The depth of the rot at the Supreme Court
Yesterday, a thought occurred to me regarding the outrageous immunity ruling by the Supreme Court. Although that ruling is unprecedented, I realized that it does have a historical parallel.
The ruling, as well all know, came from the six conservative justices, all of whom were essentially handpicked by the Federalist Society. So what federal judge was an early patron and promoter of the Federalist Society? Why, that would be Robert Bork!
Bork is mostly remembered today for the fact that his Supreme Court nomination got shot down. But he is also the same Robert Bork who, as solicitor general in the Nixon administration, carried out Nixon's order to fire Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox (after Cox requested the White House tapes), after Nixon's AG Elliot Richardson, and Deputy AG William Ruckleshaus, both refused to do so and resigned in protest. But Bork saw nothing wrong with trying to shut down the investigation and prosecution of a criminal Republican President by firing Cox.
So how can we be at all surprised, then, that the six justices that were handpicked by the very organization of which Bork was an early patron would try to shut down the criminal prosecution of another criminal Republican President by granting him immunity?
It all goes to show, I think, that the rot among the conservative justices today predates Trump by several decades, and is part of the very same corruption that has been ongoing within the conservative movement going back possibly as the Powell Memo in 1971!