General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsTo All Those Who Pushed Biden into Withdrawing:
OK. You got what you wanted. Now STFU!

(53,829 posts)we can do it
(12,816 posts)femmedem
(8,477 posts)piddyprints
(14,877 posts)We just lost the incumbency key and maybe more.
(3,823 posts)and with a better ability to speak on the Biden accomplishments.
(14,877 posts)I just listened to Allan Lichtman explain that we only keep the incumbency key if Biden steps down and Harris becomes president. We may retain the contest key if the Democrats are united and easily nominate Harris. We are 3 keys down and 4 shaky ones. Looking for 3rd party, social unrest, foreign/military failure and success, which are the uncertain keys.
(790 posts)Demsrule86
(71,038 posts)Zipgun
(212 posts)I will support all democratic candidates in every general election. But dont look for that same unconditional support for incumbents beyond that. Primary season, I vote my conscience. And I hold grudges.
(1,202 posts)We need to get support behind those that would rent for the house and Senate so we still need to not only vote but at least a few dollars and we need to get out promote them but what we dont have to do is ever go and see if like another movie that George Clooney is involved in for example.
And every time we donate or do anything to support another Canidate, we can say we do this in the name of Joe Biden.
Just so you know, I fully supported Joe
I am crying. I dont really have money to support people either or the ability to much but I know we cant abandon all candidates right now.
(1,571 posts)Let the donors pay for the rest, they made the decision.
Wicked Blue
(7,185 posts)thinkingagain
(1,202 posts)Same
(1,187 posts)Demsrule86
(71,038 posts)diva77
(7,880 posts)FemDemERA
(443 posts)Last edited Sun Jul 21, 2024, 11:02 PM - Edit history (2)
I was 100% behind a Biden/Harris ticket. I am now 100% behind Kamala Harris and will donate and vote for her and whomever she chooses for a running mate. That said, I am grieving, angry, disappointed in many people I once had respect for, and just feeling like crap right now. I will likely continue to feel like this for awhile. I also realize that it would be shortsighted to not support all the Dems that I am currently angry at and disappointed in. Trump and Trumplicans are still a threat. I will work towards defeating Repubs this time around and then make decisions on how I vote for some Dems in later elections. That said, George Clooney is not someone who needs my support in any way. He won't miss the $30 I had been planning on spending on his movie.
Happy Hoosier
(8,709 posts)I intend to give as much as I can. I didnt want this, but now that its happened, I intend to do what I can.
(71,038 posts)
(2,660 posts)ransom any minute now, I'm sure.
(71,038 posts)
(10,924 posts)The national orgs are funded by "our betters", and don't work for our good anyway. We're definitely finding that out now.
They managed to not just force out an incumbent president right before an election, but a HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL president. They don't need our money, the candidates do.
Cuthbert Allgood
(5,206 posts)when that was said in the past, it was fighting words. When people didn't get what they wanted in the party, the line was suck it up and support the nominee. Interesting how that has changed here.
(71,038 posts)Cuthbert Allgood
(5,206 posts)Demsrule86
(71,038 posts)choie
(5,047 posts)get a pony. Is that what you call democracy?
(1,115 posts)BlueSky3
(728 posts)hurt feelings and anger aside and concentrate on saving democracy. In a 50:50 country, were each going to do all we can to put Democrats over the top.
(71,038 posts)Desert grandma
(1,059 posts)to donate. Forget it. Let the Big Money Donors fund this now. I will vote blue but refuse to give money to support these political shenanigans.
(5,035 posts)I've has SERIOUS doubts about a lot of texts pleaded for money that don't go thru Act Blue, or DU
Am I cynical enough to wonder if GOP or other con artists are sending texts hoping we will send THEM money, thinking we are support DEM candidate? YES I FUCKING AM THAT CYNICAL. I am not supporting maga hooligans and con men accidentally.
Only donate to a site YOU go to and know to be legit. DO NOT click on links that come from text messages. If you don't initiate the contact, don't give. ALWAYS verify.
Progressive dog
(7,337 posts)donations for Kamala Harris
(5,035 posts)and, as has been done with banks, there can be cloned sites that are bogus but look like the real deal. ONLY give to site you personally went to on your own, not a link from a random text or email.
Progressive dog
(7,337 posts)by a link from an email. google it
(5,035 posts)My point is: SOME of the texts being sent may well not be legit so people shouldn't click those links. Instead, go directly to the site and avoid ANY chance of a link that might send you to a cloned site and do bad things with your card #. It's the same consumer protection advice banks give their customers.
