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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMy MAGA moment of the month... followed by a moment of great hope... at Habitat for Humanity of all places!
Now where I live in rural ruby red IN I have more like a MAGA moment an hour if I leave home but this one set me off, and it takes a lot to set me off in public. I just got home from my local Habitat and, while I'm still steaming, what happened after gave me so much hope. I need to share this...
Quiick background, I'll try not to ramble.....
My closest Habitat is about 30 miles from me but I visit fairly often because I'm an avid believer in repurposing as much as I can. I go frequently enough that a couple of the extremely nice women that work there know me by name. I discovered a few years ago that the woman that's usually running the register was a grade school student of my grandmothers back in the 60's so we often have something more than coffee cans of bolts and screws to talk about. Everyone I've ever had any interactions with at this store have been extremely pleasant. Never in over a decade have I ever heard one political statement in the place. Jesus? Well yes of course but never political, it's taboo there.
Now there's also this one as Nicole would say, Asshole, that I've noticed working there on fairly rare occasions over the last couple of years. I've had a few interactions with him, help carrying something to my truck etc. and I found out he works in the stores sometimes but usually drives a Habitat truck delivering between stores. One thing I noticed in the past was he was somewhat bossy, especially towards the women. Now not overtly or rudely but in that subtle way that REAL assholes know how to do and getaway with, or so they think. He rubbed me the wrong way out of the gate. I believe most will know the kind of misogynistic "compassionate" Christian male of which I speak.
Regardless as I was wading through the myriad of coffee cans full of bolts and screws I overheard him speaking to an elderly couple who were asking him about a kitchen table. I didn't catch when their conversation switched to politics but it did, here is me quoting, you don't forget stuff like this, my recollection of what he said...
Asshole employee - "... we are truly done if we let the Democrats steal it again. God will not forgive us. They've already tried to kill him twice"
Man shopping - "They didn't get him though, Praise Jesus"
Asshole employee - "Yes but they hit him, he was bleeding, that's how close they got. I've heard all these liberals saying their stuff about him, they never gave him a chance to do Gods work when he was President. All they did was attack. Then they faked Covid and tried to blame that on God..."
Man shopping - "They sure didn't give him any chance to do God's work"
Asshole employee - "...and it's not going to stop with these people until Gods army rises up. God is calling upon all of us right now. It's not going to stop until we start hanging these people. We've got to start having mass hangings of these evil servants of Satan before it's going to stop. And President Trump will lead us to the promised land, I hear God saying that every day"
Man shopping "Amen!"
Woman shopping "Amen!"
I flipped the fuck out turned and headed back towards the furniture area. I was going to go off. I was ready to start swinging. I was screaming in my head... "Hang my ass you racist misogynistic self righteous POS?" My dam had BURST!! That's when the woman at the register rushed her 80 year old self out from behind the counter faster than Sha'Carrie Richardson, grabbed my arm, looked at me and quietly said "Don't, we know".
She said it with that stern look of a woman, full of the experience of her years. That look you stop and LITSEN to because you know she's right. I know that look. My grandmother would give me that look when the winds of irrationality began blowing inside my young mind. She was definitely a student of my grandmothers. I looked back at her, first with anger, then with puzzlement, then with a look of agreement laced with sadness. She was right.
She walked me back to the counter and as she rung me up she quietly told me "you know that's not the way, we're all better than that. We will win, for him". She then glanced next to her register and facing her, away from the customers, was a freaking card with a picture of President Jimmy Carter on it and it that said "Happy 100th Birthday President Carter!" with the name of the store and store address at the bottom.
She then looked back at me with a sincere loving and caring smile. I saw my grandmother, who was this woman's teacher, and who had proudly taken me to the polls the first time I could vote... to vote for President Carter in 1980. The emotion and so important meaning of the prior 2 minutes hit me like a Mack truck. I laid down a 20 for a 2 dollar coffee can of nails, and with tears welling up in my eyes gave her the most humble and sincere thank you that I've said in many many years. I left the change on the counter turned and walked out, my hand trembling shaking that coffee can full of nails like the loudest baby rattle in the world.
Joy wins
Love wins
We're going to win.

(3,973 posts)I would rec a thousand times if I could. Thanks for the uplift.
(2,776 posts)3catwoman3
(26,332 posts)The Jesus I learned about when I tried Christianity on for size would not countenance the bullshit those MAGAs were spewing in his name.
The Jesus I learned about growing up wouldn't have stood for it, either. THAT Jesus loved everyone, all human beings, and he wanted his followers to do the same. He wouldn't have recognized the "Jesus" that oaf was talking about.
I may no longer literally believe everything I was taught back then, but I still remember it clearly enough to know when somebody's got it dead wrong!
(153,137 posts)Bless her for intervening in time! And bless you for listening and understanding.
