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(38,917 posts)onecaliberal
(36,594 posts)stopdiggin
(13,265 posts)devoid of - - well, mostly everything
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,209 posts)Slamming varous entities is popular, but I think recs should not be used like high school popularity contests.
(716 posts)I have always used them showing agreement with the sentiment. Not everything posted here need be a thesis, just a heartfelt opinion that you may or may not agree with.
Nigrum Cattus
(336 posts)They are simply that - An "agreement with a sentiment"
Don't get weird
oldtime dfl_er
(7,050 posts).
(15,584 posts)I agree with the sentiment generally, but it confuses anyone who just randomly opens DU.
I logged on to see if anyone was talking about these very scary developments in the Russia-Ukraine war.
This is starting to sound like the Cuban Missile Crisis:
News has become worse than the average horror movie channel in just three weeks.
So I agree with the sentiment, but it seems redundant given all the insane patriarchs now threatening the future of the planet.
I was just watching BBC and it is one disheartening or terrifying story after another and its the BBC. They have not yet sold their soul to sensationalism so I take them seriously..
It is not disagreement with the sentiment. But I typically recommend posts with ..well..more specific discussion/news or content. Not dissing the sentiment.
Btw I wasnt flaming you. I just wanted to say that silence or non recs in no way connotate suppport of patriarchy. Like the poster above me people have reasons for recs separate from the politics.
(36,594 posts)whathehell
(30,005 posts)about the Patriarchy, she has a lifetime of experience with it as do most women, I believe, even if they're not all that familiar with the term.
(15,584 posts)I am quite familiar with the patriarchy though sometimes I just refer to it as those creeps and their supporters.
But this election has made me again wonder about how information is communicated in these times.
I reced posts like these and still do and after the election I felt that..what does it do? I do feel a bit like that about everything online.
We are all attached to these stupid smart phones and it seems to be distorting our relationship with reality.
Again I am not flaming you. I was merely commenting that sometimes a non rec is not a diss. I rec somewhat randomly anyway, usually mainly on environmental issues.
I felt a bit cheated after the election after seeing all the social media posts and enthusiasm.
It is less about politics than my disillusion with the utility of the net by now. It seems to outright help the patriarchy consolidate power while offering us baubles in return to relieve our feelings with.
And yet I am still here..cant entirely avoid the net these days..but it can distort ones reality.
However DU itself is a valuable resource unlike most social media, which is why even if I take breaks, I come back. I discovered this author just yesterday:
(36,594 posts)Or own. The world needs to take a fucking break from the stupid and hatred.
There are actual legit news sites to visit for news.
(15,584 posts)electric_blue68
(19,664 posts)leftstreet
(36,439 posts)MustLoveBeagles
(12,860 posts)planetc
(8,393 posts)to read a book by a feminist. I'm sorry that my reading list is out of date, but try Betty Friedan, Germaine Greer, and Susan Brownmiller. My observation is that there are a lot of fair minded guys out there who think of themselves as sympathetic to feminism, but who have actually never done the reading that would alert them to the insidious ways patriarchal attitudes invade everything. By everything, I mean all the great institutions of civilized society: religion, the law, government, science, higher education, and cultural norms. Not only are these institutions still mostly in patriarchal hands, but they have been for centuries. I think women could use some male help in untangling underlying attitudes from present and future practice in a number of areas. What I'm saying is that we have been letting women take the lead in de-patriarchizing everything, and men would be very welcome in helping women leaders.
(34,197 posts)Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women.
Everyone on my dorm floor in Spring 1992 had read or was reading a copy of that book.
Might still be outdate for the GenZ's - but it's the same concept today.
(36,800 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,197 posts)He's trying to wrap his head around a non 'la donna' centered culture. He's an immigrant from the Calabria region of Italy. The wife, the mother, the daughter, the Nonna, the aunt, the niece, etc. etc. is everything there.
He's about half-way through and was reading last night and shaking his head.
(36,800 posts)He didnt read it. Of course also, the sexist culture continued (I escaped) and reports from people in recent years indicate its still bad.
(18,542 posts)Im pretty sure thats what led to this Tracey Ullman send up:
On edit: She has in fact made anti trans comments in years past
(8,393 posts)I would have to check on what the comments were. But I would like to specifically recommend "The Female Eunuch" from 1970. That book blasted open a whole lot of women's minds at the time. What effect it had on any men who read it is unknown to me. The book seems to be still in print; even my local library has a copy.
endless summer
(55 posts)Cant remember the number of political meetings Ive attended where you could hear a pin drop when the men were speaking and the exact opposite happened when a woman started to speak. Have also experienced a woman recommending a solution to a problem only to be shut down, then, not ten minutes later, a man in the group rewords the solution to accolades and pats on the back. Insidious is the perfect descriptor because these behaviors are so ingrained and such a part of every day life that people tend to ignore them.