(17,428 posts)PatSeg
(49,828 posts)who pressured some politicians to call for Biden to step down from the race.
(1,202 posts)whatever they do. Make movies, write books, own businesses. We could have a list it is a boycott.
But support any abd all Dems until at least the election is over, Then we can work on replacing the ones that did this to Joe.
My concern is more for America and us than my hurt feelings right now.
Vent to day rant and then please get behind all the Dems so we can get the house Hopefully by wide margins improve on our numbers in the Senate again hopefully with wide enough margins we can do somethings and Keep Americas house.
Joe is backing Kamala and advise on any advise she would ask I am sure.
(49,828 posts)I feel like I've punched in the gut and I haven't recovered yet. Meanwhile, it rather feels like a lot of people are "dancing on Joe's metaphorical grave" already. I'm still grieving and very angry at a whole lot of people.
and there's the overwelming feeling of doom.
And yes, there are people dancing on his grave. It sickens me.
(49,828 posts)Watching people switch gears so easily and so quickly is unsettling.
(2,660 posts)All this spontaneous over the top enthusiasm on social media makes me very uncomfortable.
Almost as if no one knew VP Harris was already on the ticket.
So what happens when the big money donors change their mind again in two weeks? two months?
(49,828 posts)And after all Joe has done for the economy and the stock market, they'll still turn on him to get more tax breaks.
As for the over the top enthusiasm, I understand people saying stakes are high and we have to move forward, but too many people seem like they are enjoying all of this while people are still processing the shock. Even people within the administration and the campaign didn't find out until today.
Wicked Blue
(7,185 posts)I agree with you. I resent being told to develop amnesia.
(49,828 posts)that it seems to come so easily for some. My support was genuine and heartfelt. I can't just turn it on and off like a lightswitch.
Wicked Blue
(7,185 posts)LakeArenal
(29,935 posts)That only makes me more angry and disillusioned.
All the accusations about us not voting. No one is saying they wont vote.
We are saying we are pissed as hell and some of those top people sure as hell better be right.
And if they cant stand the heat from some of us they shouldnt have started the fire.
Humans disappoint people all the time. They are the ones that should get over it.
(49,828 posts)It's good to know I'm not alone.
For many of us, this was really a major blow, but for others, it is just politics as usual and after just hours, I'm not ready for all the upbeat, optimistic campaign planning.
To see all the threads about who would be the best Democratic ticket so soon after Joe dropped out was depressing. It is like if someone died and everyone tries to find a new spouse for the widow/widower before there is even a funeral.
(31,443 posts)
(49,828 posts)but that taste will stay with us for a very long time, much like when Trump was elected. In a sense, I will never actually get over it and I may have trust issues for a very long time.
(3,823 posts)He had some of the worst numbers for an incumbent president. Nobody with an approval rating under 40% has every won - it was shaping up to be a landslide loss that would've taken down Congress with it.
It was also what we could see with our own eyes. Biden was struggling with basic questions, and being behind, there was no way he would be able to make up that ground.
Any normal Dem could win this race - because they could campaign energetically in a way that Biden no longer could.
He made the correct decision, and now the party has to come together to defeat Trump.
(71,038 posts)PatSeg
(49,828 posts)I think a lot of people were looking for a reason to undermine his candidacy.
(5,047 posts)The Dems and the mediia
(16,902 posts)The drip drip drip and leaks is what has enraged so many. It should have all been occurring behind closed doors.
Those that participated in that process deserve all the pushback they're getting.
(3,823 posts)Pelosi - who is a political genius and one of the greatest leaders in American history - would not have organized a pressure campaign if she didn't feel it was absolutely necessary. The data clearly pointed to disaster, and just watching Biden (not just the debate, but even follow up appearances) showed he was not going to be capable of making up ground.
Biden did the right thing, and we all need to unite behind the ticket to beat Trump.
(4,339 posts)Grassroots donations are important and indicate the true will of the people. Its going to take much more than just our votes to get her across the finish line.
Desert grandma
(1,059 posts)I am a monthly donor to the BIDEN/HARRIS campaign. I see how much the "true will of the people" was respected.
