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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMy real question is is Trump bluffing or does he really intend to be an authoritarian
Some people say he's a fascist, i disagree, he's not putting us on trains to death camps as of yet, but he has some authoritarian instincts, the real question is whether he will act on them or not.
(28,834 posts)I think he'll try to implement a lot of it. It's more about whether or not he'll be successful than whether or not he'll make some kind of attempt.
12 million deportations, for example. I have no doubt that he'll make some kind of token attempt, but it's essentially logistically impossible, so it might turn out like the wall - lots of noise, not much of anything tangible.
I also think some of it is just campaign fluff, but it's difficult to tell for sure.
(30,458 posts)Steve Bannon who freak me out the most as long as Trump has his ear. Bannon probably really does want the US to be like Russia. I think Trump wants to stay in power and may try to stay but I don't see him being skilled and organized enough to get through all the guard rails. But he may try. I'm glad he is so fucking old.
Blues Heron
(6,275 posts)TwilightZone
(28,834 posts)The wall being the most obvious. As bizarre as it sounds, his first term could have been decidedly worse if not for his inability to get anything done.
There's no guarantee that this term will be similar, but his history of incomptence is pretty clear. Much depends on whom he surrounds himself with for advisors, cabinet, etc.
(8,323 posts)He has the Senate, House and SCOTUS in his pocket.
(25,176 posts)Were you in the US between 2017 and 2021? Besides detention cages at the border, there were detention camps in several states where people were sent after roundups in cities and at businesses where immigrants were working. Some of them were here legally and got picked up in the nets of the roundups. They had to find lawyers to fight back and get released.
Conditions at the camps were abusive and unsanitary.
With less technology in the mid 20th century, Nazis managed to round up and kill several million. The largest number were Jews at 6 million, but there were also Roma (gypsies), Poles after the Polish invasion, political dissidents in Germany, people with physical and mental disabilities, communists, Jehovah's Witnesses, people in conquered countries who refused to cooperate, resistance and underground people. In addition, they had POW camps for captured Allied soldiers. My uncle spent two years in a POW camp as a captured US soldier.
Also, fascism is more than concentration camps. Fascism is authoritarianism. Dictatorship. Loss of personal and civic freedoms. It is thug rule. It is harassment, beatings, and killings of any designated "other" with impunity.
Concentration camps, mass killings, roundups of "undesireables" do not happen all at once under fascist rule. They happen in increments. Arrests and detention camps begin with powerless people whose arrests do not arouse much public objection. They move on to targeted ethnic groups who are enemies according to propaganda that prepares the public to accept it.
In Nazi Germany, it was Jews who were all tagged with the label of traitors responsible for the loss of WWI. In the US, Trump is targeting "illegal" immigrants according to race, like Latinos and legal Haitians. The propaganda labels them as criminals and low lifes who rape, murder, eat people's pets, take people's jobs. Get the general public believing that and they don't care if the people are rounded up. That paves the way for removing even people who are here with legal documentation just because they are "the other." Next, revoke the citizenship of naturalized citizens. As power consolidates, the enemies lists expand.
Fascism promotes toxic masculinity. It promotes superiority of some people over others.
(28,834 posts)There's simply no comparison. It's not even apples and oranges. It's like apples and hand grenades.
12 million is a scale that dwarfs anything he did in his first term.
The consensus is that it's not logistically possible. The infrastructure doesn't exist and would have to be built on a massive scale. The government has no clue who most of them are or where they live. Hiring would need to be done on a massive scale, probably at least tens of thousands. Coordination with the countries to which they're being repatriated will be extremely complicated, and it's very likely some won't cooperate. Only eight of the top ten have any kind of agreement with the US to do so: Mexico and Venezuela. For the other eight (and any others), repatriation would need to be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Aside all that, the scale is almost certainly unworkable.
It would be the equivalent of deporting the entirety of New York City and the entirety of Los Angeles.
Or the equivalent of deporting the entire populations of:
San Antonio
San Diego
and Dallas, seven of the top ten cities in population in the US.
(25,176 posts)In fact, that's one argument that Holocaust deniers make. It couldn't have happened. The logistics would be impossible.
If countries won't accept deportees, they would just languish in detention camps. Lack of food, medicine, and sanitation would eliminate some if them.
So, because the government does not have the location of all 12 million, that means that "only" 5 million would be rounded up? Well that's ok then, huh? Long as it isn't 12 million?
Rounding up just a few hundred would have a terrorizing effect. One reason for having enemies to target in a fascist regime is to unite people in a common cause. It consolidates power.
The US managed to detain 120,000 Japanese American citizens and immigrants from just a few states in WWII in a short time period. They were taken first to assembly centers like football fields, then placed in quickly built and fortified detention centers.
