What do the Democratic Party adults say to Americans from now on?
Since we know there's no GOP, just trumpcult, we need to officially spell out why trumpcult fails to win inside and outside Washington.
Put to Americans any three of these points at the front and center of every campaign speech after speech:
1. The public knows that Republicans can't run a two-car funeral. They have devolved into governing incompetence (macro) and in-house turf battles (micro). Because theyve sworn oaths only to trump and party oligarch donors.
2. trumpcult literally try and fail to make House committees and impeachment work.
But even if they saw Democrats' investigation methods and sources, they cant understand or execute them.
They perform the appearance of investigating, oversight & governing as their owners direct them.
3. trumpcult unironically believe that they perform for their owner/donors' money so that they don't look incompetent.
4. trumpcult do not know that they don't know a) how government works, or b) how to do their jobs;
5. The result is: who they have actually proven to be illegitimate is themselves.
6. Washington is NOT broken. It's trumpcult that's broken.
Do not vote for those who cant even lead themselves, nevermind America or world affairs.
7. Say that whatever 23% of Americans think about this government should be dismissed until they accept the adult constitutional rules of governing America, and our longstanding allies.
8. Since we Americans can walk & chew gum at the same time, after we win, dont ignore trumpcult, either.
Keep an eye on them & their scheming, grooming oligarchs.
Democrats need to work toward a future where Americans remember these anti-democracy oligarchs, media and trumpcult years as a time when this diseased appendix of the American body politic was finally removed so America could heal & possibly cure itself.
Lets get on with the politics and work of the planet, to help our descendants future-proof their lives.