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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIf Trump is convicted on any number of charges, Congressional Democrats must demand
the Donald The Sick Fuck Trump DROP OUT of his race for POTUS!
No Fucking CRIMINAL should ever be near the Oval Office! EVER!
I would expect that Senate Dems are preparing their message YESTERDAY!

(5,239 posts)Think. Again.
(21,791 posts)LiberalFighter
(53,544 posts)onenote
(44,969 posts)And the Commander in Chief is a civilian, not subject to military rules. There is a mandatory retirement age for the US military. I doubt any of us think that should disqualify someone older than that age from serving as president.
Put another way, I don't think this is going to be a major talking point. I particularly think its unlikely that Biden will demand that Trump drop out of the race.
(2,332 posts)The military flat-out doesn't decide who sits in the White House. The individual service members get to vote like the rest of us, but that's the ONLY say the military gets about who serves in the office.
That's just how it is, and they'll needs must learn to live with it if the idiot manages to win, same as the rest of us.
Ms. Toad
(36,196 posts)But there are exceptions and waivers which allow some convicted felons to serve.
(28,835 posts)Jose Garcia
(3,104 posts)NanaCat
(2,332 posts)The military doesn't have any say about who takes any elected office.
Voters decide that, no one else. This is, you know, Civics 101 stuff.
We don't live under a military junta, you know. Or at least not yet.
(33,424 posts)Your own Constitution?
(8,521 posts)as a convicted felon to ensure a Biden victory ?
Who would the rethug nominee be if the con was out ?
(53,544 posts)So many reasons why.
Convicted as a felon will be another.
(6,431 posts)FarPoint
(13,871 posts)I am fine with Biden running against the orange menace.. Biden will win re-election....tRump is not close to even winning .tRump is an abusive mob boss type who is hated by the world.
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,106 posts)Skip the demanding. It sounds a bit childish to the wobbly middle.
If Ds are going to speak about the issue in public (and they should), they need to say things like "If Rs nominate tRump it is proof that they believe in a two-tier justice system and a two-tier social order with rich white males above everyone else" but more pithy. They should dare them to nominate tRump.
With tRump, the rational wing of the R Party (shrinking daily but still substantial) has nowhere to go except Biden. RFK Jr rational? Nope.
Without tRump, the nominee would like be someone the rational wing could rally around. Don't want that.
In the final analysis, tRump loyalists control the RNC. They will nominate tRump come hell or high water.
(44,969 posts)ZonkerHarris
(25,577 posts)TeamProg
(6,630 posts)The louder, the better, the more, the better. Demand demand demand - just as the GOP and Fox News would do.
And no to "If Rs nominate tRump it is proof that they believe in a two-tier justice system..." because his supporters don't care about that. They don't.
And no to ".. and a two-tier social order with rich white males above everyone else" because his supporters will then say ' why pick on TSF when they are other criminal rich men?'
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,106 posts)It is foolish to focus on tRump supporters. So don't. Our proposal does not.
The middle IS wobbly. (good read):
Pundits, analysts and political junkies (such as ourselves) can read the tea leaves and know that a rematch is all but certain. But voters aren’t so sure. When we speak to our less politically engaged family members and friends (i.e., normal people), we often get asked some version of the following: “Are you sure Biden’s going to run again? Isn’t he pushing it a bit at his age? And Trump winning the primary again? Seriously? Isn’t he going to prison?”
To the extent that voters are shielded from the impending reality that 2024 really will be a rematch, their responses to head-to-head surveys might not reflect how they’ll actually vote in November.
At least, that’s what Team Biden is hoping for. According to a New York magazine profile, the Biden campaign believes that once voters tune into the race, they’ll remember why they voted for the president over his predecessor the last time. And there’s some evidence for this view: CNN has reported that in Biden’s internal campaign polling, three-quarters of undecided voters do not (yet) believe that Donald Trump will be the GOP nominee.
Your main proposal is my main proposal. Don't demand Rs not nominate tRump, instead "remind the public of the many crimes of DJT. The louder, the better, the more, the better." But that is NOT demanding. Demanding is childish, foolish, and less than useless. If you demand the Rs do something, that is targetting tRump supporters. A waste of air time and eyeballs.
The RNC is run by tRump's daughter-in-law. tRump will be the nominee. No amount of D demanding will change that.
When we say "the Republicons believe in two-tier justice", that is a message to remind voters in the middle that Republicons do not represent their interests. It is not aimed at magas. It is aimed at the wobbly middle who are unsure about the policing and justice system after Roe overturned and Floyd murdered.
When we talk about Republicon support of rich white males, it is not aimed at magas. It is aimed at the wobbly middle in between Ds and Rs (and not necessarily independents); the low-info middle that haven't paid much attention so far, the wobbly middle who too much think Biden created the inflation and tRump is better at economics.
Attacking the core of tRump's sales pitch, loudly and often, will reach the wobbly middle who don't realize tRump is guaranteed the nomination and Biden will get the D nomination.
(49,189 posts)And Alito is not listening to Senate Democrats that he should recuse over the flag issue.
Democrats have no power over what Trump does. Not even impeachment worked.
(25,577 posts)TeamProg
(6,630 posts)Silent Type
(8,654 posts)TeamProg
(6,630 posts)NoRethugFriends
(3,202 posts)TeamProg
(6,630 posts)Is that a serous question?
(3,202 posts)TeamProg
(6,630 posts)three words:
Pressure Pressure Pressure
(6,630 posts)to hear from the public.
(4,557 posts)When you do not have the authority to enforce those demands is generally not a great move.
I don't see any upside to the leaders of our party making such a statement.
(6,630 posts)how about good 'ol family values like the Republican party says that they support?
I don't see any down-side to the leaders of our party making such a statement.
(4,557 posts)To show the huge gap in ethics/morals/professionalism/etc. between President Biden and Trump.
Making demands we have no power to enforce isn't going to make that more clear.
(6,630 posts)Model35mech
(2,047 posts)It would be a terrible waste of an opportunity if dems don't cryout for the creation of Ethics Reform Panels to write Constitutional Amendments to make the executive branch and the courts accountable to the People for behavioral missteps.
(4,557 posts)We don't need more tools, we need the political support to use them.
If we had the political capital to pass such amendments, we would have the political capital for successful impeachments. As it stands, we don't have enough for either.
(2,047 posts)An Overton Window opening IS a shift in political sentiment and support.
(6,630 posts)What’s not to get?
Response to TeamProg (Original post)
Post removed
(6,630 posts)GreenWave
(10,608 posts)No US witness (interpreter, etc) was allowed inside.
Freaking traitor!
(25,989 posts)a little tetchy around here until the verdict comes in …
(2,332 posts)It's not their party running the traitor for office, and thus not the Democrats' call to make.
Focus on what they can do if he's convicted: Spending from verdict day until election day prefacing every comment about him with 'convicted felon TSF.'
Keep saying it over and over. Make the election about the convicted felon, and not the mindless distraction spanners the traitor GQP will try to throw into the works to obscure that they're running a convicted felon as their party leader.
Make people have to ask themselves, 'Do I vote for a convicted felon or a candidate who isn't a convicted felon?'