(4,339 posts)And my wife and I will continue to donate as much as we can possibly afford, because at the end of the day, I dont care if I am voting for a brain in a jar on a shelf so long as its a vote against fascism, and the big money people need to see that popular support for Democratic ideals is NOT tied to personalities.
we can do it
(12,816 posts)Money over voters misguided asking for money now, misguided.
(4,339 posts)Your votes were not thrown out. The candidate recognized that the political headwinds were too strong and his energy too low to combat them, so he passed the baton to his second-in-command and now its her job to run with it and its our job to provide support as much as humanly possible in every way thats possible.
Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable the art of the next best.
Otto von Bismarck
Desert grandma
(1,059 posts)You talked to the candidate,right?
(4,339 posts)While it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.
Joe Biden July 21, 2024
(5,047 posts)the Dem leadership, their donors and the media. It wasnt organic.
(4,339 posts)I believe it found the least painful solution to many of those problems. I understand that some would disagree on the solution but the decisions have been made and everyone needs to get their hands on the oars and start rowing as if their lives depended on it, else Joe Bidens sacrifice will have been in vain.
(71,038 posts)Demsrule86
(71,038 posts)don't care about grass roots.
(29,935 posts)I donated to Joe this am. Got the shaft a bit later.
(22,902 posts)LakeArenal
(29,935 posts)orangecrush
(22,902 posts)That's what I am.
(29,935 posts)Im not feeling many comforting vibes for those who have just had their foundation swiped away.
(2,660 posts)the sharpened knives come out for VP Harris.
Then the big money donors may decide they want someone else, and they'll get their new toy, because they know what to do to get it.
Trust was broken. I don't trust anyone now.
(236 posts)
we can do it
(12,816 posts)StarryNite
(11,193 posts)They wanted the big bucks from those billionaires. I wonder how it feels to be bought and paid for?
(71,038 posts)Dave says
(5,006 posts)Not sure where that money goes now.
(6,548 posts)When you donated to Biden, you were donating to the Biden/Harris ticket. That money stays with her.
(71,038 posts)She will be the nominee
(2,660 posts)All this exuberant jubilation over VP Harris seems premature.
(10 posts)And many previous times as well. I had counted that as my last donation as I can't afford anymore. My vote is about all I can give now. I hope it's enough.
(4,563 posts)One of those two choices would be a selfish choice, and I doubt that you are a selfish person. I know you feel demoralized and angry, but imagine how much worse you will feel if Trump wins.
Deep down, I don't think you, or anyone on DU, would sacrifice the future of our nation's children to feel self-righteous, to feel justified, or to give into the temptations of despondency.
(53,829 posts)fund those who told Biden to drop out. I have the list and you are free to fund their campaigns.
(4,563 posts)and for that, I apologize.
(53,829 posts)Desert grandma
(1,059 posts)Demsrule86
(71,038 posts)primary and a presumptive nominee. All that was taken away.
(71,038 posts)CrispyQ
(38,946 posts)It's disgraceful the way Biden was treated.
(2,493 posts)Why wouldn't you
add the option of Biden himself realized he doesn't have the strength. Do you really think he himself didn't know he was getting weaker, and seriously worried about 4 1/2 more years of presidency? Please stop pretending Joe could jog up stairs like 4 years ago. Even he knew it was hard for him to board air force 1.
(148,398 posts)This is not about that. This is about something else. He was forced into his decision. Good day to you, sir or madam.
Ms. Toad
(35,851 posts)bluewater
(5,420 posts)Thanks in advance for you clarifying this for me.
Ms. Toad
(35,851 posts)in response to his assertion that this wasn't a personal decision by Biden - that he was forced into it.
(5,420 posts)These assertions by the prior poster also seem to be based on personal conversations or perhaps mind-reading too, hence my confusion.
Thanks for clearing up my confusion.

Ms. Toad
(35,851 posts)Alwayshopefull
(11 posts)I agree with you completely.
(46,956 posts)NT
(11,193 posts)didn't make walking any easier.
(29,935 posts)MustLoveBeagles
(12,872 posts)We never learn
(2,660 posts)A child could recognize that right wing hit job on Al Franken.
I will never forgive smarmy Gillibrand.
(29,935 posts)Desert grandma
(1,059 posts)Because just yesterday he was talking about getting ready to campaign and that we would win.
(2,493 posts)accuracy that he wrote that? it might have been staff sending out that stuff to maintain donors.
(12,683 posts)That doesn't mean he was still running. All of the statements have been very specifically worded to give wiggle room.