The couple is in for a very rude surprise!
(2,776 posts)because after all, we all know how much of a TRUE devout Christian the President and his wife were and I was used to hearing casual references to religious stuff in there. I'm as far away from that stuff as you can get, but am respectful of those that are as long as they are respectful of me (another lesson from my every Sunday church going PHD psychologist scientist grandmother who was so important to me!) but when she glanced down and I saw that picture of a 100th birthday card from the store to the former president, yeah, slap me silly with this is like a coincidence of coincidences!
(19,715 posts)Thanks so much for sharing it with us!
(1,297 posts)C.S. Lewis
(13,968 posts)I live in northern, N.J. We may have maggots in our area but if we do, they sure keep quiet about it.
(314 posts)We have all had our moments when we might lose it. I'm glad the cashier was channeling your grandmother and was able to remove you from an unwinnable situation. We ARE better than that.
(17,517 posts)Aristus
(69,316 posts)
(15,588 posts)(Not familiar witb how HFH works). But is working the register a volunteer job or something people do for pay?
Because it is sad if someone who is 80 still has to work just to get by, as is sadly far too frequently the case. And Elon, the billionaire maggot, wants to destroy social security…
(2,776 posts)or working at the stores, I've done that also. Not my place to ask her but that's my guess as she's not always there. A lot of people volunteer because it's a great cause. You're probably familiar with the house building part but it is so much more. The stores operate in a similar manner as Goodwill but the donated items are more oriented to items you might go to a big box hardware store for. Whether in or out it all goes to people who need it.
(15,588 posts)Like this one (which are not as rare as one hopes while the right guns for social security):
Former news anchor raises more than $222,000 for elderly veteran pushing shopping carts in sweltering heat
"Everybody has to eat," said McCormick.
Determined to help, Swensen recorded their conversation and shared it on social media, quickly starting a GoFundMe page for McCormick. Within 24 hours, the fundraiser had amassed more than $244,000 from strangers across the country.
McCormick said he was grateful for the donations and wished he could thank each individual person.
They put a positive spin on it, but think of how many people live lives of silent desperation like this without any security nor ever any help.
Musk is gunning for social security.
(2,776 posts)And it is happening at an ever increasing and alarming rate. A big deal that could help would be to lower the age for drawing SS at least back to 60 if not 55. The Raygun Rat Fucks raised the age for full benefit's from 65 to 67 for those born from 1960 and up on top of taxing SS income. So nobody born after 1959 will be able to draw full SS until 2027! We are just now seeing the drastic affects of that BS. Plus no veteran should be on the street period. It's all criminal in my mind. I don't care how they fund it, just do it.
(15,588 posts)And the extortionate cost of housing seems to guarantee that stuff like this would keep happening if people aren’t home owners.
It is messed up.
(21,083 posts)ecstatic
(34,663 posts)I'm glad you were stopped from confronting him --- he is truly a psycho nutcase ready to explode. He shouldn't be roaming the streets. He is going to kill someone. 100%.
(8,251 posts)(No "witches" were burned in Salem - ony hanged. Except for one dude who was pressed to death - because he would not plead - knowing that if he enetered a plea, guilty or not guilty, they'd hang him, all his possessions wold be forfeit, and his family would starve. He chose tthe agonizing pressure instead to prevent that.)
It was the favorite method of the KKK as well.
Trump** called for it to be done to Pence.
Of course they want to hang us.
Someone should explain to that asshole that he's thinking with the wrong head. Again. Or maybe still.
(13,675 posts)this is such a wonderful story! Thank-you for sharing this. I would have been storming back to that asshole too. It's hard to "stand down" right now.But, as my mother used to say: You can catch more bees with honey, than vinegar.
(85,377 posts)Thanks so much for sharing this moment of your with us here.
Seems to me that projecting joy and congeniality to others comes back to you many-fold. Especially in times when the news can drive you crazy!
(5,094 posts)I don't know if I could have walked away without blowing up first. I don't doubt you're still affected by it. It'll probably be still hitting you at midnight tonight. For me, it's all the things I wished I said or done while I was there... and then sheer unadulterated anger at the hatefulness and hijacking of a religion of peace (even if it isn't the one I chose to follow).
(122,600 posts)for sharing that moment of love and joy. I would have been headed back for those ignorant, hate-filled assholes myself without such a lovely person intervening.
Clouds Passing
(4,011 posts)
(18,368 posts)when it happens. It hits for just an instant, but it stays with you forever.
You've just been graced with one of those rare times. Thank you for channeling it our way.
(5,126 posts)your grandmother's student. I sympathize, I also live in a predominantly red part of Indiana. It can be wearing, at times, listening to the garbage being spewed.
(11,061 posts)calikid
(654 posts)s