11,000 German nationals in the US were detained during WWII. 1881 Italians were detained.
Mass roundups don't happen overnight. The can go on for years. Start with known undocumented people. There are ways to track down many of them. Citizens and legal immigrants often get caught up in such roundups and might or might not be released.
There is no shortage of racists and bigots willing to provide information in communities across the country. There are vigilantes willing to "deal with" them in their own way. Once you have targeted them, it becomes open season on hunting them down.
Put them in already vacant facilities until long term detention places are established. Start proceedings to deport them. If places won't take them, just let them rot in camps. Insufficient food, medicine, and sanitation take a toll. Diseases spread. People die. Lose enough and you have room to add new captures without expanding the camps. Worked for the Nazis.
Some statistics on deaths caused by Nazi war crimes.
(50 posts)i'm trying to look for the positives here
(26,314 posts)"Nev...err...Okay, if it happens again I will consider seriously looking into if we have a real problem", lacks to necessary level of urgency to keep the worst from coming to fruition.
(4,632 posts)brush
(58,494 posts)How do you think they got to the concentration camps? Or don't you consider that the Jews of Germany back the were citizens?
(4,632 posts)brush
(58,494 posts)get the red out
(13,660 posts)And has promised rounding undocumented people for mass deportation this time. I guess taking us to camps depends on who us is.
(13,755 posts)He might listen to people, but he's going to be the Decider in Chief. He doesn't care if people get hurt.
And he won't allow people to tell him no this time around. Unless it's someone with more money and he can make a better deal.
He's purely transactional. That's the bottom line.
So yeah, he's going to try to be an Autocrat.
(25,313 posts)means writing books
(22,440 posts)ChicagoRonin
(711 posts)Whether he hurts people maliciously, incompetently or part of a sadistic, nefarious plan, people will get hurt nonetheless.
(2,046 posts)Some of what it says: a populist political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual, that is associated with a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, and that is characterized by severe economic and social regimentation and by forcible suppression of opposition
Also: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
The early instances of army fascism and brutality are typical
Jason Watson Aldridge
Call it "soft fascism": a political system that aims to stamp out dissent and seize control of every major aspect of a country's political and social life, without needing to resort to "hard" measures like banning elections
I don't think a fascist leader would need to place people on trains to death camps, but is putting them on busses to die somewhere else much of a concession?
(14,232 posts)There are construction companies that signed contracts to build camps, contingent on trumps winning.
They are ready to hit the ground running. And this time, barring unexpected events in house races, they will have a solid lock on all three branches of government, and have purged anyone with an ounce of integrity from their own party, so there is no internal dissent to draw from either.
Happy Hoosier
(8,643 posts)But he will sure as hell try.
(26,314 posts)Popping shots at someone but happening to miss should not be handwaived or considered a joke, especially when it is a regular activity.
The general attitude toward this pricks malicious intent and serial criminality is so damn weird!
It is like millions of people are sucked into an episode of Dennis the Menace and just find the little scamp sooo adorable they just can't be mad at the little dickens even if he grabs them by the pussy, negligently kills grandma. or tries an insurrection sometimes.
Blue Owl
(55,054 posts)TheKentuckian
(26,314 posts)Especially Stephen Miller, Bannon, Flynn, and Musk.
Roadkill Fricassee Kook jr could kill tens of millions too with the wrong powerset.
Agolf can just doomscroll, cheat on the links, and grub KFC and a whole lot of really bad shit can still go down.
(68,876 posts)Then I realized that with the election over and with Trump in, the Never-Trumpers are going to go back to toeing the GOP line. They want to get re-elected, after all.
(24,802 posts)Never Trumpers left actively serving in government right now
(2,344 posts)Thats not a criterion for fascism.
And Trump is in fact a fascist both illiberal and authoritarian.
Like most fascists Trump is a demagogue and liar its how he won the election.
Last, Trump isnt smart or clever enough to contrive some scheme to bluff or deceive Trump is exactly as he seems: a dull-witted brutish authoritarian and fascist thug.
(15,172 posts)but he calls the free press the enemy of the people and lugenpresse. Check.
He has no authority over the Legislative branch, yet is demanding that the next Senate majority leader relinquish their advise-and-consent power to allow recess appointments, which he will abuse. That's a hell of an overreach. Check.
He wants to deport illegal AND legal immigrants of a certain skin pigment. Check.
He wants to increase immigration from countries like Norway that are majority white. Check.
The Constitution limits the power of the president. At every opportunity, he seeks to remove restraints on his power. He has called for suspending the Constitution, despite swearing to defend it. Check.
He says he wants to be a dictator on day one. Did you miss that?
