General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI'm tired of hearing about what Democrats should have done to reach the electorate. The choice was clear.
Whatever the reason for the loss we just suffered it is NOT because of some failure of Team Harris or the party generally to differentiate themselves from MAGA.
The voters of our country are supposed to be ADULTS. Any reasonable adult knows what a rapist is, knows what a coup is, knows what it means when a leader threatens a country's citizens with it's military.
It's very clear that our electorate has either shitty priorities, shitty principles, or some combination thereof. I don't know how anyone could believe a guy with 'concepts of a [healthcare] plan', who proposing 10% tariffs when INFLATION is already an issue, is going to fix the economy. But the fact that people would sell their country down the river for cheaper eggs and lower gas prices is disgusting.
People fucking know who Donald Trump is.
If we still have a country in a few years people will come back, because when he's caused ruinous damage and pain, he won't be funny to them anymore. They did that after Bush 2, and after his first term.
But my understanding of who our electorate is has changed. In 2004 I could excuse Kerry's loss with 9/11, wartime patriotism, and people not being informed. In 2016, I could say it was Comey. It was Hillary Clinton's 20 year exposure to a GOP smear compaign It was Russian disinfo. The electoral college.
There is no explanation or excuse that remotely covers what just happened. People did not elect a senile rapist with a personality disorder because Kamala Harris didn't adequately explain her policy proposals, or because people thought HE was more trustworthy.
Our electorate doesn't want serious attempts to solve the nation's problems: they just elected a fucking hurricane. There is no point in trying to psychologize that.

(228 posts)B.See
(4,422 posts)all it does is tend to rationalize normalize and excuse what these ASSHOLES knowingly and willingly did in voting for the mfkr.
There's NO excusing it.
(28,835 posts)As such, we can't just blame it on the electorate and move on, or we'll continue to lose.
We need to figure out why Biden was able to build a larger coalition in 2020 against the same opponent than Harris was able to do in 2024 and then figure out how to fix it.
(3,113 posts)They ran the most polished campaign I've seen since Obama 2008. The voters didn't reject their communication style or their policy proposals, because Trump didn't have either.
The voters rejected a rational approach to policy. They elected a dude who hasn't had a policy idea since the border wall didn't get built.
If the lesson of this election is that our next presidential candidate should be some sex offender from a federal prison who does stand up comedy, then I don't see the point.
(43,398 posts)Last edited Mon Nov 11, 2024, 12:58 AM - Edit history (1)

(36,921 posts)Aepps22
(337 posts)I think Bidens numbers were inflated by the pandemic and people wanting a real leader to get us through. I dont think many of those voters cared about anything other than beating Trump and I dont think many of those voters planned to continue to engage in the political system. 4 years seems to be an eternity in the American political system and now that we arent in lockdown, I believe that many of those voters didnt think the threat of another Trump term outside of another catastrophic pandemic was enough to fuel them to vote again.
(13,774 posts)Yeah, I think a big part of the difference may be that more states pushed mail-in voting in 2020, so a lot of low propensity voters checked the box for Biden.
Trueblue Texan
(3,157 posts)Biden is a WHITE MAN!!!!! We have never had a more perfect team or a more perfect campaign running against a more obvious criminal, charlatan, unqualified, bigoted prick! Stop trying to put lipstick on a pig! . Its either racism and mysogyny, or it was rigged. Im sick and tired of people dissecting the campaign and not looking at the electorate! Open your fucking eyes!
(7,289 posts)black lady for POTUS.
Reasons why Biden did so much better had to do with the urgency of the pandemic, people seeing what a disaster trump was as POTUS, and a lot of mail in voting
(148 posts)And they want those of us with decent lives to suffer too. How dare we be happy when their neighbor has a bigger truck to roll coal with!
(7,289 posts)How the campaign went
The Press: You should talk about the economy.
Harris: The economy.
Press: Yes, but what about the economy?
Harris: The economy. Working class families.
Press: OK, but what about the economy?
Harris: The economy. Working families. Income. Wages. Benefits. Good jobs. Price fixing. Inflation.
Press: Hmm
Harris: Also the economy.
Press: And?
Harris: Maybe we don't go around lighting people on fire.
Press: Trump won because of the economy.
(16,837 posts)That is not a problem which is solved by better explaining your policy positions. It is not a problem which a politician can solve period.
