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On Tuesday, its city council passed a "sanctuary city" ordinance to bar using local resources to help federal immigration authorities.
LA's public school system also reaffirmed itself as a "sanctuary" for undocumented immigrants and LGBTQ students in a series of emergency resolutions.
Trump, who will be sworn in in two months, has promised mass deportations once he returns to the White House. His chosen "border czar", Tim Homan, has urged sanctuary cities to "get the hell out of the way" of federal immigration crackdowns.
This will be happening in a lot of places, which will be good in places that actually protect immigrants, but bad in places where threats of deportation and the actual targeted deportation of immigrant activists will be used to further abuse immigrant workers.
I'm hoping California and other Democratic states are going to be sand in the engines of Trump's despicable machine.

(6,737 posts)We really don’t need California to turn Red, from voter outrage in 2026 or 2028.
(19,382 posts)They’ve been doing that around the country in cities that have said they will accept migrants as they are a sactuary city. I think they should work with the migrants and bring success to the city and migrants. I don’t think you should be a sactuary city and then complain that you have received the very idea you support. Seems mean. Should not be a half ass measure.
(6,737 posts)California won’t be getting any aid from the trump administration.
California going it alone, will sapp funds from other programs.
In turn you can expect voter backlash at the ballot box to some degree.
Nobody wants to see California in the Republican column.
(19,382 posts)It definitely can handle additional migrants who are in need.
(6,737 posts)The folks on the right are skilled at sewing resentment against anyone they don’t like.
(24,001 posts)Texas government appreciates the help with the bus fares.
(24,136 posts)jimfields33
(19,382 posts)against this. California is doing the right thing accepting migrants who otherwise would get killed in their country and not really have a future in Texas at all.
Elessar Zappa
(16,307 posts)That’s no an excuse for them to bus all their migrants to California.
(91,486 posts)and vote in more tough on crime officials.
(6,737 posts)We seem to be living in very turbulent times.
(931 posts)"According to the city administrative officer, Los Angeles has a projected budget deficit of $476 million dollars, which is made up of $289 million in overspending and $187 million in less than expected revenues.",in%20less%20than%20expected%20revenues.
They don't have the money for that. They need Fed money and with Trump coming in you KNOW it won't be there. And that's on top of LAs homeless issues which are under funded as well. Would love to know where they think sanctuary funding is coming from. Hollywood elites in Beverly Hills and gated communities aren't coughing it up.
(39,367 posts)Assisting them will actually cost money that our police and social service departments don't have.
Trump doesn't even want to pay for existing social programs so he's got nothing to bargain with. He'll probably do something idiotic like sending useless military equipment and Tesla vehicles to local law enforcement which won't make their jobs any easier. But I guess they'll look cool in their Cybertrucks at community fairs until the vehicles start rotting away from neglect in the back parking lots and impound yards.
In the last round of Trump follies our county imagined they might depend on the Federal government to reduce overcrowding in our jails by taking actual criminal immigrants off their hands. Turns out trump is all bluster and chaos.
Unfortunately bluster and chaos are dangerous too.
(14,373 posts)The risk of not doing so isn't worth it.
(3,460 posts)jimfields33
(19,382 posts)If I were a migrant, I’d hop that bus. Texas you’d end up in a camp. Los Angeles, you’d have a place to stay, food and a little spending money. Sounds like an obvious choice.
There really shouldn’t be any negative to this.
(40,085 posts)LA has a tremendous homeless problem.
Where is the housing for the immigrants fleeing other states?
(39,367 posts)Most of the homeless people I encounter daily are unemployable for mental health issues or substance abuse, not because they are immigrants who can't find work. Living on the streets makes mental health and substance abuse problems much worse.
Immigrants, documented or not, tend to find work and housing. Unfortunately a lot of that housing is overcrowded, uncomfortable, and too often unsafe -- illegal garage conversions, decrepit motor homes and campers parked in back yards, entire families living in a single bedroom, etc..
(91,486 posts)It always seems to be about wanting to make a huge public show about how pure you are.
(39,367 posts)It's a practical response to a very real problem.
Yeah, there are affluent and wealthy people who live isolated from the problem, who've never had a homeless person shit on their front doorstep, who are making a public show of "purity."
Nevertheless our federal government needs to put up or shut up. Democratic administrations do everything they can to put up.
Republican administrations just make a lot of noise. The only value of homeless people to them is to instill fear in know-nothing voters and those who suffer abusive working conditions. They don't want to do a damned thing about the actual horrors of homelessness.
Wasting time, money, and resources on Republican dog and pony shows isn't going to solve any problems. It's going to make them worse.
Every positive thing the Democratic Party accomplishes will be framed by the disgusting Republicans as something worse. We don't have to amplify their voices.
(40,085 posts)to counter the mediasphere depiction of blue cities, especially in California, as lenient and full of crime and dirty people.
Clearly we're going to lose on "illegal immigration" in general. The right associates that with chaos and crime.
Ping Tung
(1,735 posts)Bonx
(2,287 posts)