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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsHaley is staying in the race because
she knows there is a solid chance that trump will be convicted in a criminal court before the election and she will be right there for rethugs to pivot to her.
She has said that she would pardon trump so if trump is convicted and possibly jailed trump will throw support behind Haley to be pardoned.
Haley knows this but would not dare say it.
Ocelot II
(121,845 posts)So do I, Nikki...
(22,850 posts)But Tricky Nikki has a major problem with Repug voters: her ethnicity.
I've already heard a few refer to her as an "anchor baby."
(53,529 posts)peppertree
(22,850 posts)Astrology is very prominent in Indian culture, and they're incredibly insightful - but for one thing: they refuse to use the Gregorian calendar.
Which, of course, means all their calculations are about three weeks off.
And as any astrologer will tell you, that's like a light year for interpretation purposes.
Based on what you just said, I just posted a mundane astrologer's comments about Nikki Haley and there's also quite a few comments on trump and his aspects. I put this in the astrology forum to avoid the inevitable comments (chiding me for being a sucker) that always appear here if you put them in any other forum but Astrology.
There's an interesting little comment in there about why trump is running his mouth so incessently these days; kinda' funny.
The astrologer I'm quoting used to be my astrologer when she lived in NJ, but she moved. I still have her tapes of my charts from every year that she did them. If you have a C2C subscription, she occasionally appears for interviews there on political matters. She also has some books out.
(22,850 posts)My guess is that what they pointed out to her, is that with Neptune now in Trump's 8th House (of death), and squared by Jupiter, there's a good chance he might, indeed, kick the bucket - probably due to an adverse reaction to something in his much-rumored supply of stimulants.
I don't wish it on him - but it's certainly possible, given his well-known lack of self-control. And the fact he'll be 78.
We shall see...
Bird Lady
(1,945 posts)It can't come soon enough.
(28,168 posts)Dulcinea
(7,644 posts)Old Man Koch is bankrolling her. He wants his party back, so both he and Nikki are hoping for Dolt 45's demise or incarceration so she can be the default candidate. Just my 2 cents.
(24,948 posts)It's also possible as Lawrence O'Donnell said she is stay in because it is the right thing to do for democracy. She knows the longer she stays in the less likely he would be president again. But, I don't have that much faith in her.
(18,288 posts)(for President of the U.S.)
it would make me sick but if there were ANY chance of Trump winning that contest I would get off my ass and vote for Haley.
Trump has spread a poisonous disease in our society that MUST be defeated and beaten back. Haley has some bad policies and I feel like she is deep-down, fundamentally racist - but racist in the unsophisticated, uneducated way, the "no one alive today was a slave" nonsense sort of way; but I would take that (sadly) if the only alternative were Trump's poison.
(12,911 posts)We can survive four years of bad policy.
We cannot survive Trump.
Look how far our country's bar for POTUS has fallen.
(3,898 posts)She would be a horrible president. the fascists would get their goals fulfilled under her, maybe better than under a chaotic T45.
(3,254 posts)erronis
(17,349 posts)Bird Lady
(1,945 posts)NCDem47
(2,593 posts)All the way up to the "convention."
Trump's GE electibility plummets with a conviction (or so we think!), but the timing of that is tight.
I think this was DeSantis' strategy too. I think he got out to save his powder for 2028, plus, he was going NOWHERE in this cycle. Just wasting money. Fine by me!
(5,901 posts)We've seen the preview... I look forward to that circus!
(9,631 posts)Time to remind everyone?
And also civil fraud in New York!
(This post did not fall in the right place. Belongs right below. )
(2,311 posts)He'll manage to delay the process for months, likely with the help of a corrupt, partisan conservative Supreme Court majority.
And even if convicted, he wont be imprisoned pending appeal, which could drag-on for years.
(38,420 posts)Preet Bahara has said on his podcast that we can't depend on the justice system to "save us" (his words). He thinks the best way to defeat trump is at the ballot box. He seems confident that we can do so, or at least somewhat.
I listen to all of Preet's podcasts. I think a lot of him, but I was disappointed to hear he thinks this. I personally think he will get tripped up by the legal system before the election but hey, look at Preet's legal experience and then look at mine, LOL. Who ya' gonna' believe?
(5,901 posts)lastlib
(25,056 posts)It may be years, if ever, before the cell door closes behind him.
- - - - - -
(1,732 posts)Haley could lose many votes over her promise to pardon Trump. Most of the MAGA crowd loves the idea, so it's a good thing to say during the primaries, but some Republicans and many more independents were not in love with Trump to begin with, and are growing less and less forgiving toward him and his traitorous activities as time goes by.
(4,273 posts)But she's not stupid enough to let him out of prison. She'd be in as much danger from him as anybody.
Ocelot II
(121,845 posts)chicoescuela
(1,719 posts)will ensure herself on being a one term president
(4,839 posts)...But, "read my lips, no new taxes"
(1,719 posts)happybird
(5,248 posts)Running for a high office can be a very lucrative job, what with all the super pacs and gifts and vacations no one ever reports and stock tips and corporations being people.
We need to get the money out of politics. Nothing is going to change for the better until that happens.
