The Pain of Others
I used to wonder, sitting in history class, how ordinary people in Germany and in communist countries could turn on their neighbors. Its so easy to see it now. Working class people have hit the elites hard. (By elites I mean the educated. Not all elites are rich). Misogynists have hit women hard.
On election night, my rich MAGA neighbors actually set off fire works when Pennsylvania was called. I felt immediate hate in my heart. Wanted to call ICE on them for hiring illegals to take care of their lawn. Couldnt wait for Hispanic MAGAs to get pulled over by ICE and not be able show papers. Started counting the old people I know who voted MAGA and who survive on SS. couldnt wait until Rick Scott presents his bill to gut SS. Wishing for Joe Biden to write an executive order reversing his bail out of pensions - but only for Teamster scabs. Dreaming of school teacher MAGAs finding out that the Department of Education defunded their schools.
The list goes on and on. (Im not a good person).
So, its quite easy to see how jealousy can cause one citizen to turn on another. I was fully ready to do it.
Im going to stop myself from exacting revenge on my neighbors. NOT because Im a good person, but because social devolution is not rational. Gets us nowhere. Democrats are not the weak party because we have empathy. Empathy has a STRONG component which allows humans to feel where the others are at, permit us to gather together, and to make plans for the future. Theres a neurological component allowing us to feel others pain and anger.
EMPATHY is the strongest evolutionary trait, not the weakest. Its nice to feel all warm and fuzzy about sweetness and empathy, but the bottom line is that it is our most essential strength-building trait. Unions won because of solidarity. Womens rights and civil rights were born of empathy. We could see that raising people up would strengthen us all. Empathy has a selfish component - like Ford paying his workers enough to buy his cars.
We have to foster empathy as the choice of winners.
Democrats need to message that.
I think Kamalas phrasing was good - true leadership is lifting others up. That needs to be tied to an even bigger message that the West (and America) dominated the last century because of successful social programs. People flocked to the West because our of strong societies.
I cant put it all together, but empathy equals strength.
Not going to become the NAZI neighbor, the Commie snitch. Yes, I will have schadenfreude, but will stop myself from actual retribution.
Finding my way through this mess.