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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsOrangina does not look well...
I’m not saying he’s dying, I’m not saying he’s had a stroke, I’m not saying he is doomed.
He looks like one of those people who would come to my practice, whom I hadn’t seen in a number of months and I’d walk in the room, begin with my usual “Howdy” or “Hiya” greeting, take one look and begin to ask questions.
There is no question that something has changed in his facial appearance -the musculature of the face is different, the eyes and associated structures and again , the skin and fascia and muscles are significantly altered from where they were a year ago.
I first noticed a change during the NY trial but it wasn’t clinically remarkable because you could chalk it up to pure stress of standing trial. But it has progressed and his speech in Detroit, aside from apparently evacuating his bowels in the middle, was eye-opening not only for the content, but for the delivery and his appearance.
I sincerely believe that he’s running out of “reserve”. In this case it may be both physiological and brain reserve. He looks like “Death warmed over”: if I were his physician, I would immediately order him to rest and perform a full panel of tests -something is significantly wrong here.
He may also be decompensating: I include the Wiki definition:
In medicine, decompensation is the functional deterioration of a structure or system that had been previously working with the help of compensation. Decompensation may occur due to fatigue, stress, illness, or old age. When a system is "compensated," it is able to function despite stressors or defects.
This happens often in individuals his age who have been treated for many years successfully with medicine or other modalities. It also occurs psychiatrically: people get by…until they snap to one degree or another.
They will absolutely cover up any malady he may exhibit, but I’m telling you, he’s not “the same”.

(34,547 posts)45 has looked awful to me for about 9 years. He never looked really healthy.
(1,465 posts)We have the face we've earned..this is just a sneak peek at coming attractions..
(22,492 posts)YessirAtsaFact
(2,112 posts)You don’t do interviews.
If all you do is lie, you avoid all fact checking.
He no longer has the mental capacity to put together bullshit answers to interview questions.
Wounded Bear
(61,519 posts)
gay texan
(2,952 posts)Because hes using illicit substances
(925 posts)Trump has had chronic insomnia for most of his life, according to numerous sources. This is why he often twittered at 3, 4, 5 o'clock in the morning
(853 posts)It's gotten worse as I've gotten older. My brother-in-law would have 12 cups of coffee daily and complain of insomnia. When I pointed out the amount of coffee he was drinking might have an effect on his sleep, he told he had always consumed that many cups of coffee. His wife chimed in, "And you've always had trouble sleeping!" Not saying that's causing the orange one's insomnia, but it could be a least part of it. I do agree that he looks terrible. He's carrying way too much weight and has a very poor diet--that's not going to help keep you sharp and age well. I also agree with BattleRow--he has the face he has earned!
(20,036 posts)Carbonation is hard on the lining of your stomach I know this for my own experience. I've had ulcers twice and I just maybe drink one coke a day. That being said, let's hope there's a nice hole being worked on in his gut.
(2,112 posts)I wonder if he’s at the point where he’s going 2-3 days in a row without sleep, between the drugs and the stress.
Jazz Jon
(151 posts)It was said, that in his final years, Hitler was on a cocktail of drugs that included meth and cocaine. His trusted quack doctor gave him this cocktail every day.
(66 posts)….a very long nap. I think it’s called a “dirt map.”
(95,938 posts)Rage screaming at least half the night.
Dave Bowman
(4,781 posts)usaf-vet
(7,340 posts)Dave Bowman
(4,781 posts)Drummer1
(64 posts)wnylib
(25,190 posts)Too late for MAGAs to say that Dems killed him in order to win. Too soon for him to be able to roll out his myriad challenges to the election.
(6,564 posts)wnylib
(25,190 posts)their claims will not have an impact beyond the conspiracy theories of Vance, Greene, and other MAGAs in Congress.
(3,107 posts)He lives on Diet Coke and fast food.
(56,126 posts)
(96,614 posts)You know, if Obama keeps poking him he may well complete the decompensating process on camera.
A girl can hope.
(6,646 posts)
(122,603 posts)Hekate
(96,614 posts)
(122,603 posts)Attilatheblond
(5,402 posts)We could have a popcorn tasting party and catch up on rally reels we may have missed during the week!
