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If America survives this election, which I believe we will, we need to return to reality. The country has gone off the rails since the turn of the century at greater speed each year, partially through inertia but primarily through insane levels of income inequality. Our laws are written by men who do not follow them and reported on by corporations owned by plutocrats who benefit from them.
Meanwhile, we the people descend into superstition and delusion fed with infotainment and entertainment as powerful as soma by the very same plutocrats. We need to...come to grips with a few facts which have been obscured by all this nonsense.
1) Our planetary life support system is in danger because physics and chemistry are real. 2) Men who accumulate capital are not necessarily wiser nor more ethical than anyone else. 3) History did not...end, it continues at breakneck speed as nations continue to compete in geopolitics through war and other means. 4) If treason and other lawbreaking offers financial rewards and goes unpunished, you will only get more of it. 5) The greater the power an individual accrues the...greater the corruption they will be capable of. 6) It takes all kinds of opinions, beliefs and personality types to have a functional society. 7) We can influence government through organizing. 8) Hope is not an effective policy, it is a feeling. 9) Nobody is coming to save us.
Our governmental system was built upon limiting the power of men and religions. It is a product of the enlightenment and lessons learned from Europe's charnel house. It is not a perfect system but seems to me to be the best option we have available. We have very real problems on the near horizon which will only be solved if we approach them in a rational manner.
To do this we need to cut through the emotionalism, avarice and lies which shroud our nation like a toxic blanket. If you want America to prosper instead of a few men, we need truth and justice.

(2,911 posts)bucolic_frolic
(48,661 posts)They, TPTB, are metering everything. They get paid for every unit, every thread, every morsel. Little people can grow their own tomatoes. That's their advantage.
The 50 largest corporations pull in 95% of the profits in the world. The 1% own 95% of that. Teddy Roosevelt would not have tolerated this arrangement. Money runs everything. You don't got money, you don't got nothing.
Show me how truth, logic, and justice will dissolve the logjam.
(11,989 posts)I do think a lot of Americans buy into reality tv which is what made Trump famous. If they want to call it reality it must be reality. Everyone thinks they should live the lives of the housewives.
(36,631 posts)oldmanlynn
(575 posts)All of these crazy people that we see today in Maga are all a result of being radicalized on Fox News over the last 20 years and inundated with conspiracy theories. Effectively brainwashed
(35,010 posts)I'm convinced the MAGA crew are so devoted to Trump because they've been training for this their entire lives. Folks brought up in evangelical religions are taught from a young age that their "beliefs" are real. It's no wonder they become confused adults who lack critical reasoning skills.
(12,444 posts)You have to suspend critical thinking