It's Taken a Long Time to Get Here
By now, even many of the more delusional legacy media organizations are starting to realize that a tipping point has been passed. You can argue about where and when, but the nature of that tipping point is becoming increasingly clear:
A majority of American voters (possibly a majority of Americans?) are now officially tired of being made to watch horrible people doing awful things.
We're tired of it as entertainment. (Do we really need another Gordon Gecko-type antihero film about a sleazebag grifting the system? Seems people are now looking for happy endings and everyday heroes.)
Sleazy billionaires are still insulated in their bubbles of sycophantic employees and hangers-on who tell them 'everybody wants to be you' but the truth is outside that bubble, more and more of us just want them to shut the fuck up and/or go the hell away.
And, sadly for the GOP, the number of voters who are really attracted to corrupt, creepy misogynistic racist xenophobes is rapidly shrinking.
Even worse for the GOP, Americans who've never been attracted to those same vile hatefilled wannabe authoritarians are NOTICING that the GOP has become a wholly owned subsidiary of Greedy Motherfuckers Unlimited, Inc., and are starting to look askance their beloved "Party of Personal Responsibility/Family Values/Fiscal Conservatism/Patriotic Ideals/Etc." and say "WTAF?!?!"
The GOP has always been an unsavory bastion of retrograde mastodons who want to make rules for thee and me, but not themselves, and who cherished the ideal that Being Rich Makes You Smart and Should Make You Powerful Too. But in the past, they had to at least pay lip service to the notions that corruption was bad, judges should be impartial, the Constitution is the basis of American success, and people who blather on about family values probably shouldn't have large stashes of weird porn in their basements, much less their desk drawers.
They always had a few 'respectable' loss-leader type high-profile Party solons who generally acted like thoughtful public servants even if their notions of policy essentially devolved to "a place for everyone and everyone in their place", with them on top, of course.
But in their demographic panic, they threw any and all semblance of responsible leadership overboard in a hail mary pass to lock up the "We Admire Horrible People Getting Away With Awful Things" demographic in the hopes they could implement the End of Democracy before the demographic tide made them an unpleasant memory.
And now they're being confronted not only with the reality that they are failing, but that their sole base of loyal support is shrinking rapidly and the rest of us are starting to long for fresh air, nice people taking responsibility, kindness and empathy, joyful celebration of beauty and humanity, and a rest from the "OMG, NOW WHAT" news cycle.
The dustbin of history awaits them.