(9,286 posts)jalan48
(14,632 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,522 posts)barbtries
(30,120 posts)right before the election.
i don't even want to tell you how long it took me to grab the correct link and i see it's not perfect even now. aargh
(85,074 posts)And I like what your shirt says!
(30,120 posts)she's young enough to be my daughter at the very least! I gestured to her can I get i picture of your shirt and she was totally cool with it
(4 posts)Around 70% of the workers in this country earn less than 50 grand a year on an individual basis. More than half of those much less. Adjusted for the inflated cost of daily survival in these times, that is an ugly picture for the "richest country in the world." "Fuck the patriarchy" is not a political or economic program that addresses that. It's a meaningless slogan. Women running what amounts to a wage-slave plantation won't address that any more than a wage-slave plantation with men in charge.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,209 posts)markie
(23,085 posts)and still understand the extreme inequality and serious problems otherwise in our culture....
it's ok for people to vent here
welcome aboard if you mean to stay
Quiet Em
(1,504 posts)Fuck it for nominating a sexual assaulter of women who is appoint other sexual assaulters of women because he, his ilk and the people who voted for him have no respect for women. That con-artist isn't going to do a damn thing for people earning less than 50K. Not a damn thing. But hey, the patriarchy still stands. That's all that was important to his voters.
(36,594 posts)SharonAnn
(13,924 posts)whathehell
(30,005 posts).
is NEVER "meaningless". I agree that we need to focus more on economic issues, but we CAN do more than one thing at a time.
(42,522 posts)Why do YOU think a word and concept like patriarchy even exists?
(34,978 posts)or do you have something useful to say?
(4 posts)"Some people never seem to learn from experience. No matter how often they had seen the lion devour the lamb, they continued to cling to the hope that the nature of the beast might change. If only the lion could get to know the lamb better, they argued, or talk matters over. Men and women , do you not realize that the State is the worst enemy you have? It is a machine that crushes you in order to sustain the ruling class, your masters. Like naïve children you put your trust in your political leaders. You make it possible for them to creep into your confidence, only to have them betray you to the first bidder. But even where there is no direct betrayal, the politicians make common cause with your enemies to keep you on a leash, to prevent your direct action. The State is the pillar of capitalism, and it is ridiculous to expect any redress from it."
--Emma Goldman
Five hundred women got up a dinner and asked me to speak. Most of the women were crazy about women suffrage. They thought that Kingdom-come would follow the enfranchisement of women.
You must stand for free speech in the streets, I told them.
How can we, piped a woman, when we havent a vote?
I have never had a vote, said I, and I have raised hell all over this country! You dont need a vote to raise hell! You need convictions and a voice!
Some one meowed, Youre an anti!
I am not an anti to anything which will bring freedom to my class, said I. But I am going to be honest with you sincere women who are working for votes for women. The women of Colorado have had the vote for two generations and the working men and women are in slavery. The state is in slavery, vassal to the Colorado Iron and Fuel Company and its subsidiary interests."
Some of the women gasped with horror. One or two left the room. I told the women I did not believe in womens rights nor in mens rights but in human rights.
-- Mary Harris (Mother Jones)
Lulu KC
(6,059 posts)I am now wordless.
(8,393 posts)mercuryblues
(15,383 posts)onecaliberal
(36,594 posts)gab13by13
(26,120 posts)SilasSouleII
(467 posts)Not scared to say it. Fuck them all.
(2,896 posts)I think the desire to preserve the dominance of men, both in society and economically is the main motive for the increase in black and latino men voting for Piss Wig, even though Shitler is PROMISING to deport entire latino families.
And the other motive is too many men who hate women. Too many of them think women aren't capable of anything, other than being baby incubators and house slaves that they can own.
Look at the policies that the Fright Wing wants to impose: ban both abortion and birth control; get rid of no- fault divorce; get rid of the Department of Education ( which helps distribute funding that supports women's sports and equal access to education for women); cut funding for welfare and food stamps ( which women, especially women with children) rely on more than men. The Fright Wing has been working for years to destroy Planned Parenthood and women's health clinics, even though they provide a great deal of health care for women, especially low income women and women whose jobs provide little or no health insurance coverage.
And, I am aware that, supposedly, a majority of white women voted for Mango Shitler. I'm not excusing them, but many of them have been brainwashed and brow beaten their entire lives, and thoroughly indoctrinated by the horrible churches that they attend. The fact that an ad had to be aired, presenting women who live with domineering/abusive husbands, that they could vote in their own best interests instead of being pressured to vote in favor of men, should be a gigantic clue-by-for, that women are still being oppressed.
The entire campaign of the Republican party has been a war on women. It has been going on for my entire life, and I have 7 decades on this earth.
So, when the institution of slavery was finally ended in this country, was the entire responsibility for ending it put on the slaves? ( I do know about Harriet Tubman, I'm not disrespecting her, or the many unsung people who helped slaves escape).
Or, did ending slavery take the efforts of countless people, most of whom were more privileged than slaves?