(122,603 posts)glaze to start with. A tasting party wouuld be great fun!
(5,402 posts)Sounds really weird, but it actually works. Yummy stuff.
(20,254 posts)raising2moredems
(732 posts)Attilatheblond
(5,402 posts)message me if you want a web site
(18,439 posts)Bob's Red Mill Whole White Popcorn, 30-ounce (Pack of 4)
(122,603 posts)RandomNumbers
(18,439 posts)Backseat Driver
(4,663 posts)I've also noted that President Biden's facial appearance seems modestly different around the eyes and cheeks; cosmetic surgery for higher muscled cheekbones and a bleph of some sort for a tighter, more youthful aspect...Again, IDK, just being president and cleaning up so much mess has to be the worst stress that can age one greatly, especially when one feels great responsibility to support allies. It's great that our candidate is fit, physically, mentally, and through experience, is ready to WIN this election.
Ocelot II
(123,570 posts)Either he's changed his makeup or his liver is giving out. I have no medical training, but I would agree that he looks like death warmed over; he definitely seems to be running out of energy. A presidential campaign is stressful and draining even for a younger, healthy person, but for someone who is old, fat, and most likely barking mad as well, it must be especially exhausting. And when you consider that he's running not just to protect his very fragile ego but to keep his butt out of prison, the weight of it all must be enormous.
The question is whether he completely cracks up before or after the election, but it wouldn't surprise me if at some point he did something completely bonkers, something that would get someone else sedated with as much Thorazine as they could handle (and then promptly sectioned), like take off his pants or fire a gun into the ceiling or proclaim that he really is Jesus. Or maybe Satan will finally call him home when that big lump of cholesterol finally busts loose and lodges in what passes for a brain.
I will never understand why so many people worship a man who is plainly as mad as a box of frogs.
(9,668 posts)wnylib
(25,190 posts)and the color of his tiny hands. Liver damage would show up in all those places.
I'm guessing that he changed his makeup color. Maybe he got sensitive about the ridicule of his orange coloring and decided to go for a more tan/bronze look as if he is a healthy guy tanned from outdoor activity.
(2,751 posts) used to be. Lawrence O'Donnell made some jokes about it recently, particularly about how Trump always leaves his ears uncolored, which looks especially bad now that he's changed the color to a sort of mud brown. I recall that the "Brooklyn Dad Defiant" X account posted the O'Donnell clip, and Trump did indeed look like death warmed over.
Ocelot II
(123,570 posts)Dave Bowman
(4,781 posts)Reminds me of this famous song:
You've got mud on your face, you big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place,
We will, we will rock you
We will, we will rock you!
(65,827 posts)karin_sj
(1,178 posts)I always loved that song, but seeing the video made it even more enjoyable!
(5,402 posts)like the mad character in, what was it? The Dead Zone movie? I could see it happening.
(1,631 posts)dchill
(41,572 posts) election day, Trump people may be voting for someone they haven't seen in days. Or weeks.
(9,668 posts)Will probably die in office and we’ll end up with Vance. Then I told her about all the crazy things he has said. That and I talked about how Trump and Vance have talked about building on parks, taking over protected land. Then DeSantis tried to do that in Florida and got Reps and Dems royally pissed off. He did a complete 180 in a day. He had already put out signs at the parks stating that there would be construction going on at them. He now lies and denies that he was very serious about it.
(6,646 posts)I can’t look at him long enough to pick up what you puttin down. But I fully believe ya!
I want to hurl any time I see a pic.
I click away fast.
I get a buzzing sensation in my head when ever he comes up in conversation and it’s worse if it is someone who supports him. I gotta get away from it.
Pretty sure I am not the same since he came on the political scene a decade ago. tRumpPTSD.
I cannot believe he is allowed to go on in this “candidacy” role.
It. Needs help.
This would be the one thing I would not piss on if it was on fire tho.
(92 posts)kimbutgar
(24,480 posts)The resemblance is uncanny color wise.