It is, however, something which a Democratic politician must work around in order to win. And that isn't trivial.
(12,160 posts)They get all their news from Faux News, Sinclair, AM Radio, NewsMax, Xitter & Truth Social. They have no idea how much better off this country is compared to the rest of the world. Until they pull their tiny little heads out of that media cesspool and start reading international news from other countries, they will remain blissfully ignorant.
(20,872 posts)OAITW r.2.0
(29,335 posts)rampartd
(1,489 posts)but i am not the "sucker" born every minute" that would believe a guy convicted 1 time of fraud, and with trump it is more than 1.
and now this guy is immune?. where is my passport?.
(19,424 posts)Boy will they rue the day because they are going to suffer with the rest of us.
Response to ProudMNDemocrat (Reply #6)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(26,314 posts)It was well distributed though.
The reality though is always setting white women as the premise of your election is fool's gold.
I have a concept of a thought about why we fall for it at least, the relationships are with the educated and higher status ladies and no one has direct non professional contact with the chicks from steerage so they get extrapolated between college white and minority working class women to what they might well be thinking.
I might be way off base but I can see how the circles may not all intersect as much as it might seem at first glance.
(1,519 posts)I don't know if it was stolen and I doubt we will prove it any time soon at any rate. It would not surprise me one bit.
A large part of the electorate is certainly brain dead. They are completely unable to distinguish fact from troll fiction. They reject science and any government resource.
Welcome to the Middle Ages and feudalism. Elon's heaven.
(65,419 posts)Or, since we're supposed to use 6th grade words, racism and sexism. Maybe that's still too complicated. Let's try "mean, dumb white people." Oops, mustn't call names.
The fact is that when 60% of white men support Trump, it's inevitable that a lot of their docile wives, daughters, and girlfriends will go along.
As a white girl growing up in the white monoculture of rural central Ohio, I knew a lot of those "chicks in steerage." They put on childishness and docility like their makeup and clothes, all to appeal to men, whom they were taught to follow and obey. Maybe that didn't work out so well for them, but you think they're going to admit it?
Trump talks like their loser husbands and boyfriends. Making him president justifies their own lousy choices. See, he's not so bad. He'll fix it.
A lot of American white culture is deeply fucked up. It's why there's an opioid crisis.
(67,289 posts)that those who voted for the felon are shifting to the right. And they have belief that he relates to them more, For example, "he talks like me".
That 51% have tarnished and resorted to fascism over democracy. They are going to be so sorry.
Propaganda has rotted people's minds.
(1,611 posts)ProudMNDemocrat
(19,424 posts)Those whose lives depend on medications, the later information, etc.
WTF were they thinking?
(43,881 posts)I'm so sick of the "Harris should have done/didn't do this one little thing. If she did, we'd have won."
No, just no. She ran an excellent campaign. Trump's campaign was a pure shit show. And yet, he won.
It wasn't the campaign. He won because he has a penis and she doesn't.
And I just threw up in my mouth a little.
(67,289 posts)He's such an empty POS. I really think the election was tampered with by Putin, Orban and Musk. China does not come clean in this either. Hmm.... Iran does not care for him.
Putin broke the US, and has always wanted to see our demise.
Oh, I forgot do you know he has that weirdo from Argentina visiting him tomorrow at Mar a Loco.
Veterans' Day, a day of Remembrance for those who died and fought for our Freedoms, well we know he doesn't give a hoot about that.
(40,995 posts)Or what strategies each party used. I knew trump. I knew Harris. I needed very little paying attention to know who I was gonna vote for. The undecideds were undecided because?? They couldnt pay attention? Because they liked the attention? Because egg prices were high? Ive been a (D) for 50 plus years. Because I know all about the Rs. And I will know in future elections. And I will donate accordingly and I will vote accordingly.
(58,753 posts)FloridaBlues
(4,448 posts)They want this womanizer, lier
, cheat , sexual abuser.. it make no scents
In It to Win It
(10,010 posts)It goes the opposites all the time.
This country went from an idiot (W. Bush) to Barack Obama. Obama was the total opposite of Bush.
This country went from calm and cool (Obama) to a bull in the china shop (Trump). Trump is the total opposite of Obama.
This country went from the bull in the china shop (Trump) to steady and stable (Biden). Biden is the total opposite of Trump.
