General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsAt this time I am focused on practicing self care, love and building a community
of people in my geographic circle who are of like minds to support one another.
This really is a good use of time and in its own way subversive in this moment and environment.
It is taking a lot of energy to try and remove myself from the way I usually would have reacted. But we are in a place where the usual tactics will not work.
One other thing I will be doing is spending nearly zero dollars on anything but food and gas and my normal household bills.
I will of course be checking into DU and spouting off when the moment calls to me.
Love you all after nearly 20 years, you are my online community and a steady rock throughout. Somehow we will make it through this. Do not let this sick man rob you of your happiness in your life.
(36,729 posts)That is a depressing thought, but realistic
boston bean
(36,534 posts)Walleye
(36,729 posts)boston bean
(36,534 posts)Fun in life. Dont let this mad man take that away from you. 💕💕💕
(36,729 posts)boston bean
(36,534 posts)And there is probably good reason for us to feel that way. This is why I think it is subversive to not allow them to strip all of your happiness from us. That doesnt mean our values or morals are unimportant to us. They are paramount. So we will continue them at this time with people who hold the same values dear.
That is how we keep our vision alive. How we keep ourselves alive to fight another day.
(5,621 posts)Im gonna resist in as many way as possible for a 76 year old man, and Im gonna have as much fun as I can while doing it. There are people here who support this pov, and my family and friends are like minded.
No Fascists
I do not like those assholes.
(13,486 posts)Katinfl
(273 posts)I am 77, husband is 78. I never really thought about it before last week, but now it is beginning to sink in. I would love to live long enough to see the demise of trump, but we are basically the same age so that is questionable. Its been a rough week.
(273 posts)Instead, I'm going to reach for inspiration from that thought to outlive him and see our democracy rise from the ashes.
Prairie Gates
(3,661 posts)Great post!
Outrage and constantly posting the various shenanigans and nonsense plays into the spectacle. We have to train ourselves to react differently.
(15,584 posts)mgardener
(1,929 posts)I don't post much, but I appreciate all of you!
(14,358 posts)Thanks.
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(33,647 posts)more pizza.
(15,320 posts)so she gets her thrill by doing this?
(4,194 posts)I have enjoyed your posts.
boston bean
(36,534 posts)This new focus is really hard to practice, I might have some failures. LOL
(10,411 posts)I sometimes wonder if social media create a problem because it makes it extremely easy to focus solely on macro issues while ignoring the local. You come home, you log on, and "What's happening in the wide world!" But at the end of the day, we only have so much individual power. We can vote, donate, volunteer for national causes. Whatever happens happens. There is only so much personal control we have.
But in our own lives - social, familial, professional, and community - we have a great deal of control over what kind of daily environment we want to live in. Good friends, good hobbies, good causes, good projects where we can tangibly reap the rewards our efforts earn.
I am loving my career change to nursing. Been doing clinicals in long-term care and rehab facilities. Absolutely loving it. Love interacting with the patients, being able to make their day better, interacting with them, trying to be a positive presence, trying to make their lives easier and improve their health where possible. And the benefits are tangible right away. You get that feedback, because we mutually become each other's best part of the day.
Yeah, there's rough spots. Tough cases, admins who you want to roll your eyes at every ten seconds, but it feels like I'm accomplishing useful things in the moment, every day, just by virtue of getting out there.
I wish for everyone to find something in their lives that gives that kind of feeling, no matter what it is. Where you can go do things and get that positive satisfaction regularly as feedback.
Generativity is an important component of human development as we get older.
(6,318 posts)was President, I woke up with a pit in my stomach every morning worrying about what new nightmare he was unleashing on the country. I refuse to go through that again.
(34,941 posts)Bumbles
(273 posts)My poodle Daphne and cats, Beans and Bosco, are showing me the way.
I'll finish my dry stream bed before snow flies so it's a vision of peace and beauty when spring comes and the many hundreds of bulbs I planted in anticipation bring color to a previous gray winter landscape.
I'll read many of the books that I've set aside to get to someday. That day has come, and I will revel in turns of phrase, perspective, escape, and knowledge many will present.
I'm looking at headlines, but not investing hours in reading in depth the post-election analyses. Hardest of all, I'm not tuning in to Nicole, Rachel, and Lawrence. I will again, perhaps once the dust has cleared a bit. I'm finding other sources for information, which is broadening my reach, since our mainstream media rarely covers the rest of the globe, and much is going on in the rest of the world. Sadly, also not uplifting. So, I found a "good news" site for more positive feeling. If all else fails, cat and dog videos will always work to get unfunked. That's with an "n".
(1,624 posts)Self-care is paramount because we're in this for the long haul.
Hyper-local community building is my focus.
During the pandemic, I tried to launch a Mutual Aid group here in this middle class mostly white neighborhood. It fell flat, with one homeowner commenting "I think we're all set here" (without an apparent thought that certainly everyone was NOT set).
So I started a Little Free Pantry, something that I could run by myself and which IS about community building and cohesion and connection. It relies on donations and so it does the the community a chance to work together.
Now in times that REALLY call for solidarity and mutual aid, I still don't think my neighbors are ready to organize much. So I have started a card-playing group, explicitly welcoming to all, as a first step. Next will be a Snow Shovel Brigade. And along the way, I hope to connect with like-minded folk who see that we have to rally together to withstand the coming force.
Really appreciate DU for so many reasons!
(724 posts)fighting in the back seat on the long trip to see my MIL, we stopped at a convenience store. The man behind the counter, who looked and sounded like Rafael Warnock, saw the looks on our faces and said, Dont let the devil steal your joy.
Im remembering that now, as I refuse to watch TV news and only skim the headlines. Im in my 70s and am concentrating on things that add positive value to life. That will include contributing to Dem causes/candidates and just living my life the best I can.
(5,028 posts)it's that joy is a strategy. Don't let anyone take that from you.
(2,890 posts)Scrivener7
(53,447 posts)boston bean
(36,534 posts)Clouds Passing
(3,110 posts)There are too many headlines here of Dump & Co. They are too triggering and depressing. I may give up all news in the next few weeks or months. Did that for a long time after 2016, only to return after Joe stepped aside.
We all must stick together. We must live our lives in sane ways. That brings happiness.
(388 posts)Thanks for your words of advice. The election has traumatized me like the strike of a taser, painfully jolting me into nearly a catatonic state. I am trying to shake it off, slowly rising back up and clenching my fists to prepare for the impending fight. I have come to realize that I can neither fight all of my enemies nor defend all of my causes. I don't have the energy or life space anymore. I can not again survive the all-encompassing agony of my past rejection of everything MAGA. It drained my life force.
The Biden years helped revive me, only to pass too quickly. How can I fight the fight and still have some aspects of life to enjoy? I think maybe the best I can do is to pick a cause to defend. Women's rights? Immigrant defense? Children's education? This way I could stop my total descension into the hellhole of life ruled by MAGA. I may impose a daily time limit of reading and watching news, concentrating on how I might most effectively soldier on with my own actions and limited money to contribute.
My ability to DO ANYTHING is minimal, but the irritation of one tiny thorn amongst many can help take down a giant opponent.
I must also pledge to help myself. Enjoy my life in some respects. Love my tiny ring of like-minded family. Find a friend or two. Cherish my cats. Pursue my positive and fun interests. Try to live.
(867 posts)We are starting to focus on getting rid of Youngkin. I am glad to see more people on DU getting rid , Facebook , twitter, msnbc and the traditional print media. We have to find and support new ways of getting information. This election gave us the push we needed to make that change. I refuse to get wrapped up in this mans crazy making . I will fight locally and be very discerning about which media I support.