General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI'm so tired of the msm treating Trump like he's a legitimate candidate.
This is why we are in this mess in the first place. They gave him all that air time.
I mean every lead in should mention his 91 felony counts before his name.

(73,522 posts)Biggest crook in Americas history.
(661 posts)
(17,010 posts)MSM:
(661 posts)ffs
(38,522 posts)"the disgraced, twice impeached former president" and never shortening it. As the indictments rolled in, she added "indicted", "twice indicted", etc.
(661 posts)MyNameIsJonas
(744 posts)imavoter
(661 posts)Do you want them to remind people he's an indicted felon, or just act like everything is ok.
everything is not ok. this is the problem.
(3,631 posts)legitimate . Like it or not. I'm shocked 😳
(241 posts)I dont see any candidate that can change that.
(661 posts)Melon
(241 posts)All channels. I dont need my information spun by a reporter. Treat us like adults and report the facts as news .
(54,730 posts)They buried her for the non-crime pseudo-scandal of emailgate. Imagine if they had actual indictments.
Donnie is a rapist, fraudster, insurrectionist, and attempted election cheat, with indictments and civil cases in multiple jurisdictions. Oh and he got many Americans killed during Covid because he was more concerned about holding mass spreader rallies than protecting Americans.
He had the most consistently high "strongly disapprove" numbers throughout his 4 years in office, but we don't need to hear from the majority who disapprove, we need to hear more from the bigots because yeah, right, we had no idea bigots existed until recently.
If journalistic principles were actually applied in this country, he would have been shut out of the media after his birther lies. Real journalists don't use liars as sources.
Instead, no matter what, journalists tell us that nothing matters, Donnie is a front runner no matter what. Remember when they said, throughout emailgate, that none of it matters? I sure don't. The media was absolutely relishing sabotaging Hillary's career.
(661 posts)unblock
(54,730 posts)who has a list a mile long of suppliers and banks and investors and others who refuse to do business with him gets repeatedly called a "successful businessman".
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)attracted to him. So the sooner we stop guessing why, the better. Until ( 5 years Iate) we assemble a high powered team of psychiatrists, D pollsters, D donors, D strategists, Madison Ave admen, Hollywood sympathists, for a one week ( at least) brainstorm the better. GOAL: Defeat the monster.
P.S. SO sick of great Dems just complaining start doing.
(16,037 posts)Bev54
(12,175 posts)The media is complicit. I have turned off all US cable news.
(15,547 posts)Say he was the greatest President ever on PBS Newshour
(790 posts)The MSM made the mistake not taking him serious enough in 2016