This country went from steady and stable (Biden) back to the bull in the china shop. Total opposites.
This country's appetite for "different", even if it's a dangerous kind of "different", cannot be underestimated.
(2,426 posts)And before goofy Dubya, you had cool and calm Big Dog Bill.
It's a weird country, I hope we can survive four years of this maniac.
(1,611 posts)Very important to oppose felon at all levels.
(5,869 posts)Blaming, pissing and moaning, over analyzing, and second guessing are a waste of time.
Now we decide which of the untold, or tried and true, ways of resistance suits us and we get busy.
Fuck that whinny shit; thats his game not ours.
(3,113 posts)Nevermind trying to understand how things get accomplished in Washington, or which party is trying to accomplish literally anything that would help an average person. Just play "throw out the bums" until "the bums" get the message and results magically materialize.
(15,091 posts)Though I have been here for a lot longer.
The 2010 mid terms did that for me.
It all makes sense if you accept that this country is stupid as $hit.
(35,004 posts)at least that is what I see here in Texas. We have a good number of evangelicals who are all in on the Christian nationalists.
But it has to be more than that to explain the numbers we're seeing. Church membership has been down, they are really more of a loud minority. There are other factors at work. Racism and sexism certainly played a role. If not outright cheating, republicans absolutely did mess with voting rolls etc. Maybe it's all those things together (and probably more than I just listed), rather than primarily one factor.
(15,091 posts)that is why they have so much staying power and have consolidated their power despite the "demographics" supposedly going against them.
But, you are spot on with religion, and it is a big one.
"Conservatism" kills everything, and it has killed christianity in America.
It was fading, but it has almost completely been coopted as just another hard right wing propoganda channel.
(1,718 posts)It's not the elephant in the room, it's the goddam BEAR in the fucking room! Every intelligence agency in the country has been warning whoever would listen that Putin and his trolls have gone to afterburners in critical Electoral College states, and NO one seemed to listen. Or, more accurately, no filthy fucking oligarch-controlled news source would give the story a moment's scrutiny. Why? Can you say, "kompromat"? Or worse yet, "COMPLICITY"?
(10,558 posts)They've had decades of right wing radio spewing nonsense.
Fox, Newsmax, OAN, and now social media.
Elon musk was playing X like a fiddle - blocking the fact checkers and promoting disinformation.
Couple that with a candidate who lies more easily than he breathes
and you have a recipe for a lot of folks to get misled.
Add to that, incendiary language to incite hate blaming immigrants for losing your job or crime, etc and to blame Democrats for stealing the 2020 election. etc.
Every morning on twitter there was a massive assault on the truth. Hundreds if not thousands or more posting constant disinformation.
Listen to these people being interviewed at a Trump rally: they haven't got a clue. The right wing seizure of social media controls the narrative because that is now where most people get their news.
Trump probably cheated anyway. But there is no question in my mind that the above went on and helped the GOP/Trump.
(96,084 posts)LymphocyteLover
(7,289 posts)proud patriot
(101,513 posts)
(6,421 posts)Greatest Country my ass...I can only hope what goes around will come around in spades
Duncan Grant
(8,607 posts)Bookmarked your nugget of unvarnished truth. Im still shocked by the results. Spiteful imbeciles they hate democrats and libruls, fiercely. Its an organizing principle of the maga identity. Are atrocities far behind?
(7,676 posts)Within the last week there was a report on the reading skills in America. It concluded that Americans read on average at a 6th grade level. A 6th grader understands the word salad Trump spews out. They do not understand the articulate message Harris presented.. Do, rather than going with the person they didn't understand, they went with the person they did understand --- even though it was all disinformation.
(527 posts)I wouldnt be surprised if we learned a large chunk of first time young male voters scored quite low on reading and reading comprehension. Basically, they had two years of excessive video gaming and self-pleasuring rather than Nrave New World, The Old Man and the Sea, Hamlet, etc.
Were going to find out someday, society seriously failed our kids during COVID, and they are educationally short-changed.
(100 posts)Yes, and I read that someone whod been conducting focus groups of American voters said the top response to the question, Is Trump an authoritarian? was, Whats an authoritarian?
You dont need to take a ton of poli sci courses to know that. But you do need to read the news.
Re: the OPs point, I got called for jury duty not too long ago. The judge asked every potential juror, Where do you get your news? And at least four out of about 15-20 people said they didnt read or watch any news at all.
