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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsVermont Senator Bernie Sanders formally endorses Vice President Kamala Harris for president at Portland rally posting this here cause I noticed some Sanders slander going on earlier this week.

(162,403 posts)we knew he'd.....eventually get around to it
(4,815 posts)betsuni
(27,611 posts)GreenWave
(10,557 posts)No evidence either on their behalf.
I like that Harris keeps picking up endorsements. Maybe a trickle down effect on IQ 45's easily bruised ego.
(27,611 posts)GreenWave
(10,557 posts)betsuni
(27,611 posts)newdayneeded
(2,493 posts)Cha
(308,408 posts)Certainly Not Pres Biden and Kamala Harris have been "neglecting the working class".
Pres Joe Bidden is the most Union Supporting President in History and VP Harris is right there beside him.

Sanders words.
ETA~ Dems have Legit Criticism of Sanders and his claim that Dems have "turned their Backs on the Working class. " That's Not true.. And It's Not Slander.
(790 posts)betsuni
(27,611 posts)Amazing! I always think it's best to know the person, what they say and do, reality, and understand them.
(29,423 posts)I'm sure he had good conversations with her which is why he endorsed her.
Biden was good on unions with exception of the railroad workers strike but for a long time politicians including Democratic ones have sold out to corporate interests at the expense of the working class and poor.
(27,611 posts)The Democratic Party is for the middle and working class, of course.
(29,423 posts)I based my post based on an interview with CBS where he mentioned calls with Kamala Harris and that he feels if Kamala Harris speaks to the needs of the working class she will win by a landslide.
I think he is satisfied with what Kamala Harris has to offer which is why he endorsed her.
(27,611 posts)Why did he think she was untrustworthy but Biden was? Biden called.
(17,531 posts)Her work getting foreclosure relief against major banks meant more to middle class Americans than Bernie's repetitious stump speech. It doesn't make sense that he ignores accomplishments of Democrats, especially at a time like this.
(11,115 posts)for what he accomplished. I mean in the women's or feminist world, they have words for this.
(17,531 posts)what they need to do. It would be better if they came from someone who had actually won something they want to lecture about, and there are words for that, too. Let Kamala be Kamala.
Never forget.
(308,408 posts)what Kamala Harris has Accomplished.
Thank Goodness it's she who is Running for POTUS! And Pres Biden Launched her Candidacy! He Knows her Qualifications.
(17,531 posts)her campaign. But she has been so respectful and caring about Biden that really matters a lot. It's made it easier for everyone that she was with him all the way. 💕
(308,408 posts)So Much.. And it's Shows who has Respect and who does not.
Pres Biden and VP Harris have been a Winning Team For America these last 4 years and now it's time for the next Democratic Team for America and the World.
Fired UP!

(90,319 posts)'
(11,115 posts)sheshe2
(90,319 posts)OnDoutside
(20,721 posts)added effect. The Obamas were recorded endorsing Kamala at her first rally but it wasn't shown until Friday.

(18,981 posts)slander
(10,584 posts)Obviously supportive politicians endorsements need to be staggered for maximum effect so talking smack about them while theyre waiting their turn is very dangerous to the party and hurts our candidates chances of winning
(18,981 posts)That is a slander to everyones intelligence.
(3,359 posts)you may not like what was said but it isnt slander.
Words have meanings. Stick to them.
(15,317 posts)about Sanders refusing to pre-empt his upcoming public endorsement of Harris at the bidding of a news reader is entirely dubious.

