I used to have a great gift for convincing people
but that was before the Trump era. When both sides were dealing with the same facts, it was a lot easier to convince others. I also found that even in the Bush years (both father and son), all of that was easier. Both Obama elections had men who had respect for the country, the system and each other.
Once that piece of shit Trump entered the scene, the conversations turned to me having to prove a negative. That wild conspiracy theories entered the discussion. Facts were questioned as "fake news". It seemed like, overnight, I lost my ability to convince anyone other than a person who agreed with me. I was no longer speaking to a perspective voter, but a member of a cult.
That was a time when I was politically active and canvassing as a union rep. I have since retired and have moved to the Philippines. The best thing here is very few people are that interested in American politics, although I do get the occasional question about my opinion of Trump. Once I give it the conversation ends. I never know if they agree, disagree or just want the opinion of an American.