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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMueller, She Wrote: Explain how we had record turnout but 18M fewer votes than 2020
I hope in the coming days someone is able to explain how we had record turnout but 18M fewer votes than 2020. Both of those things can’t be true.
8:27 AM · Nov 6, 2024
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(1,096 posts)No concession till all votes are accounted for.
(4,411 posts)
(19,382 posts)SCantiGOP
(14,377 posts)The Democrats didn’t have a record turnout. Or does this blogger think MSNBC and the National Democratic Party are in on the conspiracy?
(19,382 posts)We definitely don’t get an option.
(49,483 posts)SheltieLover
(64,241 posts)

(15,271 posts)ananda
(31,330 posts)and the poll worker said they were saving time because of the long line.
I call bullshit.
(703 posts)Filling stadiums, had momentum, perfect campaign in 90 Days, Middle class policies... Things just don't add up?
(7,340 posts)Eliot Rosewater
(32,676 posts)lamp_shade
(15,147 posts)He said that in some very safe blue states like CA or NY, many people don't vote because... why bother... their vote won't change the number of electoral votes.
(19,829 posts)
(4,957 posts)That's 28 million short
in 2020 48.5 million votes on election day for a total of 158.5 million votes
in 2024 56.5 million votes on election day(so far) for a total of 138.7 (only includes Harris/trump votes, no 3rd party) million votes
We were 28 million short on early voting and day of only gained 8 million of that back
(9,959 posts)Are they part of the equation?
Ms. Toad
(36,194 posts)Some states which were late in 2020 changed how early/absentee votes were counted so that more were counted on election eve.
(9,959 posts)
Ms. Toad
(36,194 posts)Anyone voter others, campaigns to make new citizens fearful of voting, limitations on early voting, fewer opportunities to vote in heavily Blue areas, mass infusions of cash by billionaires and foreign interests - I agree.
If you are talking about messing with ballots directly - that is just as much nonsense as it was when Trump claimed it in 2020.
(718 posts)nm
(1,876 posts)Florida's bluest county had over 80K fewer votes this election than in 2020. I don't believe any Broward resident would believe their vote doesn't matter in a statewide election. While Miami-Dade which has been trending right recently, added more votes this election. Lawrence could be correct about those blue states but I believe it was more widespread than that.
Sad to say, despite the threat to our democracy, some Democrats stayed home, and some voted third party. Maga's divide and conquer won last night.
(11,058 posts)It's the electoral college, damn it, that runs the show.
(19,382 posts)First time since 2004 for them.
(103,217 posts)If I look at , it shows California has been called for VP Harris with just 58% of its votes in (5.6 million votes to Trump's 3.9 million). The final CA votes in 2020 were 11.1 million and 6 million.
So is this "18 million" number accounting for all votes cast, or just those apportioned to candidates so far?
(18,982 posts)Takket
(22,915 posts)I remember Biden kept going up for weeks after 2020 was called.
(7,340 posts)uponit7771
(92,521 posts)...working adults without college education can't afford to do that.
Not encouraging mail in ballots is the one thing Harris did different operationally this time that Biden did do last time
happy feet
(1,173 posts)No blame on Harris/Walz
White men voted 59% and white women voted 52% for TFG. The media failed us with bothsiderisms and not calling out TFGs’ lies, w/assist from Putin and oligarchs like Musk, Bezos…, white Christian (so called) nationalists, amoral Repubs and a racist, sexist electorate.
(4,957 posts)Harris was put in a horrible spot, no way changing candidates that late in the game was going to work. Plus her campaign FAILED her, she should have been doing interviews on day 2, but her campaign waited way too long and trump's narrative of her being incapable of answering questions stuck. Why the campaigned made that choice is mind boggling, because she CRUSHED every interview, even the one with that fox news hack
Forcing Joe out was INSANE, it was never going to work, many tried to warn the party, but pelosi is never wrong and she tanked Joe. Even 2 weeks after Joe's debate he was still up 60-40 on 538, forcing Joe out beyond INSANE
(1,465 posts)LittleGirl
(8,593 posts)Former expat
(790 posts)WarGamer
(16,579 posts)lark
(24,657 posts)That is the only thing that makes sense to me.
Justice matters.
(8,106 posts)The "rush" to register to vote for the first time in the so-called Blue Wall should be looked at.
And also Hispanics there not giving a flying F about being called garbage by their slave masters?
(22 posts)18 -19 million voters have been purged since 2020. If the republican's ideas were any good, why do they need to purge voters?
(2,625 posts)Welcome to DU. We usually try to document our assertions with backup links whenever possible.
(44,961 posts)TheRickles
(2,625 posts)okaawhatever
(9,560 posts)notroot
(267 posts)valleyrogue
(1,831 posts)who felt their votes "wouldn't count" to affect the outcome in their states.
18 million votes total including 3 million less for Trump. Something is afoot.
We are going to pay dearly for this.
(5,370 posts)I kind of drifted off since the numbers rolled but did he get the most in popular vote vs Harris?
(44,961 posts)than Harris.
At the small Virginia precinct where I worked yesterday, Trump increased his vote total over 2020 by around 80% while Harris' vote totals were flat and third party candidates went from fewer than 10 votes in 2020 to over 90 this year.
The point being, that comparisons between one election and another are hardly the best indicators of anything.
(5,370 posts)No confort anywhere today. Trying to Stay away from this for now ….
(5,370 posts)soandso
(1,631 posts)2020 & 2024 (so far)
('20) Biden 81,283,501
('24) Harris 67,691,165
('24) Deficit 13,529, 336
('20) Trump 74,223,975
('24) Trump 74,102,014
('24) Deficit 121,961
(12,589 posts)It’s a given.