Other people are like a relative of mine. Apolitical until the pandemic. Then went anti-vax, hooked up with a fellow anti-vaxxer and started listening to Rogan at her new boyfriends behest. Probably voted for Trump, but she didnt really know what the f- she was doing because she was such a blinkered, low-information voter.
Misinformed/low-information voters decided this election.
(39,564 posts)to cause gains EVEN IN DEMOCRATIC STATES, even in New York City.
(18,648 posts)Not so much for 51 percent of the country. That is a problem.
(39,564 posts)The problem isn't our governing efforts, or even our messaging. Our problem is hearing but not really listening to the electorate.
So now we've got to change our audience awareness and outreach.
(18,648 posts)yaesu
(8,547 posts)brainwashing, stupidity, mental illness, who knows but it wasn't messaging nor who was running.
(281 posts)It would be neat if Biden stepped down and made her president now. She could push through some of her plans now and Trump would have 4 years to undo them. I saw this theory yesterday and it was in USA Today too
(573 posts)What explains 10 million fewer dems voting. I cant imagine they showed up to oust trump in 2020 but now when its real devastating to our country they decided to sit this one out?
Things dont add up.
(770 posts)There's still vote being added from the west coast, California still is estimated to have more than 3 mil outstanding. It will be millions fewer votes, but it wont be 10 mil.
(770 posts)Put yourself in the shoes of someone who absorbed as much political coverage in the last 2 years from mainstream sources as you do on an average week.
And then take that time and divide it up to where Harris was the nominee only on the last 15% of that (if your weekly average is 10 hours, then say you're someone who has digested a grand total of 1.5 hours of political content, ads and mailers included, since she became the nominee...).
Thinking about this from the perspective of the voter base that spends a lot of their free time immersed in TV based politics on either the right or the left won't really help win 2028. Those people will show up and vote for their respective party anyway. It's the rest where we lose or win.
(39,564 posts)LilElf70
(693 posts)Anyone with 1/2 of a brain knows Harris had this in the bag. To elect an insane rapist, felon, can man, insurrectionist, racist, and so on and so forth, over a sane Harris with a real feel for people, really needs serious help. Words can't really explain what happened.
This move by the electorate will change the face of elections forever. At this point and time, I, and many many others will most likely never vote again, which is the wrong attitude to take, because it's the only way to stop this insanity. Hopefully we'll change in 4 years. The finger pointing is just starting, and it's going to get ugly. Until we figure out what happened, and how we stop it from occurring again, we're all in for a very, very rough ride ahead.
God bless our constitution. God bless us for the next 4 years.
(3,312 posts)you are just enabling more of the same. You even said this in your post, and even admit it's wrong, but still you said that you will "most likely never vote again."
Stop "figuring out what happened" and VOTE. VOTE!! Every Democrat needs to vote EVERY TIME. And they need to vote FOR DEMOCRATS.
That's what Repubs do, and that is why they win.
(55,523 posts)You can say the hell with the electorate, but that doesnt get the Democrats closer to victory; it ensures future losses. I dont share your plans to make the part permanently irrelevant.
(26,314 posts)Perhaps there is a way to leverage these things to our advantage but I can despise them and manage that just like the Chump and the Republicans who hate them more than we do.
Hell, I don't know maybe we can buy off Andrew Dice Clay, crowdsource some stupid show, and then run him.
Maybe we can flip the Hulkster and Chaci with a few bucks to back him up and talk chemtrails for rambling hours.
(55,523 posts)Thanks for your contribution.
(26,314 posts)or black heated vileness that makes the devil squeamish then I'd not bet heavily.
Sort of a tall order.
I'm sure you can pull it out for us though!
(55,523 posts)But the party can.
Were those same voters just as stupid when they voted for Obama or Biden? The thing about your deep penetrating explanation is that it explains nothing but your anger. There are many things the party could do better, like not telling people who can barely make ends meet that the economy is great. We lost voters making under $50k for the first time in a long time. Keep hating the poor. That will work well.
(26,314 posts)Please make your case that inflationary tariffs, seven trillion dollars of empty calorie debt, soulless austerity, and mass deportations are going to do anything to reduce costs.
Hell, explain how such actions won't exacerbate an affordability crisis.