(1,894 posts)But I see it more in his affect than in his body. He lumbers onto the stage looking like he’d rather be anywhere else, scowls at the world, and then launches into a long-winded nonsensical rant punctuated by moments of sheer insanity and pure evil. But his voice sounds weak and there’s very little of the showmanship that he used to have. It’s like someone took a pin and punctured his corpulent belly and his life force bled out. If I had any compassion for twisted wannabe dictators, I’d almost feel sorry for him.
(24,480 posts)Now he looks and sounds like the grandpa who should be in an assisted living place.
Linda ladeewolf
(774 posts)The poor woman or man who gets hired to take care of him when he gets really decrepit! Such a huge diaper!
Evolve Dammit
(20,275 posts)SheltieLover
(64,241 posts)1 GA
1 NY
Kamala and she's the best because she can keep inviting him publicly to debate her again!
(30,816 posts)and you could see it in his face. I look at Trump and my Dad's last year comes to mind.
(24,480 posts)The one thing he loves more than anything he can’t do because the SS can’t guarantee his safety and they are understaffed.
Evolve Dammit
(20,275 posts)3Hotdogs
(13,968 posts)to God
's eyeballs.
(57,428 posts)He is further and further divorced from reality. His non-sequitur ramblings are so disjointed, I can only imagine the Trumpanzees are forced to close their ears and cheer, because if they listen to what he is saying, they will realize that a 2 year old with learning disabilities is more coherent.
(16,422 posts)In fact (Snopes verifies )
Theodor Morell, Adolf Hitler’s quack personal physician, prescribed him cocaine eye drops, heavy doses of oxycodone, and amphetamines, sometimes up to 20 times a day. To combat Hitler’s excessive flatulence, he prescribed “Doktor Koster’s Antigas Pills”, a mixture of atropine and strychnine.
This claim is true. In a secret file made public in 2009 in England, one of Hitler's aides wrote that he had appalling table manners. The document also made a reference to his digestive disorder.
There are also stories of an undescended testicle and a micro-

Historic NY
(38,613 posts)El Mimbreno
(792 posts)that forgot to fall down.
(1,108 posts)He is always leaning all over those things because he can’t stand straight.
(2,675 posts)That is.... if he doesn't start walking around naked and calling himself Napoleon or some shit.
Whatever....the Idea of President Vance should scare the shit out of everybody...Repub or Dem.
(122,603 posts)hlthe2b
(108,382 posts)are progressing rapidly now...Very difficult for his people to cover for him--especially when tired or "sundowning."
It is clear why he will not do any kind of debate, town hall, or interview or appear in a context outside his people's control.
Do they really think they can contain this until after the election (and until the inauguration if Goddess-forbid, he were to win or steal the election?)
Kid Berwyn
(19,472 posts)Blue Owl
(55,583 posts)
(24,825 posts)trusty elf
(7,484 posts)
(13,515 posts)There are reports that he is on Ozempic or one of the generics.
(21,058 posts)niyad
(122,603 posts)wait for the sentencing date, assuming it actuallly happens?
(22,021 posts)misanthrope
(8,563 posts)As well as the Tech Bros supporting this campaign. They want to use Cult45 to assume control of government and then shunt him aside so their boy Vance takes the reins.
diane in sf
(4,139 posts)addition, his dementia has obviously progressed. The stress he’s under holding up his life of lies and trying to stay out of prison are contributing to this collapsing soufflé appearance and behavior.
(5,094 posts)That face is a slimmer fallen face? Looks so totally fat to me to down right scary! Perfect Halloween mask.
(18,738 posts)No idea where or how truthful but wouldn't surprise me.
I also think he has discovered..... The Curling Wand! His hair seems shorter than before and has 'lift and body' to quote the advertisments.
(17,606 posts)nowforever
(463 posts)The Orange Turd is sliding down the slope and even the greatest MAGA wet dream cannot save sad
Wicked Blue
(7,699 posts)
(6,646 posts)You found a pic of tRump I can look at!!! Lol
(1,465 posts)
Ray Bruns
(5,036 posts)SheltieLover
(64,241 posts)
Dave Bowman
(4,781 posts)flamingdem
(40,108 posts)It seemed to signal processes that lead to "the end".
(87,196 posts)for which there is neither cure nor relief
(8,047 posts)So they aren’t about to bring it up.