(1,624 posts)Bucky
(55,334 posts)Haley's probably running for the history books at this point. One thing their media Pavlov bellringers have taught Republican voters is to hold on to petty grudges long past their expiration date. They won't turn to her if Trump implodes this year. They won't turn to her in 2028, whether Trump wins or loses this year.
(38,420 posts)fine by me.
(4,399 posts)They may over rule everything and still get behind trump for their candidate.
Personally dont think these court cases are going happen timely in regard to election. He will appeal every one causing delay.
Xavier Breath
(5,234 posts)They hate her for both her ethnicity and gender, and they will never forgive her for repeatedly attacking Dear Leader. You don't do that and win MAGAt loyalty, no sir.
(8,797 posts)Pretty much unlimited cash.
(24,948 posts)rubbersole
(8,797 posts)Towlie
(5,464 posts)See:
Trump May Be In Early Stages Of Alzheimers from gab13by13 and the MSN article referenced in that post, which is
'Trump appears to be showing gross signs of dementia': Expert points to new evidence, and my own post,
Learn what "phonemic paraphasia" means! It could be our nation's salvation.
(1,739 posts)His decline continues to accelerate. The MSM is largely ignoring it but the door on that has cracked open as the links above illustrate. It will eventually become a big story and then, right at the end, the only story. MMW!
(17,349 posts)Modern medicine can work miracles!
(1,739 posts)They kept Reagans dementia from the electorate while Nancy and the John Birch Society/NRA ran the country. (But at least they were against Russia. )
Kid Berwyn
(18,600 posts)erronis
(17,349 posts)Jakes Progress
(11,184 posts)Nasruddin
(888 posts)What a choice.
What I've seen of her in the past few months (didn't pay any attention before to her career) convinces me she is
very stupid, beyond George Bush II stupid. The dullest politician running for justice of the peace should be able to
mildly both-sides a controversial, vote-destroying issue - not her. Blind ambition, no smarts, trapped into bad positions
hard to wiggle out of.
I'm less sure we could survive bad policy year-on-year than others.
No way either of these jokers should get anywhere near national office.
(3,512 posts)This is spot on and just the thought of this occuring is scary as hell!! GOTV people!!!!!
(80 posts)And that money has to be spent appropriately. Kickbacks, free travels, hotels, and meals, etc..
unfortunately TSF is Not going to go to jail, but he will lose spectacularly.
Especially if liberals stop being afraid to put out a yard sign, or peel a bumper sticker.
Time to mobilize and stop speaking to the choir..
(2,191 posts)IronLionZion
(47,306 posts)I have no idea how her campaign got my number but they invited me to a Haley rally here in Virginia. I haven't been to a rally for any GOP candidate in at least 25 years.
(414 posts)It infuriates Trump and seemingly all media. Trump cannot handle being routinely called out for his misdeeds by a former ally and the media hates that they cannot have election fun with the race they find most entertaining.
(96,882 posts)The tone is obvious from pundits and reporters. She should just quit and bow out is the theme and it's been going on since New Hampshire. I'm hearing and reading that she has the right to keep running, but what's the point is the underlying message. They just want a good old fight between Trump and Biden, it's so much more entertaining you know.
(96,882 posts)...if Trump got knocked out the race, she's far too conventional to get the replacement nomination in a MAGA-driven Party.
(13,333 posts)She may even flip the 2024 primary and win it, which would be better for democracy. She's got some momentum.
(58,292 posts)Anyone with any idea of the history of that party knows they will never choose a woman as their nominee, especially a brown one.
By staying she's spinning her wheels and throwing good money after bad. She needs to face it, it's the racist, white male, maga party.
(28,678 posts)He behaves like TFG, Jr. without the disgusting charisma.
Oh, what a disastrous thought.
hay rick
(8,376 posts)I believe many of the people who are willing to support Trump do so out of team loyalty. At the same time, they are not blind to his increasingly erratic behavior and incoherent rambling. Nicky is offering them an off ramp by saying he will be protected if she wins.
(15,917 posts)100% of Trump support would go to WHOEVER Trump said it should go to.
I'd assume DeSantis would re-enter... he'd get the Trump thumbs up pick up the Trump vote and Haley is still toast.
(49,206 posts)for office by the courts? Really? If someone has an outline of how that would happen, please share, I'll look around too.
(3,814 posts)A convention in that case would likely decide it - the party delegates are Trumpers and would choose accordingly - probably Don Jr or DeSantis.
The Never Trumpers who support Haley don't get it. The GOP base not only supports Trump but Trumpism which on some level is a rejection of the Reagan/neocon wing Haley represents.
The media keeps pitching her as a moderate. Haley is no moderate but a RW fundie neocon - in many ways ideologically worse than Trump, who at least holds some historically LW positions on issues like social security and trade. Haley is better on Ukraine/Russia, and is likely to respect institutional norms. But in no way is she some moderate.
(24,805 posts)I dont think she would win the general election, but it will set her up for a future run.
(95,574 posts)
but she is still young.
Saying that Haley is a good political campaigner is not an endorsement of her candidacy. She is, definitely, a good campaigner.