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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsAn old trick is playing out before our eyes
In the wake of the disgusting, racist rally at Madison Square Garden, we are seeing an old trick playing out among many Republicans. Its the very same trick once used by genteel, white Southerners, who tried to make everyone believe that because they themselves avoided saying or doing anything that was overtly racist, that they themselves were therefore utterly free of any racist intent. They would support politicians who carried out vile, racist policies, and if called out on their support, would retreat behind statements such as, Well, I dont necessarily agree with Politician X on everything, but I am supporting him because I like his policies.
To which I say, Besides that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?
I have long argued that when a person provides plenty of food, water and sunshine to a bigoted politician (i.e., supports them politically despite ample evidence that said politician supports policies that person claims to oppose), it matters not a wit of the person claims not to be a bigot himself/herself. We ALL have a share of responsibility for the things the politicians we support do and say. And it is all too convenient for these folks to claim that they arent, for example, racist, while they support politicians who will do the dirty work of racism so these folks dont have to sully themselves with all of the nastiness.
J.D. Vance, of course, is trying to say that outrage over the vile comments heard at MSG is just liberals feigning outrage over a joke. Sorry, no. When an entire group of people is vilified at a political rally by a national politician, that is NEVER a joke.
Most have heard the famous quote by Maya Angelou: When a person shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Donald Trump has shown us who he is time and time again. And the only people deserving less respect than his hardcore supporters are those who continue to willfully refuse to believe that Donald Trump is exactly what he has repeatedly shown himself to be!
oldtime dfl_er
(7,037 posts)has shown us who he is , except that every time he shows us, it's somebody else. All loathesome though.
(3,061 posts)They're smarmy, despicable, lying pieces of shit who have packaged themselves as serious people.