(16,344 posts)They just want to get him in office so they can push the latest/younger version of their idol.
(5,094 posts)After they'd 25A him... like within the first 180 days!
Vance is the manipulative, evil G Bush they've been waiting for all these years. Moral, evil. Psychopathic.
Richard D
(9,627 posts)... That they want trump to win the election. Shortly after that he will leave the office, voluntarily or forced, so that Vance will be president.
(839 posts)The fascists need to get him into power and, I am convinced, will replace him with JD Vance as soon as possible after he is sworn into office so that they can take control of our government.
We will have lost our democracy if he actually gets elected.
We must GOTV!!
(22,492 posts)joanbarnes
(1,964 posts)figured it was due to Ozempic.
Mr. Evil
(3,184 posts)If I'd looked at him long enough to make the determinations as did you, I'd have already puked until I dry heaved. My brain would have rebelled so forcefully that I'd also would've suffered a disastrous episode of flaming, explosive diarrhea.
The few fleeting moments I can stomach his face, he always looks like he's semi-melted and somewhat wilted.
Thanx for taking the deep dive for the rest of us. Much appreciated. After that though, you might consider a stiff drink... or 10 maybe. Just to help muddy up the things you cannot unsee.
Ferrets are Cool
(22,096 posts)to be President. End of story. If the media had any balls, they would run him out like they did Joe.
(1,465 posts)Oopsie Daisy
(5,428 posts)Skittles
(162,444 posts)WTF *IS* that orange shit on his face, is it something slathered on? He looks like an over-basted turkey.
(4,388 posts)he made at the Detroit Economic Club. I'm surprised they didn't give him a standing ovation for crapping his pants onstage!!
Response to PCIntern (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(122,603 posts)niyad
(122,603 posts)Dave Bowman
(4,781 posts)
(22,850 posts)
(92 posts)

(6,646 posts)I was forced to watch 5 seconds before skipping to see a vid I needed so icky!
He sounded in that ad much worse than Joe.
Joe seems more elderly since 2020 but that person I saw was back lit and sounded terribly feeble. Back lit so it didn’t show his face thank god. But looked skinny in the surroundings.
Wonder if he is actually super skinny and wears puffy stuff to make him look more robust??? Weird shit man. We must all be on a long hard mushroom trip or something. So ready for it to be over!!
(2,351 posts)
(4,587 posts)That would give me so much pleasure. . . .
(6,069 posts)You heard it somewhere or are just expressing your disgust?
(27,187 posts)A lot of podcasts are covering this happening in Detroit and elsewhere before.
(13,515 posts)even when making The Apprentice. Lots of co-workers have discussed it in articles and videos. In the White House, staff noted that Ivanka would whisper to him and he would go to “have a change” because he apparently wasn’t aware this was occurring. There are pictures of stained clothing when he wears white pants on the golf course.
In other words, it’s not a deep dark secret.
(28,835 posts)The pictures are fake and were debunked years ago.
(13,515 posts)I am the same age and after gall bladder surgery I keep an emergency Depend in my purse because my body doesn’t always process all foods the same as it did before.
My purpose isn’t to shame people who have occasional or total incontinence, but rather to say that a person running for the most powerful and stressful job on the planet owes the voters a disclosure of their physical health and wellbeing.
(87 posts)PortTack
(35,367 posts)Demented mind he knows his reign is over. He’s smart enough to see vance and cronies are playing the very same game he has played for so long and is being out smarted at every turn. They will lay it out…go quietly and we’ll pardon you. He can’t face either. His very existence relies heavily on his sick narcissistic needs for attention.
By the time the inauguration of Harris comes around he will be really sick. Totally unable to function
(12,677 posts)Brainfodder
(7,181 posts)Or maybe he took "Everything is Beautiful" as his personal anthem?
(27,187 posts)His obvious issues, and some not so obvious.
Historic NY
(38,613 posts)bdamomma
(67,671 posts)put him where he belongs in the prison.
He doesn't look well mentally or physically. He's really caking on the colour on his face too.
(30,817 posts)My.theory at least
(8,286 posts)My MIL had them with similar results.
(27,187 posts)JoseBalow
(6,983 posts)