If you can't then what is the argument that support of such is not only incredibly stupid but bound to produce the opposite of the espoused desire?
It isn't merely stupid it is insane.
I'm in the same crunch but insane flailing and getting price ballooning policies is not doing anything but making bad hell.
I don't hate the poor, I hate the recklessly stupid and the insane.
Nice attempt at a guilt trip though, it failed miserably and is more talking out the patootie but worth a shot I reckon.
(3,113 posts)Like I said, I've seen this movie before.
Trying to come up with a better strategy to reason with people who aren't interested in reason is an exercise in futility.
Silent Type
(8,234 posts)The Roux Comes First
(1,617 posts)It is our country and supposed compatriots we should be dissecting right now. As you said, "no explanation or excuse that remotely covers what just happened." That is, if we assume an independent- thinking, breathing, populace. Alas, we no longer have that, from what I can tell. Knowledge or even curiosity regarding current events is a rarity, and a huge fraction of our populace, if they pay any attention at all, instead settle for the "info" gleaned from poisonous propaganda fed to them by elon and his pimp putin.
(26,314 posts)They know what they did and did it anyway.
Three times is enemy action not an accident.
(4,422 posts)Response to D23MIURG23 (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(103,524 posts)And they want authoritarianism because it gets them even richer. Fuck all of them.
(16 posts)D23MIURG23
(3,113 posts)Serious question.
(54 posts)Thank you for this post; I completely agree, and you said it so well. Harris, Walz, and the whole team put together a remarkable campaign in a very short time. They told us who they are, what they stand for, and the specific policies they want to enact. They held huge rallies, and they went to small businesses. She won the debate by a mile, she gave interviews, she went to the swing states repeatedly. The website had information about her policy proposals.
What I am going to say here is more than a little idealistic; I hold no illusions that this is where are country is now, and I doubt it ever was this way. It is our job as voters to educate ourselves - to get truly informed and make reasoned decisions based on whose policies are likely to take our country in the right direction, and to actually show up and vote accordingly. Beyond that, there should be minimum standards of ethics that a candidate for elected office should have to meet - and if our laws and our Constitution don't require it, then we as voters should take the responsibility for ensuring that the person they elect is up to the task, in terms of capability and ethical standards. I feel like this is what our very best candidates have done, and I absolutely count Harris and Walz among that number.
I understand that the Republicans don't do that. For probably my entire lifetime, the Republicans have been playing a long game. They have acquired media outlets and abandoned any sense of truth in their version of "news." They probably saw in advance the inherent electoral college advantage that comes with getting rural voters aligned with them, and they targeted that population accordingly. They have increasingly created the narrative that the opposing party is an enemy; is less American; is less human. Every time the economy is down, or when there's war, or when there's a natural disaster, they take the opportunity to stoke any tendency toward grievances, and they give their viewers a target - Democrats or immigrants or people of color or the LGBTQ+ community. And their viewers believe it because they heard it on the "news." And as echo chambers have become more prevalent, it's even easier for them to believe the wildest conspiracies because they're seeing the stories in multiple places. They don't know that their news sources are all skewed, and they don't care. And of course, there's a massive problem with disengagement from the process. Too many people don't even bother to vote, or they decide whom they'll vote for as they are in the booth filling out their ballot. They just choose to be checked out, completely abdicating their responsibility as a citizen eligible to vote in this country. Then, there are the voters who want to vote but they can't take the time off work to stand in a line for an hour or more (and in some cases, many hours), or who do stand in that line and then there's a problem with the machines, or they were purged from the rolls. Between the electoral college, gerrymandering, and the cap of 435 on the House, there are numerous ways in which segments of the population are disenfranchised. These voter suppression efforts only add to it.
Personally, I was stunned at the result. I was as enthusiastic about this campaign as I have ever been, and I thought she hit almost all the right notes. And honestly, given trump's comments about cheating and "I have all the votes I need," and given his ties to Russia and to Musk/tech/voting machines, I would not be at all surprised if there was cheating. I am not making accusations because I don't have enough knowledge about the data to point to specific irregularities; I would like to believe that if there are irregularities, someone is quietly investigating and they are keeping it under the radar until they know more. But I would also not be at all surprised to learn that there was no foul play; it was just a matter of an electorate with, as you said, shitty priorities and shitty principles.
