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If youre worried about the debt and you want to be taken seriously, stop acting like stealing more food from children is the answer. Republicans created this debt, 1/4 of it in the last 4 years when they had the House, the Senate and the WhiteHouse.

(19,382 posts)CrispyQ
(39,196 posts)I think the corporations get to keep theirs.
(12,385 posts)created for real estate companies like Trump Org,
(15,012 posts)czarjak
(12,676 posts)Promises Made, Promises Kept. Period.
(16,457 posts)WarGamer
(16,579 posts)The wealthy and Corps got permanent tax cuts.
You know WHO loses THEIR tax cuts in 2025 if they expire?
Individual Tax Payers... individual rates will go back to pre-Trump levels.
For example:
Current 12% bracket to 15%
Current 22% bracket to 25%
Current 32% bracket to 33%
Current 37% bracket to 39.6%
That's a BIG hit for low/mid to middle income earners.
Make THESE rates permanent and go after actual wealthy people. Oh nevermind... the wealthy are never made to pay.
(52,670 posts)along with Mitch. Both are past their "use by" date and are rotten.
(8,113 posts)Then repeal the Capital gains deduction.
Old line from Obama years, updated:
If a 59% tax rate was good enough for Ronald Reagan, its good enough for todays Republicans!
(8,868 posts)KPN
(16,457 posts)long, slow, steady chip away at progressive tax structure ever since led by the wealthy and supported by the wannabe wealthy and haters.
(18,981 posts)Even lower/middle class? Good thing youre not in charge!
(8,433 posts)Obscene wealth is a nation security threat
(37,488 posts)Top marginal income tax rate was 50 percent.
Adjust for inflation and bring them back.
(7,688 posts)onenote
(44,961 posts)Facts matter.
(2,987 posts)stolen from SS while we're at it!!
(36,568 posts)2naSalit
(95,902 posts)twodogsbarking
(12,950 posts)2naSalit
(95,902 posts)airplaneman
(1,310 posts)stuffmatters
(2,579 posts)have touted a National Transaction Tax for years now. Also State owned Banks (like North Dakota has.)
Both are real,obvious,simple, healthy changes for the "economy that works for all Americans" which Democrats seek.
(3,176 posts)spread the facts because the wealthy don't want you to be educated to the facts
(39,937 posts)Republicans have created ALL this debt since Clinton cleared the debt.
(95,902 posts)Created a quarter of all debt in the nation's history, in four years' time. Seems they were not only on a mission to take control of the government but pocket the treasury too.
(744 posts)Clinton did slow the increase in debt, as it grew by 161% under Reagan and 42% under H.W Bush (it grew by only 28.6% under Clinton) but he didn't clear it.
Debt also rose significantly under Obama (64.4%) but lower than what it was under Bush (72.6%).
It's grown by 8.8% under Biden but he also entered with the country having seen a significant amount of debt accumulation the last 20 years.
not fooled
(6,176 posts)simply putting chimpy's tax cut and wars on the books? I believe that's what Thom Hartmann says and he backs up his assertions with research and facts. IIRC Obama took the hit for being responsible after chimpy racked up debt but kept it off the books to make his numbers look better.
(744 posts)Was due to the recession and spending there. Not sure the total breakdown, tho. But his making some of the Bush taxes permanent certainly also impacted it.
(1,872 posts)We have a winner. The solution to almost every problem we're currently experiencing in terms of the federal budget is get rid of the Bush and Trump tax cuts. They were grossly irresponsible at the time and, in the case of the Trump tax cuts, were allowed to be considered under reconciliation so they could pass with only 51 votes. They should not have been eligible for reconciliation.
But McConnell was able to co-opt the OMB to issue some very rosy financial predictions that turned out to be complete hogwash. This bill should have been subject to the filibuster, but McConnell, was able to corrupt the process and ram the bill through.
He knew undoing it was going to be a really heavy lift.
As a country we need to raise the tax rates on corporations and the 1%. Anyone that shrieks about the national debt and isn't looking at the revenue side is dishonest and is pursuing a hidden agenda.
(85,357 posts)The rich are where the money is. Go for the billionaires. Surely they have enough to remain comfortable IN THE EXTREME!!! Hell, their pocket change could probably feed a poor family for at least a day or two.
(39,937 posts)the real key targets -- more than the more visible ones.
(85,357 posts)Those who can pay more - should. Patriotic duty and Christianity and all that.
(9,294 posts)If we take control, we need to impeach Thomas, Alito, and trump's 3 lying, perjured picks.
hay rick
(8,546 posts)The Bush and Trump tax cuts are simple looting. Democrats need to stop claiming the mantle of "fiscal conservatism." There is no way to fund meaningful social justice without the tax receipts to fund programs. The super-rich need to be identified as predators, not heroes. They need a little healthy fear to modify their incentives.
(1,934 posts)Shermann
(8,868 posts)William769
(57,272 posts)LoisB
(9,607 posts)Democrat in the White House.
Evolve Dammit
(20,265 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,427 posts)Johonny
(23,001 posts)The Reagan cuts started the era of greed is good. The middle class has taken it on the chin since then.