trump to run for president again.
- Also in May 2021, Yahoo News reported that 73% of Republicans put responsibility for the January 6 insurrection on 'left-wing protesters'.
- In February 2021, Newsweek reported that 70 percent or Republicans would join or consider joining a Trump-centered party.
- Also in February 2021, CNN reported that 76% of self-identified Republicans believe there was "widespread fraud in the 2020 election."
- On January 6, 2021, the Washington Examiner reportedd that 73% of Republicans backed a challenge to the Electoral College results.
- In December 2020, Newsweek reported that 72% of Republicans don't trust Biden's victory over Trump.
- Also in December 2020, Forbes reported that 71% of Republicans said they would vote for Trump if he were the party's candidate in 2024.
- In November 2020, Politico reported that 70 percent of Republicans say they dont believe the 2020 election was free and fair.
It's Republican presidential primary season right now, so it's not unreasonable for news organizations to report on what self-identified Republicans are thinking. The problem comes when these polls are presented as if the "of Republicans" part is just an afterthought. If you're not paying full attention, it's easy to mishear the polls as "70% of all Americans."
But according to Gallup's most recent polling, roughly 27% of Americans consider themselves Republicans. So 70% of that comes out to roughly 19% of all Americans -- about one in five.
So just remember, whenever you hear the media touting some poll that says "70% of Republicans believe x, y, or z," the appropriate response is:

(47,227 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)Bolger on CNN said (paraphrase). Former president and could well be again
Effin bs.
(37,592 posts)dchill
(41,553 posts)senseandsensibility
(21,205 posts)the fact checking needs to more than an afterthought.
(51,078 posts)They specifically mentioned it was Republicans only.
I'm not sure that specifying that this comes out to roughly 19% of all Americans is any comfort. In fact, it's kind of frightening.
(22,762 posts)My beef is that the media brings it up every once in a while as if it is new information, making it seem as if it's something that we should worry about anew, when in fact it's just the way things are, and have been for a long time.
My sample of polls in the OP only goes back a few years, but I'm sure the 70% figure goes back way further than that. In fact to test my theory I just tried searching up what Republicans thought of Nixon during Watergate and found this:
If just days before his resignation, roughly 30% of Republicans thought Nixon should NOT be president, guess how many thought he should continue to be president?
(51,078 posts)I'm pretty sure that 70% is accurate with those 10.
(7,198 posts)Spazito
(55,096 posts)70% of 27% is a SMALL fringe element of the voting public.
Silent Type
(8,626 posts)I don't think every comment a pundit makes about trump has to be preceded or followed by, "But never forget, trump is a POS, traitor, cad, greedy, and worse." Most people get that. Problem is, some don't care.
(22,762 posts)I'm suggesting that the media simply doesn't need to report polls showing that 70% of Republicans believe something ridiculous, because it's not newsworthy -- it's a "dog bites man" story. 70% of Republicans always believes something ridiculous. The media should let us know when 70% of Republicans DON'T believe something ridiculous.
(36,631 posts)crickets
(26,158 posts)ffr
(23,152 posts)I know. I makes all of our heads hurt. But then, CNN is about making news entertaining.
(2,454 posts)of Republicans as rational, informed actors who deserve to have their opinions, which they have formed after considerable thought and research, taken seriously. When in reality, most, if not all of them, have been brainwashed by Fox and other rightwing propagandists into cultish devotion to Trump.
It's like taking a poll at the Waco compound before the shit hit the fan and finding out that 70 percent of the Branch Davidians supported David Koresh.
(22,762 posts)OMG -- 70% of Republicans think this, that, and the other. Yes, we know already. Report it by all means, but why is it a big story? It reflects the opinions of one in five Americans. How about spend less time reporting what 20% of the country thinks and check in more often with the other 80%.
(2,454 posts)sharing their sense of relief and vindication that Mango Mussolini has finally been indicted.
(10,220 posts)Quanto Magnus
(1,092 posts)It bums me out, cause at least they were centrist until 2016.....
Now... holy crap what happened to their brains?
(22,762 posts)CNN isn't the only offender, it's just that they happened to be the latest media org peddling a "70% of Republicans think..." poll that I caught while the TV was on today. The OP was more about my pet peeve (although I get why people don't like CNN).
Quanto Magnus
(1,092 posts)I only lament CNN more, cause I was using it as my 'centrist viewpoint' media outlet....
(1,580 posts)Many long time Republicans no longer identify themselves as republican these days.
(20,856 posts)than there are Independents or Democrats.
(7,181 posts)The excusing of Cheeto Bandito has been aided by them?
In the end, getting after the likes of Rupert might just be due as well?