I don't want to continue to lose elections - of course not. I want our country to stop sabotaging itself and to actually care about helping people to build better lives for themselves. I want to find a way to actually get voters to do their job as participants in our electoral process. But I fear that it isn't simply a matter of politics or messaging; it would involve completely dismantling a system of indoctrination that the Republicans have been building for multiple generations.
(121,337 posts)LisaL
(46,996 posts)We should be reaching to this group or to that group. How about they reach to us.
The electorate wanted Trump? They got him.
Now let them enjoy the fruits of their labor.
(5,039 posts)Seems like humans want someone to do the thinking for them.
Along with a healthy dose of racism and misogyny.
I've been wrong twice now.
But I sure as he'll won't give up.
(302 posts)The choice:
* Depravity and dictatorship (MAGA Trump/Vance)
* Decency and democracy (Prosecutor Harris/Coach Walz)
Simple as that. Everything else is just spin. Sick, disgusting, disgraceful spin. The price of eggs? LOL What MAGA bullshit. BTW: Haven't heard of any cigarette companies or liquor stores going out of business lately, so I guess the MAGAts can still afford the necessities . . . But the guy who ruined the economy once and who has led SIX companies, including THREE casinos into bankruptcy is going to fix an economy that ain't broken.
Never has there been a candidate for president who was such a thoroughly evil, ignorant, racist thug--a convicted felon who tried to overthrow the country, stole classified documents, and tried to convince state officials to find the votes he knew he lacked to win in 2020. All of this--and much, much more--was on public display for years. We have recordings and videos. We had the Jan. 6 bipartisan commission lay everything out there. We had the top generals from his first administration say Trump was "a fascist to the core." Most of his top administration officials came out publicly against him. The Cheneys said he was a danger to the nation. Trump defiles Arlington National Cemetery and the Bible, using them as campaign props. He says Putin should do "whatever the hell he wants" in Ukraine and beyond. He says he's going to gut Social Security, Medicare, and Obamacare. He's going to jail his political opponents and says Liz Cheney should face a firing squad.
Hell, in 2016 JD Vance correctly said Trump was "America's Hitler." And Marco Rubio, son of immigrants, said Trump "was a con man." Now Vance is VP to America's Hitler and Rubio is kissing his ass in hopes of getting a cabinet post.
"We don't need your votes. We've got enough votes already," Trump said. Vlad took care of that, I guess, or this country isn't worth saving.
(5,125 posts)You know, there is no fix for ignorance, and stupidity.
(16,836 posts)LAS14
(14,971 posts)Martin68
(24,936 posts)respect for power.
(1,704 posts)I've been trying to figure out why all these post-mortems are grating on me so much.
I couldn't really elucidate, but I think you got it. It was kind of 2-fold:
1) If you're old enough to vote, you're old enough to know rape and treason are bad.
2) In at least 99% of the "analyses" I've seen, it seems to boil down to: Democrats should have done "this".......but if you look, they WERE doing "this," or at least were MILES ahead of the republicans on whatever the "this" that particular analyst is pushing.
(23,230 posts)I am a Democrat and so for over 50 years now I have always voted for the Democratic candidate. To do otherwise makes you an Independent or a Liberal, but not a Democrat. I am thoroughly ashamed of anyone who calls themselves a Democrat and did not vote for Harris.
(4,048 posts)There is a huge cohort of people having a hard time just surviving. Partial credits to buy something is meaning less to the 40% of our citizens who can't handle a $400 emergency expense, even trying to get help from friends and family. The damage of reducing the Wealthy's taxes and creating pools of tax differed capital in Hedge Funds and Private Equity that is now nearly 1/4 of our entire economy, we are in a very serious crisis.
(15,550 posts)RandomNumbers
(18,396 posts)You have stated more eloquently than I could, exactly what I have been thinking.
It is on the people who voted for him. A fucking ham sandwich should have beaten Trump. And that Harris didn't, isn't because she campaigned worse than a ham sandwich would have.
(not saying Dems couldn't do some things better in a REAL contest against a reasonable candidate. But this wasn't that.)
Progressive dog
(7,353 posts)It is frightening..
(266 posts)Im disappointed and ashamed I the majority of this electorate that voted for that circus peanut.
(266 posts)Im disappointed and ashamed of the majority of this electorate that voted for that circus peanut.
(85,162 posts)Or a trash heap with a yellow mop head at the top.