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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMaybe it's time to embrace being hated, give them something to cry about
I mean, if they love Russia even though Russia despises them and you're a complete monster for valuing human life over healthcare profits and knowing words bigger than one syllable, then why bother, right?
But I love politics, I love change, reform, and making things better. So maybe it's time to go about it the other way.
I have no intention of getting out of the country, so maybe it's time for fun. If they're going to be absurd, then be absurd back. A large enough chunk of the voting base has shown us they don't care about efforts to reach out, so no more reaching out.
Instead of reaching out, smack the back of their head. Dope slap!
They complain about the "smug, condescending liberal"
Nah, I want to be worse. Let's shoot for this time next year, the "smug, condescending liberal" will be seen as the "good old days".
When the Republican trifecta messes up, and they will, this will be me when people are looking for a bailout...
* I'm going to encourage jury nullification for any nonsense law based off of conservative vibes instead of science, logic, and reason. That's right, it's cool.
* Healthcare reform? I'm going to encourage a "not paying" movement. Don't pay medical bills or if you do, pay as slowly as possible. Hey, did you know that when you are e-begging on GoFundMe to pay for those medical bills or declaring bankruptcy over them that they would be called fraudulent in other sectors and those bills end up paying, not for cutting edge research, but for spas and stadiums? Oh yeah. Whoops. I guess the cat's out of the bag.
* And no, I'm not abandoning the "woke" people, the transgender community, or Haitian-Americans. Sorr-- actually, I'm not sorry.
"Oh no, but we'll never win an election again!" I'm done trying to impress the people in the first paragraph and you should be too.
If you don't like it, you can kindly excise (scary word alert: that means to cut out or remove) me from the political landscape. And if you do, let's keep in touch.

(36,739 posts)DOOOOOOOOOMED.
(2,519 posts)Never really cared in the first place.
I only weep for my sane folks who get screwed because of these idiots.
They are not about to run me out of my country.
(36,739 posts)Bettie
(17,917 posts)losing their jobs and homes, I'll be hard pressed not to laugh in their faces and remind them that was precisely what they voted for.
Same with people upset that their children died of a preventable disease that could have been avoided with vaccines. If they choose death, it isn't my job to feel bad for them.
I am getting mean and I really don't care.
I will still have sympathy for decent human beings....but no magat is that.