(1,631 posts)as recently as last night did he tweet he was running and going to win? He was forced out.
(6,548 posts)soandso
(1,631 posts)But do think they send tweets making statements that are completely contrary to his wishes and positions?
(6,548 posts)The first rule of social media is, you ALWAYS make it clear that youre in the fight and youre fighting to win, no matter what you think may happen in the future.
Biden likely made this decision several days ago, it doesnt just happen and get announced on a whim. In the mean time, the social media team has to keep posting as if hes going to be the nominee into November, they arent going to be alerted about whats happening until the very last second, to avoid any leaks.
(23,171 posts)loses their ability to think and make decisions. The ageism here sucks and Im 72 today and still hiking mountains.
(2,493 posts)Glad you're able to get outdoors!
(23,171 posts)

(2,493 posts)those are my favorite hikes. my state has many dozens.
(23,171 posts)and a trip to the border of SC and GA where there are many. Waterfalls are my favorite natural feature 🙂. We just moved to the Low Country in SC.
(2,493 posts)beautiful waterfalls, smokey falls, bond falls, eagle river falls tahquamenom falls.....just awesome.
(23,171 posts)Tahquemenon Falls 👍🏻.
(10,425 posts)
(71,038 posts)AverageJoe
(2,366 posts)Pushing Biden out was a HUGE political miscalculation IMHO. I will support our ticket, 100 percent, whoever it is, but Biden dropping out makes winning the election a tougher proposition.
(22,780 posts)The NYT did with Biden's age what 34 felony convictions could not do to drumpf.... get a candidate to drop out of the race.
Response to Takket (Reply #6)
Post removed
(750 posts)she's the nominee. I think there's momentum to be gained here. Joe is the best president in my lifetime. I'm grateful for him. And I'm excited for VP Harris. Let's go!
Blue Full Moon
(1,611 posts)ananda
(31,191 posts)!!!
Blue Full Moon
(1,611 posts)FemDemERA
(443 posts)Is set up to do so.
(460 posts)Demsrule86
(71,038 posts)blurplenurple
(13 posts)From my observations, the vast majority of negativity leading up to the announcement today has been from the pro-Biden folks. It seems it's continuing after the announcement too.
Post debate:
Concerned DUers: I'm worried about Biden's ability to win. I'll still support him if he's on the ticket, but I'm worried.
Pro-Biden DUers: STFU and stop wetting the bed.
Post withdrawal:
Concerned DUers: Let's support Kamala!
Pro-Biden DUers: You got your way, now STFU.
Seriously, it seems pretty one-sided when it comes to the disrespectful language and divisiveness. That's all. I'm going to go back to not posting now. Thanks.
(148,398 posts)Not posting, I mean.
(13 posts)Please be respectful of others with differing opinions.
(148,398 posts)It was your decision to "stop posting," not mine. Just as it was Biden's decision to withdraw.
(13 posts)It seems like this isn't going to be a productive dialogue, and I'm sorry that's the case. I hope you have a great day. (And to be clear, this isn't a "bless your heart" type comment.) I truly hope that you're able to come to peace with whatever frustration you're feeling about this situation.
(148,398 posts)choie
(5,047 posts)OnDoutside
(20,680 posts)Back in 2015/16, I was attacked by the very same poster who's having a go at you now for being a Russian bot (!) just because my opinion was different to his. Ignore him, there are plenty of fantastic people on here.
(71,038 posts)radius777
(3,823 posts)Updated 11:28 AM EDT, July 17, 2024
WASHINGTON (AP) Nearly two-thirds of Democrats say President Joe Biden should withdraw from the presidential race and let his party nominate a different candidate, according to a new poll, sharply undercutting his post-debate claim that average Democrats are still with him even if some big names are turning on him.
The new survey by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, conducted as Biden works to salvage his candidacy two weeks after his debate flop, also found that only about 3 in 10 Democrats are extremely or very confident that he has the mental capability to serve effectively as president, down slightly from 40% in an AP-NORC poll in February.
(71,038 posts)Wicked Blue
(7,185 posts)I don't believe in polls any more than I believe in leprechauns
(15,389 posts)They still find a reason complain.
(28,834 posts)Just sayin'.
I think it's also a bit disrespectful for people to insist, based on no personal knowledge of the conversations, that they know exactly what happened in the president's conversations with family and staff and exactly why the president declined to run again. It's remarkably presumptuous.