(1,631 posts)Just over 100K fewer
If they cheated, wouldn't they have rigged it to get even more than last time?
(29 posts)I do not believe that tfg won the election fairly. It makes no sense with the huge turnout and with the overturning of Roe v Wade. I hope those involved in election integrity are looking into this.
Frank D. Lincoln
(894 posts)Something just doesn't feel right about this election. It just doesn't ring true.
It's hard to put my finger on it. I can't explain it.
This isn't a case of sour grapes. Something just seems off.
(19,382 posts)They seem to believe that was why voters voted the way they did.
(4,557 posts)And the Republicans won the mid term election less than 5 months after Roe was overturned by 3%. The Dobbs decision seems to have had little to no effect on voters.
There has been a shift of 3%-5% over the last 4 years and it continued on nationwide yesterday in red states as well as blue. I believe Washington State was the only place Trump didn't do better than 2020 and that was essentially flat.
(63,444 posts)barbtries
(30,237 posts)of course it always is. always, with republicans, always.
the ends justify the means.
their accusations are almost always projections.
we are cursed as a nation. for how long is impossible to predict, but I'll do it anyway and say for at least one or 2 generations.
(1,108 posts)haele
(14,023 posts)Some states removed some ballot drop-off boxes or reduced the number of in person polling places (in person or same day)so more people had to stand in line longer in fewer locations than in 2020. So "Record Turnout" could mean fewer district poll locations to service the communities with a more voters showing up to fewer poll locations. Same amount of people in a district. Just more in one place.
Fewer locations also means those locations may end up with provisional ballot shortages or people leaving the longer line because they just couldn't stand there that long.
It's an oblique form of voter suppression. Especially if they purged voter rolls a few months prior.
Self Esteem
(1,979 posts)Democrats stayed home.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)Dems knew the stakes.
(4,557 posts)It will be a few days before final numbers are in.
(1,631 posts)Zeitghost
(4,557 posts)Likely another 3M Trump votes and 5M Harris votes in CA alone.
(1,631 posts)that there are still votes to be counted. All we can assess is what we have now.
(64,861 posts)Self Esteem
(1,979 posts)In 2020, 37% of voters were Democrats.
Yesterday? 32%.
(64,861 posts)When every report we heard from every state described massive turnout before and on Election Day, it’s difficult to accept at face value the assertion that 18M fewer voted in the most consequential (and possibly the last) election in the nation’s history.
If the data itself is in question, it is unpersuasive to assert the data as proof.
(44,961 posts)In 2020 over 100 million votes were cast before election day and another 57 million cast on election day. This year, nearly 20 million fewer votes were reported as being cast before election day. That means over 76 million people would have to shown up at the polls yesterday. A smaller number could easily have shown, and still been more than voted on election day in 2020 yet resulted in a smaller combined total. And, of course there still are millions of votes not yet included in the 2024 total since there are areas that haven't reported their numbers -- especially California.
Self Esteem
(1,979 posts)Reports of turnout being an all-timer. I remember hearing it in 2004 with Bush and Kerry and it never materialized. It's just anecdotal data until all the votes are counted.
So, no the one assuming here were those who assumed turnout would be an all-time high based on incomplete data points.
(1,631 posts)And here's where the numbers stand:
2020 & 2024 (so far)
('20) Biden 81,283,501
('24) Harris 67,691,165
('24) Deficit 13,529, 336
('20) Trump 74,223,975
('24) Trump 74,102,014
('24) Deficit 121,961
So, what are you saying isn't persuasive?
(13,489 posts)Cha
(308,448 posts)thinking there is a GD Conspiracy involved by Fucking Russia.
(44,961 posts)There are millions of votes that haven't yet been counted and reported. When all is said and done, I expect the total number of votes cast to be less than 2020 but not 18 million less--in fact the current difference has dropped to less than 17 million and California alone still has millions of votes out. Moreover, given that all votes haven been tabulated yet, how can anyone be saying, objectively, that there was "record" turnout? Were there long lines at some polling places? Yes, but there also were short lines at some places. Hardly a surprise or unusual. In addition to the extent fewer people cast early in-person or mail in votes than in 2020 -- a lot less, in fact. Put another way, in 2020, over 100,000,000 early in-person and mail-in votes were cast and another 57 million were cast in person. This year 82 million in person and mail in votes were cast. Just to match the total votes cast in 2020, over 76 million voters would have to show up at the polls. So it wouldn't be surprising that more in-person voters showed up at some locations yesterday, but still end up with a combined total that is less than the combined 2020 total.
(26,247 posts)Is there any hope of this being investigated as long as Biden is in office?
(38,995 posts)I think it comes down to the fact that the general election is only every four years and a lot more people come out for it. Hence, the stories about long lines and whatnot. Yes, it was a lot of people but not astounding.
(4,557 posts)Trump will pick up another 2+ million in CA alone which is less than 60% counted. Harris will get even more.
Trump will likely improve slightly on his 2020 count of 74.2M. Harris will come in somewhere around 8M short of Biden's 2020 total.
There was no record turnout, we will be ~5 million votes short of the 2020 record.
(3,684 posts)Some tech billionaires have access to massive gpu farms, quantum computers, and custom nsa grade ai tools.
Of the shelf voting machines are not designed for this kind of threat profile.
(44,961 posts)If that turns out to be the case, there actually will have been pretty much the same number of votes cast this year than in 2020. And even if their estimate is off by half, the total number of votes cast would only be 6 million fewer than in 2020 -- a drop of less than 4%, which would hardly be surprising in a race where there were a lot of voters who turned off before Biden dropped out because they didn't like either choice and may not have come back even after Harris became the nominee.