Pelosi, Schumer, etc.
I love Joe Biden, I always have. Despite serving only 1 term, he has been the most effective President in my lifetime... and that includes Obama, Clinton, Carter, LBJ, JFK. That is an impressive list with a lot of accomplishments.
I wish he was 10, hell 20 years younger right now.
We have processes in place for when a President's body fails, either due to mishap or health. We have almost none for when the brain fails. Memory is gone, logic takes a vacation.
The only process is the 25th. And resignation. In this case, not running again. Yes it is sad to see in such a good man. A moral man. A great President. But we all face such an end eventually. Joe got to do all of his ambition, his life was filled with more heartbreak and loss than anyone can imagine. When my brother died too young, it tore my parents apart. I cannot imagine what the losses over the years did to Joe. And yet he came through it all, became the best President in a generation, and defeated the worst President in our history. Allow him the dignity to step down now, even as we need him even more than ever. He deserves our praise and thanks. And we need to take his example and carry forward.