His brother says it was about the president's overall health and vitality and the need for Trump to lose in November. Maybe some billionaire paid him to say that.
(Sarcasm, in case it wasn't blatantly obvious)
(121,924 posts)Chasing Dreams
(525 posts)And the attacks from those here on low post DUers who expressed opinions wanting a change in n the ticket as trolls, bots, etc was just sickening. Ive been here for 20 years, am real as hell, and am a proud Democrat. Im proud of Joe and Kamala. It is time to come together and support her campaign. Lets go!!!
(13 posts)I don't usually post anything online, period. Doesn't mean I'm any less worthy of respect.
I'm 36, have always voted blue, volunteered for Obama in 2012, have donated a cumulative thousands over the years to Dem candidates, and (without being too specific for fear of doxxing) work in election administration for my state government. I'm very committed to democracy, and I believe in the power of having people in office who want government to work (Dems). Is all of that negated by the fact that I joined DU only recently and don't usually like to comment?
For what it's worth, this isn't limited to DU. I was on my church council after being encouraged as one of the few younger folks to participate in leadership. There were certain folks who liked to emphasize how long they'd been attending the church before they said anything at the council meetings, which felt so incredibly dismissive to folks like me who were newer. I mean, the whole "OK, Boomer" thing even started as a reaction against older folks being dismissive of the opinions and experiences of young people (though it often swung way too far in the opposite direction).
All that to say, I believe DU can do better, and I sincerely hope it does. I would love to feel like it's worth it to stick around. I keep going back and forth on it, but posts like this one (the OP, not you) make me think I'm probably in the wrong place if I'm looking for an inclusive, caring online community for folks on the left.
(639 posts)It really irritates me when people here act like that. I come here to learn and do not have too much to say if i know little about what is being discussed and figure most people probably could care less about my 2 cents. By the way I am one of those pesky Boomers.
(8,477 posts)And I agree, some posters can be horrifically untrusting and dismissive of new posters. But look at how many people recommended your post. Most of us value being inclusive--but we're not always loud about it. I, for one, will try to be better about standing up for newcomers.
(1,861 posts)I agree with everything you said here.
You sound like a voice of reason. Keep up the good work.
(71,038 posts)TwilightZone
(28,834 posts)This has been a contentious issue from the start and many got very deeply invested in the circumstances and the eventual outcome. Some are taking President Biden's decision to withdraw very hard and very personally, and some are lashing out at anyone who might have a different perspective. Or the same perspective, for that matter.
At times like this, there's often a large influx of "new" accounts and many of them are trolls, trying to disrupt and cause problems. That leads some DUers to look at any new or low-post account with suspicion.
None of that is justification for personal attacks and the like, of course, but what you're experiencing is also not indicative of how the place usually operates outside of times of high stress. I hope that you give the place a chance and that other posters give you a chance, as well.
A belated welcome.
Lulu KC
(6,357 posts)But there's so much good info here. I use "ignore" for mean people.
we can do it
(12,816 posts)blurplenurple
(13 posts)I really don't understand why you'd post that when you see me already teetering on the edge of leaving DU specifically because of the disrespect and divisiveness I've witnessed.
Do you really want a smaller DU community? Do you really only want to see posts from people who agree with you? I'm asking for a more positive, encouraging discourse. I don't want to make anyone mad. I don't want to tell people to stop expressing themselves. I don't want to go on yet another search for an online community that nourishes my political side (instead of inflaming it, as is the case with Reddit). I really want to feel like I belong here.
(8,431 posts)Thank you for your input!
(8,117 posts)Folks need time and space to process stuff, and nerves are raw.
This place can get a bit jumpy at the best of times. A relatively thick skin is sometimes required.
But that thick skin would be well accompanied by a little empathy, in my experience.
You entered the thread telling the OP off. Maybe it wasn't your intention, but it seemed presumptious from someone who has a lot less time on the board. That sort of thing shouldn't matter, but it has on every forum I've ever spent time on. You also need to bear in mind that the last couple of weeks have seen a major influx of low-post count trolls, who've usually been gone after a few posts.
FWIW, this place skews older, partly because of when it was set up in 2001, partly because forums aren't as fashionable nowadays, just as blogs aren't any more, whereas once they in turn took over from forums. It could always do with some younger voices.
(5,420 posts)Tone matters. It's easy to be misunderstood in a text only discussion since that lacks voice inflection, facial expressions and body language.