(33,036 posts)Last edited Sun Jul 28, 2024, 07:43 AM - Edit history (1)
drop their support, she will still be able to count on Bernie having her back!
Awesome endorsement!
(10,411 posts)Because that would've been weird.
Im a strong supporter of Bernie and always will be. Glad to see his endorsement!
(3,572 posts)...Bernie's been saying stuff for a long time because it's true...
"The deal approved by the United States, Canada and Mexico 24 years ago eliminated virtually all tariffs and trade restrictions among the three nations. Its passage marked one of Clinton's first major legislative victories although in both the Senate and the House more Republicans than Democrats voted for passage. Dec 8, 2018"
...the anti-Bernie crowd seems to like stirring the pot...
...but the fact remains, there were many ex-rust-belt-Dems turned magat because of nafta and it's economic repercussions...'ll never convince me otherwise...
(3,568 posts)he would not endorse her cause she wasn't an old white man.
His endorsement was not that important, anyway, I was told.
Woooooooooooooosh!!!!! I was told!
(11,115 posts)Last edited Sun Jul 28, 2024, 01:11 PM - Edit history (2)
back on working class (leaving the door wide open that Trump does take care of the woking class hence them voting red), Dems are big money and not as much the endorsing for me. When I am being told that someone is campaigning for Harris and all they did was jab at Democrats and tell Harris what she needed to do to win, like she was not already and has not for the longest time been doing, it is insulting. He did not say one positive thing about Harris, the one he was supposedly campaigning for, only what she needed to do per him. Slander? No. But when Sanders makes it all about him and attempts to take ownership of what Harris does, ya.... gonna speak out.
I would imagine Sanders got a call after that interview. But hey.... this would be called a guess, pondering, not stating a fact. I did not see the rally in NH. I was told the tv interview was his campaigning for her until I listened to what he actually said and none of it good for Harris.That is not campaigning for someone. so I will not judge the NH one way or another and give him credit or otherwise.
(90,319 posts)questionseverything
(10,584 posts)betsuni
(27,611 posts)LizBeth
(11,115 posts)is not going to bring in the votes either. With not one positive note in voting for Harris. Do better Bernie.
(9,323 posts)Please give it a rest.
(33,036 posts)demmiblue
(38,086 posts)He certainly lives rent free in some people's heads.
(772 posts)Elessar Zappa
(16,308 posts)So it took him a couple of days, big fucking deal. Its only been a week since Biden stepped aside.
(27,611 posts)obviously they don't. He's been saying this for years, decades.
(10,584 posts)betsuni
(27,611 posts)What about their policies ignore the middle and working class? Could you please explain?
Think. Again.
(21,612 posts)...the Bernie bashing is going on in this thread too.
Maybe someday we'll hear the calls for unity.
(27,611 posts)displacedvermoter
(3,568 posts)care so much what he says? Is it because there really is a component of the Democratic Party -- including some of the "fund raising circles" who were leading the attacks on the President -- who honestly don't have working class people's interests at heart?
Or are we still fighting our own little post-2016 grudge fest, which if I understand correctly, we of DU are not supposed to still be engaging in?
In Vermont -- I know some folks hate hearing that prepositional phrase -- Progressive/Democrats are a thing with dual party standard bearers. Those here on DU who insist it is OK to continue attacks on Bernie because "he's not a Democrat" should perhaps broaden their perspectives and understand there is still, like it or not, a core of Progressive Dems who can, and apparently are, more than willing to support Vice President Harris AND adhere to loyalty to Bernie and the movement he continues to advocate for.
(27,611 posts)How have Democrats ignored the working class? Can anyone please explain? No? How are Democratic economic policies the same as Republican policies, which ignore the middle and working class?
(3,568 posts)Bill Clinton's "welfare reform" created a tremendous rift in the Party and was a major step backwards in social policy. Hillary's 2016 campaign was -- fairly or not -- saddled with the legacy of that action of her husband's presidency.
The bail out of the banks that nearly destroyed our and the world's economies, financed by the tax dollars of people who had no say in matter, and had no hand in the mess, was aggressively pursued by the Obama administration. Banks to this day run unfettered in their gouging of working people, with the support of both Republican and Democratic legislators. Progressives like Katie Porter, and Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie often face a hell of a time trying to implement change as pro Wall Street Dems, like Chuck Schumer, defend forcefully these special interests.
Democratic Senators like Sinema, and Manchin, and apparently Tester and Kelly, vote against Pro-Labor legislation at the behest of their Anti-Labor funders.
How far back do you want to go?
The fight for the working class continues to this day, and that fight is taking place within the Party as we speak. A unified Party, behind a Pro-Labor, Pro-Middle Class President Harris will require a diversity of voices, and like it or not, one of the loudest of these voices belongs to crabby old Bernie Sanders.
Think. Again.
(21,612 posts)betsuni
(27,611 posts)Think. Again.
(21,612 posts) start divisive debates?
(27,611 posts)Think. Again.
(21,612 posts)Go Kamala! GO!!! 🌊 !!!
(27,611 posts)displacedvermoter
(3,568 posts)He has endorsed her, will work for her, while still making his case for social justice and economic fairness. And I would think the Vice President understands this even if some pissed off DUers can't or refuse to.
(3,568 posts)continue to vote to spend on Defense spending? An appalling amount of money is poured out annually to fund a military machine that makes all manner of domestic spending impossible.
We cannot afford health care for our citizens, we cannot adequately rebuild our infrastructure (our efforts to do so are checked in part by Dems like Manchin), we cannot do so many things because our bloated Defense budget is all encompassing, and ever growing. And Democrats join Republicans annually in approving this spending.
Just saying...
(27,611 posts)displacedvermoter
(3,568 posts)Last edited Mon Jul 29, 2024, 11:06 AM - Edit history (1)
Federal, state and local officials on the issue. But unless and until there is a collective reorganization of the economy towards investment in renewable energy, infrastructure, and other non-defense industries, the lobbyists and funding-circles will hold sway, and the MID we were warned about by President Eisenhower will continue to dominate all phases of our economy.
Places like Burlington -- and unfortunately politicians who represent these places, like Bernie -- are pretty much in thrall to weapons systems like the F-35 because defense dollars are one source of Federal funding that never seems to to dry out.
A Democratic Party with a forward looking plan should be leading that economic reorganization effort, hopefully in concert with non-Party Progressives. President Biden's spending initiatives on chip manufacture, renewable energy generation, electric vehicle production, and small business start-ups, must be continued and expanded in the decades ahead.
That the reorganization of the economy towards a non-militarized model, would tremendously help the working class, is clearly obvious.
And that leads me to one final way the Democratic Party could work towards the betterment of working class life. The Party must unify behind meaningful campaign finance reform.
Not just nationally, but at the state and local level as well, Democrats are often as reluctant as Republicans to enact laws that would lessen the impacts of the pressure that lobbyists can put on elected officials. Even efforts to make the lobbyists' work and that of the donors who work hand in hand with lobbyists more transparent, face opposition from both parties, and as a result much positive government action that could benefit society in general often fails to proceed. The status quo, like unending defense spending, continues space.
Again, a forwarding looking Democratic Party, the kind I hope we will be sweeping into power this November, should lead these efforts.
(11,115 posts)to address the OP that called out people that were expressing very real concerns in the other thread bring it to this thread.
Sanders does not really campaign for Harris but merely putting his face out their for his own agenda and this OP intent was to call out the people that called Sanders out. At a certain point one has to recognize their personal responsibility in all this.
Think. Again.
(21,612 posts) start divisive debates?
(11,115 posts)Dems when he is suppose to campaign for Harris, but too busy putting his agenda out. I totally agree with you we should not be having discourse at this time and that is simply ALL I am asking. Finally, a voice of reason. You betcha, and thank you!!!
Think. Again.
(21,612 posts)BrianTheEVGuy
(683 posts)I'm glad he is all-in. We are all going to need to pull in the same direction together to defeat the creepy, weird MAGA cult.