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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMegan McCain's husband has a slight problem with Matt Gaetz
I realize that we are occasionally given to hyperbole about the untoward nature of politicians, but let me be clear: Matt Gaetz is a sex trafficking drug addicted piece of shit. He is abhorrent. His eyes are permanently rimmed with the red rings of chemical boosters. In person, he smells like overexposed Axe Body Spray and stale Astroglide. The fact that he boasted on the floor to multiple colleagues in the House of Representatives of his methods of crushing Viagra and high test Red Bull to maintain his erection through his orgiastic evenings is perhaps the least offensive of his many crimes against womanhood and Christian faith. The man has less principles than your average fentanyl addicted hobo. He likes them underage and hes not ashamed about it. Matt Gaetz isnt just your average extreme Florida MAGA Man, hes a hypocritical ass with the worst Botox money can buy, pursuing an ever-thinner nose and higher cheekbones at every opportunity like a Real Housewife gone mad for fillers. Every Republican in Washington has an opinion about Matt Gaetz, and 99 percent of those opinions are Keep Matt Gaetz away from my wife/daughter/friend and anyone I care about. He is a walking genital, warts included as a bonus. If I was merely attempting to count the number of women I know who have had bad experiences with Matt Gaetz, I would run out of fingers and toes. If you vote for him to be the Attorney General of the United States, you dont just need your head examined, you need to be committed to a mental institution. The man is absolutely vile. There are pools of vomit with more to offer the earth than this STD-riddled testament to the failure of fallen masculinity.

(161,664 posts)do we have any doubt what these goose steppers will do?
(25,245 posts)ZonkerHarris
(25,577 posts)lapfog_1
(30,474 posts)how would you know what that smells like? Or wait, you are married to Megan... never mind.
(13,463 posts)Meghan McCain is fucking annoying as hell, but I don't get this putdown. She's a pompous, holier than thou twit but these two creeps have NOTHING like the the rep ol' Matt has.
(6,256 posts)paleotn
(19,858 posts)surfered
(4,783 posts)Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)Jose Garcia
(3,049 posts)Eugene B. Meyer is the President of the Federalist Society:
(10,290 posts)markie
(23,113 posts)how do you really feel?
(12,435 posts)That's why Trump likes him.
(187 posts)Now I have an odor to go with the image.
(91,298 posts)
(10,240 posts)Gah...
(40,915 posts)Fla Dem
(26,236 posts)Good, it out there now, documented.
(43,851 posts)madaboutharry
(41,597 posts)an STD-riddled testament to the failure of fallen masculinity.
I say this because accusing someone of having a sexually transmitted disease is libel per se.
(20,822 posts)RobinA
(10,237 posts)he has to prove it's a lie. Uhmmmmm
(41,597 posts)That is the meaning of libel per se. There is no additional proof required other than the statement itself.
(6,615 posts)The same can be said to trump voters. Just replace "Attorney General" with "President of the United States".
I wonder who she voted for?
should not have to pass a purely test. See, this is what gets us in trouble.
(37,562 posts)This isn't a man of principle speaking, it's intra-wingnut warfare.
(65,395 posts)dalton99a
(86,188 posts)CTyankee
(65,572 posts)Hekate
(96,050 posts)paleotn
(19,858 posts)and relieve us of his existence? I don't know how and don't want to know how, but please, just step up and do the human race a great big favor.
(62,471 posts)Yavin4
(36,903 posts)So, do as your king says.
(48,697 posts)Controlling the narrative.
Deep State Witch
(11,589 posts)And Princess Meaghan was such a Trumper, too.
(1,217 posts)She invented a type of book where you kinda talk into an audio device. It is like an audio book without the effort of reading or a podcast without the content.
God she is ripe for scorn.
(1,217 posts)Meghan is the greatest mind of our generation. I will not accept any criticism of her. She pulled herself up from nobody and nowhere to become the most incisive political operator alive today.
Her opinions are a lotus of infinite leaf and we should thank our lucky stars that we get to share in the wisdom of Meghan McCain.
She also loved her dad a lot. I assume he loved her, but to bring this sarcasm to an end I could totally imagine him not caring for that spoiled, entitled, cystic mass,
(1,217 posts)I want to make it very clear to everyone here that I derive much joy from being mean to Meghan and her husband. Their lovemaking must really clear the block.
(6,446 posts)BigDemVoter
(4,570 posts)But I fail to understand why anyone would seek Meghans opinions on anything. Her knowledge of politics is pedestrian & very limited in every way. The fact that she is John McCains daughter is a very poor excuse, as any political savvy McCain may have possessed, was not passed on to his idiot daughter by osmosis.
As for McCain himself, I was no fan. He may have been better than current crop of shit heads, but he was no prize other than the very occasional exceptions when he was willing to do the right thing.
COL Mustard
(7,175 posts)But Matt Gaetz has the most punchable face in Washington.
(439 posts)I think that dubious honor belongs to Jim Jordan. However, Matt Gaetz is second in line.
(9,385 posts)UpInArms
(52,065 posts)Martin68
(24,906 posts)to be committed to a mental institution." The same is true if you voted for Trump.
Response to Ex Lurker (Original post)
orangecrush This message was self-deleted by its author.
(8,836 posts)"It has an odor, Astroglide?"
(6,462 posts)Bartcop even more than I already did.
(15,638 posts)Fall in line Repugs.
(20,071 posts)The Sick F#*k aint much higher up the moral and ethical ladder than Matt Stale Astroglide Gaetz, and lest you ever forget, he is the one nominating that skanky POS for the AG of the U.S., and YOU PEOPLE have been instrumental in putting him back in the White House. So dont take offense when I say get stuffed with your outrage about who he nominates, you helped him do it.
(698 posts)Bristlecone
(10,587 posts)And he will live with the consequences like the rest of it. His rant is meaningless.