I mean, no one should want to be perceived as being sanctimonious or engaging in gaslighting, I would think.
(8,117 posts)Just kidding, in case that wasn't clear.
I think ...
(5,420 posts)

Polly Hennessey
(7,629 posts)They might be vocal but not all that meaningful.
(12,798 posts)
(8,477 posts)And the person you're responding to doesn't deserve it.
(5,420 posts)Hmmm.
Personally, I try to be more polite and respectful and to avoid telling other people what to do when I disagree with their opinions.
Also, I try to reply to the specific comment I took issue with and avoid making sweeping broad brushed generalities directed at a large number of DU members based solely on my personal opinions or "observations".
Case in point:
Post debate:
Concerned DUers: I'm worried about Biden's ability to win. I'll still support him if he's on the ticket, but I'm worried.
Pro-Biden DUers: STFU and stop wetting the bed.
Post withdrawal:
Concerned DUers: Let's support Kamala!
Pro-Biden DUers: You got your way, now STFU.
Seriously, it seems pretty one-sided when it comes to the disrespectful language and divisiveness.
In any case, Welcome to DU!
Enjoy your day.

(2,660 posts)"Stop being divisive!" Then proceeds to divide.
(5,420 posts)

(36 posts)deliberately fish for a fight then cry foul when it actually happens.
(19,351 posts)I am sad that Joe has decided to step aside and has endorsed Kamala Harris to run instead.
Kamala Harris has the moxie and can unite not only the Party, but women too! Women of all stripes, backgrounds, on issues concerning Reproductive rights, voting rights, child care, jobs, immigration, etc. She has been prepping for this since Joe picked her to be his running mate. She cares about the rights of all Americans. Her youth and vigor is a plus. Of course, to be silly, will change into comfy shoes from now on.
Kamala has the smarts too to run circles around CF#45 and his vp pick. I was depressed, but now after hearing of this news, I am more hopeful for the future.
Let's get to work people!
(71,038 posts)It is going to be a very tough race.
Hiawatha Pete
(1,976 posts)mcar
(43,840 posts)instead of eating our own.
with your post, mcar.
(71,038 posts)early voting?
(3,778 posts)Some states have certification deadlines prior to the convention. Ohio Republicans, in particular, have made it clear that they were trying to use that as a tactic to keep Biden off the ballot altogether.
There will be a virtual roll-call prior to August 7th. Harris will be named the nominee at that point.
There will not be an open convention.
Blue Full Moon
(1,611 posts)But this just gave Trump the election. They are demanding that Biden resign immediately. That the democrats have been lying to the American people. But if that does happen Harris will be president. Which would make some of the I want a woman president people happy. But from all the posts and articles I doubt that it will make her the nominee. Although I believe that she should be it. She has been VP, Senator but somehow she isnt qualified. Boiling mad right now. So money does trump our civil rights.
(148,398 posts)I will have to just take your prediction with a mountain of salt, I guess. I'm not sure you really are able to predict much of anything regarding this.
Have a good day.
(71,038 posts)XanaDUer2
(15,042 posts)fishwax
(29,331 posts)debm55
(41,535 posts)BlueInPhilly
(971 posts)Take this day to cry, then go back to supporting your party and your country. Dont leave the playground because somebody went home.
Biden did what he promised he would do 4 years ago - that he would not run for reelection.
I would vote for anyone running against Trump.
(48,688 posts)And what about democracy? I don't get this shit about suck it up, move on and capitulating to the whims of billionaires. That's oligarchy vs democracy and orders to just ignore that and fall in line are what isn't helpful. It's a big fucking deal.
It feels like these elites who just stole 14 million primary votes are arrogant and entitled and they're completely secure in that because the know Democrats will vote for whomever they choose - which is true. It's like "what are you peons gonna do about it? Now shut up." It does not feel right.
(71,038 posts)whopis01
(3,778 posts)In Florida, for example, the Democratic Party decided to not even hold a vote for the nominee.
The party nomination process has never been particularly Democratic.
(45,728 posts)For one thing Would have made him a lame duck from day one.
For another thing, he never said that.
(71,038 posts)Pisces
(5,860 posts)Response to MineralMan (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(7,035 posts)Perhaps they felt the same duty that Biden expressed.
(1,546 posts)these people are going to have a LOT to answer for if and very possibly when we lose the general election.