(8,982 posts)Theyd know better than you
(306,405 posts)he's a GD FASCIST.
Why would anyone think he isn't after he tried to Over turn the Government on Jan6 2020?!!!
(4,632 posts)Cha
(306,405 posts)Paying Attention can see that. Treasonous Assface.
Stop sanewashing him.
(1,130 posts)When he nukes the next hurricane. There's no one to tell him that's a bad idea now.
Ocelot II
(122,231 posts)and that he can get away with.
(7,999 posts)what *can't* he get away with?? Especially after SCOTUS immunity?
(58,494 posts)He will use it. Keep a low profile.
(4,896 posts)He doesn't like to do any work, won't/can't read and is an infant who just wants to hurt others and stay out of jail. I doubt he even understands what authoritarian means, beyond he can hurt people and stay out of jail. He is being used just as the maga idiots are being used.
(13,770 posts)Thats EXACTLY the plan (and it aint his)!!!
Under The Radar
(3,420 posts)*Trump wants to be Worshiped and Celebrated. He will demand military ceremonies, he will demand that Dulles is renamed Trump International Airport, he will request that his image will be carved into Mt. Rushmore. He will expect to be Man of the Year for every magazine and newspaper.
*Trump wants to be on the Fortune Top Ten of richest men in the world. Trump is for sale and will expect payment from foreign countries for favors and relief from sanctions and tariffs.
*Trump will absolutely seek revenge on all those who have opposed him.
*Trump will do whatever Vladimir Putin tells him to do.
For any governing that has to be done beyond the above, Trump will delegate to whoever is polishing his shoes that day, but for all good things accomplished, credit goes to him.
(13,750 posts)those who back him are NOIT. You know Mike Flynn and others are already to start killing on day one
(100,484 posts)No cattle cars in Franco's Spain, Batista's Cuba, Marcos's Philippines, and Galtieiri's Argentina.
(120,846 posts)He believes he should be in complete control and he surrounds himself with sycophants. So he really is dangerous. On the other hand, he's not well-informed; he's not disciplined and he doesn't focus well; so he's volatile and easily distracted
(61,729 posts)Will they follow the law? NO.
(5,436 posts)write books on fascists/fascism say he is doing exactly what they do.
(8,424 posts)dchill
(40,991 posts)jalan48
(14,601 posts)0rganism
(24,840 posts)TSF seems like too much of an attention-seeking narcissist to really have any clear ideology of his own, beyond "I AM THE GREATEST EVER". However, that opens the door wide for people who do have extreme agendas to leverage his considerable power by sucking up to him. Those are the dangerous people who will set the course for our ship of state while Captain Noshitstogive struts about on the Leto deck looking for people to flatter him.
(539 posts)Theyll rape and burn down the government taking as much money as they can while in charge, and eventually killing the economy tanking unemployment raising the debt. Musk will get tons of new government contracts and provide a steady stream of right wing MAGA media a la disinformation.
(1,570 posts)Depends on whether 47.9 % who voted against become active. If not, we are fucked.
(2,565 posts)Instead to disagreeing.
(2,123 posts)What is yours?
I've read at least nine books on the topic from scholars considered to be the best, those who have studied this for their entire career, and they have widely differing opinions as to what F(f)ascism is.
Including the works of Zeev Sternhell, Robert Paxton, Stanley Payne and others.
But please proceed with what will be the ultimate, uncontroversial definition of this otherwise elusive word! Can't wait!
(3,742 posts)Then was allowed to take it all 4 years later.
(1,163 posts)He said he's going to be a dictator from day 1 so believe him. He's already trying to make the Senate irrelevant. Next will be the House.
(51,735 posts)Path 1 is that Trump is just bullshitting. This is always possible, and he's done it before.
Path 2 is he really tries doing the things he's announced he will do, and fails miserably. A very large amount of what he plans to do revolve around tax cuts and tariffs. If he tries getting either one of two things will happen: Congress will tell him to go to hell, or they'll pass and send the economy to hell.
Path 3 is what I think will really happen: Trump will threaten to do (some bad thing) repeatedly until the nation has totally stressed itself out, and then he'll offer to scale it back to (some not-as-bad thing on the same general order as the bad thing) so long as it can get enacted.
Either way things will look really bleak. We already know Elon Musk wants to institute austerity, which is kinda strange because it will cut down sales in his car and rocket companies.
The Unmitigated Gall
(4,695 posts)RubyRose
(261 posts)So punitive to employ, house, feed etc. they will begin to self deport.
(3,402 posts)Hekate
(95,771 posts)I suggest you look it up and start reading.
A synopsis & guide to 920 pages:
(43,362 posts)Looks pretty authoritarian to me.