This is unforgivable. Furthermore, the USSC needs to be expanded so that Citizens United can be thrown out.
This is what has created the mess we have. The rich and corporations should not have any more say than the rest of us.
(48,688 posts)"Joe agrees with us!"
"We were only doing what Joe wants."
"He said so himself!"
Should be fun...
EDIT: Actually, you don't have to wait. It's everywhere
(701 posts)Okay.
Ocelot II
(122,649 posts)To coin a cliche, we were handed a lemon and now we have to figure out how to make lemonade with it. For the purposes of this election it doesn't matter why Biden decided to withdraw, whether he jumped or was pushed. Retribution can be saved until after the election, at which point we can each decide for ourselves what we want to do about the pushers. For the next 3-1/2 months we work our asses off to be sure Trump isn't elected, whether or not we love the new ticket and no matter how pissed off we might be right now.
(148,398 posts)The answer to that will be revealed in November.
Ocelot II
(122,649 posts)than I've been in years, and I hope everyone realizes that this isn't the time to punish the party even if they deserve it.
(16,459 posts)I myself am really angry. I feel the same way I felt when my alma mater threw its longtime football coach, who was sick and dying at the time, under the bus for the actions of someone else because they needed a scapegoat. If Joe Biden was my dad and this happened to him, I'd be ready to punch someone.
FTR, I voted "uncommitted" in the PA Dem primary as a protest vote over the war in Gaza.
(6,746 posts)At least when LBJ stepped aside we still had almost 8 months to go.
(15,030 posts)Electrolite
(37 posts)STFU is generally considered impolite by most people.
(15,030 posts)Electrolite
(37 posts)regrets.
(47,174 posts)BootinUp
(49,281 posts)that the delegates are now released. They are not VP Harris's delegates. I assume some deals have been worked out in advance of Biden's announcement. Lets see what happens.
(11,566 posts)Personally, I'm heartsick about the forced withdrawal of a good, decent man and an extraordinary leader, the best president of my living memory. Today I'm pissed at the howls that drove this action--the media, the GOP, malevolent foreign entities, the far-right fringe, the propaganda etc., etc., etc.
I plan to wallow in my sadness and pissed-off mood all day.
But tomorrow?
The fight begins, again.
No excuses for bitterness, further delays or endless recriminations. We have a country to save; a future to ensure; a legacy to preserve; and sacrifices to honor, those made in our behalf including the one just made by President Biden.
Kamala Harris is our go-to nominee. There better not be moaning and groaning from any quarter or I am sure to blow a gasket.
We have less than 4 months to turn this disaster around. Everything and I mean everything depends on our full commitment to the task ahead.
I have a disabled grand baby, a child who has fought for every breath since the day she was born. There's no way I'm turning her fate over to a bunch of rabid wolves. We all have loved ones, people to protect, even if its ourselves. The end note is squarely on us now. We better be prepared to play it right and strong right to the finish line.
As for President Biden? He will always be the People's President in my heart and mind. He earned that title with integrity, decency and grit.
Time to show him what we've got!
(34,207 posts)They weren't speaking to Biden. They were speaking to the party and voters.
They still have something to say.
(666 posts)nt
Response to MineralMan (Original post)
orangecrush This message was self-deleted by its author.
(22,902 posts)I will vote for whomever is on the ticket (assuming the courts even allow a new ticket) but other than that I'm fucking done.
(18,381 posts)Like FUCK YOU ALL TO HELL.
(the you being those who pushed Biden into withdrawing - not YOU, MM)
(1,386 posts)I bow to nobody in terms of my respect and admiration for JB. But it was pretty clear that he was fighting a losing battle against Father Time. I am also a medical doctor with decades of experience in geriatrics and his cognitive decline was starkly obvious. The adverse implications of his staying on under those circumstances are crystal clear. And it would also would have been cruel to the man himself to expect him to do do.
And he was not pushed. He might have been advised but he was not pushed. He alone could call it. And being the selfless patriot that he is he called it the right way. The contrasts with his opponent -- which are now powerfully pushed into national focus -- could not be starker.
Bongo Prophet
(2,732 posts)Couldn't resist.
(6,821 posts)In fact, I thought he should have stayed in.
Most threads were of "FUCK MSNBC, CNN, *insert D politician*, etc. for pushing that narrative.
The others were more of "What the fuck is going on?! Why is this being pushed? What aren't they telling us?" I was one of those and took some heat for it and accused for wanting Biden to drop out, when I wasn't.
There were few actually advocating for Biden to drop out. So, not that many will need to STFU.
I'll rally behind whoever is the nominee, even if its a pile of manure. The alternative is far too worse.
(11,098 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,246 posts)Very interesting county committee call this afternoon. I live in the 6th wealthiest County in America. A lot of money thrown at Biden.
(9,238 posts)So no need for them to say anything.
Susan Calvin
(2,190 posts)3825-87867
(1,227 posts)to make up contributions lost by donating huge sums?
I can't wait for Clooney and Co. to chip in a few bucks.
I want to see them fork over millions.
Or be called cheap by the likes of Musk.
Not putting money on them contributing any more to make up for the losses.
(16,902 posts)You can want to unite and move on and still hold a grudge and take notes. I won't be forgetting those that stirred up this chaos instead of coming to Biden's defense when the media pile on began in the wake of the Afghanistan withdrawal.
(16,781 posts)Call them what they are: backstabbers. They are never, ever to be trusted from here on out.
(13,490 posts)We will need to unite the Democratic party if we are going to win in November. We can't be fighting among ourselves. Joe is out and that is a done deal. But holding grudges against those in our party who tried to push him out is not productive at this point. We need everybody working together.
(10,411 posts)Sometimes the tiny horse leaves the stable and there's nothing to be done for it.
I do believe that is the advice I often receive as a gay man.
But I only have mostly fond memories of farms. Except when that goat attacked me. But I was wearing a hoodie that was basically highlighter yellow at the time.
Island Blue
(6,287 posts)by the end of the business day on Monday!
a kennedy
(32,657 posts)🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬
(71,038 posts)lees1975
(6,223 posts)Or I wouldn't want to be you if we don't.
Prairie Gates
(3,935 posts)
They want us to LIKE IT, too. That's the galling part.
(13,650 posts)His downhill seems to be going as fast as the downhill we saw with Justice Thurgood Marshall.
(28,933 posts)Look, I will stand behind Kamala Harris front and center. I put her ahead of Biden on my list of choices in 2020, and in the event, I was probably proven wrong, because he has been an absolutely exceptional President.
But all the people who can't even wait a day to post Kamala Harris memes or "I'm With Her" photos etc., please cut it out. It looks like grave dancing to me. Have some grace.
(35,343 posts)Last edited Mon Jul 22, 2024, 07:31 AM - Edit history (2)
* putting on my hat and heading out the door *
If the chorus fucks this up, I am going to have to stand in line to kick their asses.
(1,187 posts)and FU to the mostly white anglo male elitists who disenfranchised 14 million dem primary voters. Full speed ahead V.P. Harris!
The Grand Illuminist
(1,739 posts)Since after 1968 Chicago, states passed laws to prevent these fiasco ever happening. This might be going to the courts.
(1,187 posts)so that never again are we the people disenfranchised by a small group of mostly privileged white anglo men. It's GOP SCOTUS 2000 all over again.
The Grand Illuminist
(1,739 posts)nt
(1,187 posts)We know how that one turned out. 2024 is a life and death election for women.
Sky Jewels
(8,856 posts)We were on track to get slaughtered.
Now were not.
(18,602 posts)Meowmee
(6,847 posts)They have to reinforce their decision to hound him until he dropped out... it has happened before, and it will happen again. I have not been here for ages, I am not sure why I came back, but someone here had emailed me so I replied.
I stopped donating to dems years ago after they got rid of Franken. Then it was only to candidates I liked.
Fetterman is the only one I have donated money to recently when he was attacked after having a stroke. I will always vote dem but only because there is no other choice now and so it shall always be. Not a penny from me and no help other than my vote. They finally stopped calling my father for money after he died and I had asked them numerous times to stop and that he was dead!
I wish I could get all of my money back except to Fetterman that I donated since 2016.
Pretending this is normal or that anything in this country is normal or ever will be again is lunacy. What happened is a disgrace.
(44,921 posts)If not, I hope the rest of us need to step up and increase our donations to Brown, Heinrich, and Tester, just to name three Senators that urged Biden to drop out. Those are all vulnerable Democratic Senators who we need to keep in office come hell or high water.
So while some of you say you're taking your ball and going home, my hope is that the more thoughtful among us will realize what is at stake here and put party above bruised feelings.
(18,646 posts)Support Ms. Harris